[09:06:33] Gyrodiot: I think I found... well, I can't find my words. Duo-deck
quanta production is made by 3 Cremations... feeding... 3 Explosions. In a 30-card deck.
[09:06:48] Gyrodiot: *headdesk*
[09:07:28] trozman: that sounds l337 to me!
[09:07:31] RavingRabbid: Add a Fahren, unless you need Lobotomizer, it gets out some damage.
[09:08:18] Gyrodiot: I'm listing the Mono-decks of the Wiki
http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-decks/big-bang-mono-aether-boom-boom/[09:08:34] trozman: @gyro: just delete decks like that lol
[09:08:44] EvaRia: fail
[09:08:45] Gyrodiot: I can't delete :p
[09:08:49] EvaRia: that's not a mono
[09:08:51] EvaRia: xD
[09:09:13] Gyrodiot: EvaRia : .................; you're right *headdesk*
[09:09:25] Gyrodiot: *cries*
[09:09:34] trozman: loll
[09:10:04] Malignant: You can...just delete everything there and put a trollface.
[09:10:59] Malignant: ...
[09:11:01] Gyrodiot: Sure. If I could :p
[09:19:35] trozman:
http://elementswiki.co.cc/decks/mono-decks/big-bang-mono-aether-boom-boom/[09:19:38] trozman: problem solved
[09:20:05] Gyrodiot: ... Wait. They can be deleted ?
[09:20:17] trozman: nope
[09:20:18] Malignant: Lolwut.
[09:20:25] trozman:
i just changed the publication date to 2040... [09:20:34] Malignant: ROFL.
[09:20:37] Gyrodiot: .............
[09:20:47] trozman: if elements is still around then, whoever's managing the wiki can deal with it then >_>
[09:21:35] Malignant: HBs have 30% upgraded cards right
[09:21:45] Gyrodiot: trozman : That's shameless procrastination !
[09:21:53] Gyrodiot: Malignant : Yes
[09:22:24] trozman: @gyrodiot. as I always say,
why leave something till tomorrow when you can leave it for 30 years? :3[09:22:44] Malignant: XD.