I got a whole show. It's called: Fake Enders! in this episode starring:
Miracle's Son: Mirox (a lvl 3 that uses more or less the same deck)
Ferox (Miracle's wife. I got him because he uses healing a lot too)
Here we go:
Miracle and her son are battling. Miracle is just pwning some noob and her son (Mirox) is getting kicked by a shrieker rush. Miracle comes back home, soon after Mirox, crying.
Miracle: Ooh, what's happened sweetheart?
Mirox: <sobbing> I just got beated up by someone...
Miracle: Ooh, don't worry, come here. <spreads her arms out>
Mirox runs into Miracle's arms. They hug each other. Suddenly, Mirox blasts out:
Mirox: Mum, when will I get upgraded cards? <puts knocked dog face on>
Miracle: <dunbstruck> Yyy... Upgraded cards you say?
Mirox: Yeah, so I can pwn everyone!
Miracle: <lost for words> Oh Mirox, sorry, but it will be only next year.
Mirox: Next year??? Oh mum!!!!!!!!!!! <pushes out of Miracle's hug and runs upstairs to his room crying>
Miracle: Mirox, wait!
<Ferox comes home>
Ferox: <putting suitcase on floor> Hi honey, me and Rainbow just beated up the same noob! <looks at Miracle's stern face> honey, what's happened?
Miracle: Mirox is upstairs in his room crying because he was beated up but YOU are always too busy pwning people with Rainbow! You spend more time with Rainbow now days! I can't remember when last time we went together to pwn someone!
Ferox: <thunderstruck> But, but, how was I supp... <he doesn't finish his sentence as Miracle slaps him on the cheek and goes in the kitchen>.
Hour later, Ferox pops his head in the kitchen
Ferox: Honeyyyyy...
Miracle: What do you want?!
Ferox: I'm sorry for what happened today. If you want, now we can go and settle this Mirox thing and then on Saturday we can go and pwn people together.
Miracle: Yes, sorry, I was really tired and Mirox and that stuff. Sorry. Let's go to Mirox now.
Miracle and Ferox go to Mirox's room.
Mirox: Get lost! You don't love me!
Ferox: Hey hey hey, matey. Don't worry, you know that you will get the upgraded cards next year!
Mirox: Yeah, but I keep getting beated up and it's rubbish being an AI3.
Miracle: BTW, what deck did you lose against?
Mirox: <sobbing when Miracle triggered his latest defeat> Ssshrieeker rrrrushhh... he hhhad tttweeenttty-ooonnnne hhhp llleft.
Miracle and Ferox exchange glances and start laughing.
Mirox: <getting a better mood> Why are you laughing? <cheering up> Hey, why are you laughing??
Ferox: <laughing> Because everyone knows that it is rare that AI3 like you beat a shrieker rush!
Mirox <wide-eyed> Really??
Miracle: I can tell you stories about your farther as an AI3 that will make you explode, my son!
Ferox: Okay, now that everything is sorted, <turning to Miracle>, honey, would you please like to make supper whilst Mirox can accompany me and Rainbow on our people pwning!
Miracle: Oh yes, i'm also quite happy to JOIN you as soon as i'm finished cooking. <glances at Mirox> so how about that Mirox?
Mirox: <cheered up as ever> Uncle Rainbow!! Ucle Rainbow and Daddy Ferox and Mummy Miracle FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAAAAAAY!!!!!!
The End