[00:30:56] ~Napalm: I get the most epic nickname of all!
[00:31:00] ~Napalm: "Nap."
[00:31:10] ~Napalm: You're day is never better without one! :happy:
[00:31:17] BatCountry: I don't know anything about that
[00:31:18] MatrimKK: I prefer Squiggles
[00:31:24] LifeLockable: curse you rainbow to the depths of hades!
[00:31:30] kirchj33: *noms nap*
[00:31:53] ~Napalm:
[00:32:11] MatrimKK: it makes you sound more like a pirate
[00:32:20] BatCountry: Although I never liked forum competition since none of my ideas ever seem to get anywhere, so I figured why waste my time
[00:32:22] MatrimKK: and thats how I imagine everyone on the intrawebz
[00:32:31] willng3: Oh the shards were horrible.
[00:32:41] willng3: Here vote for the one you think is the most OP.
[00:32:43] kirchj33: Swashbuckling anyone?
[00:33:19] LifeLockable: I'll throw my hat in that ring!
[00:33:20] BatCountry: Aargh hand me your booties matrim
[00:33:20] MatrimKK: Bats you're a weinar in my mind :3
[00:33:21] ~Napalm: I love how RoL-Hope has like a completely inverted FG set from most other FG Farmers.
[00:33:28] MatrimKK: :O
[00:33:36] ~Napalm: Neptune is hard... Rainbow is fairly simple.
[00:33:47] kirchj33: What be a pirate's favorite vegetable?
[00:33:50] MatrimKK: *surrenders sarcastically*
[00:34:02] MatrimKK: neptune is hard?
[00:34:02] willng3: I can never kill Rainbow with PL. I must be doing something wrong.
[00:34:14] MatrimKK: hmmm
[00:34:37] MatrimKK: rainbow is easy
[00:34:42] ~Napalm: Neptune has Flooding. RoL needs those spaces x]
[00:35:06] kirchj33: /doublechecks Napalm's RoL/Hope claim
[00:35:11] MatrimKK: I always thought pirates didn't eat anything but bootleather...
[00:35:20] MatrimKK: ...
[00:35:35] LifeLockable: whenever I play RoL/hope I always get mass CC'd, it got so bad at one point I swear that Osiris played Rain of Fire on me...
[00:35:44] BatCountry: I think they ate a lot of oranges
[00:35:53] MatrimKK: oh and grog
[00:36:11] MatrimKK: Bats
[00:36:13] ~Napalm: lol LL
[00:36:24] kirchj33: RoL/Hope vs. Rainbow = 12-15, RoL/Hope vs. Neptune = 8-5... according the the FG efficiency study.
[00:36:47] willng3: Oh so I don't completely fail.
[00:37:22] MatrimKK: not completely
[00:37:26] Xenocidius: ‹@~Napalm› Not to mention DG.
[00:37:46] kirchj33: Its pretty much a given I won't have an erectocutor in my top 20 cards vs. Osiris.
[00:37:59] Xenocidius: RoL/Hope rips Rainbow apart if your hand isn't clogged with permanents.
[00:38:14] kirchj33: RoL/Hope vs. DG = 16-2
[00:38:51] Xenocidius: I love RoL/Hope vs. DG - even if you're on 1 HP, if you have RoLs and Hope you're still invincible.
[00:39:10] Xenocidius: 8 RoLs*
[00:40:29] BatCountry:
[00:40:31] willng3: One day I'll figure out how to take the Wing Cap inside of this pyramid...one day.
[00:40:45] MatrimKK [»] kirchj33: *censored*
[00:40:49] LifeLockable: I am thinking of my FG's and I am drawing a blank on who DG is supposed to be
[00:40:52] BatCountry: Ok, but no more fun bids in aunction so I'm gonna go
[00:40:52] kirchj33: I need 8 RoLs & hope irl.
[00:40:57] BatCountry: See ya
[00:41:13] Xenocidius: My new favourite quote: "If you have 8 RoLs and a Hope out, It'll take a Miracle for Divine Glory to beat you."
[00:41:22] kirchj33: ‹@BatCountry› Bai
[00:41:24] LifeLockable: see ya BC
[00:41:26] MatrimKK: cu Bats ~~~~<3
[00:41:37] LifeLockable: ahh divine glory
[00:41:49] kirchj33: ‹@Xenocidius› BWAHAHAHA!! That's punny.
[00:41:52] MatrimKK: lol Xenoc!