some people werent good in chat so they didnt get candy :
DK laying down the law
[07:05:27] Svenningen: 30 electrum, no pet, no card.
[07:05:32] DesertKnight: Higs prob gave you that one my guess.
[07:05:42] DesertKnight: *still waiting on spin*
[07:06:28] Svenningen: Higs will never give me karma. ^^,
[07:06:57] DesertKnight: bah the zanz's angel.. not my cup of tea.
[07:07:42] Malignant: *Rolls across Dessert's desk*
[07:07:48] xn0ize: ~ bored~
[07:07:55] DesertKnight: O.O
[07:08:23] DesertKnight: malignant... -_- I've got documents here...and photos..please.. get off.. shoo! SHOO!.. *waves hands*
[07:08:39] xn0ize: O.o
[07:08:49] Svenningen: *bounces in Desert Kniggeth's office*
[07:09:02] xn0ize: DK, can i have a candy
[07:09:12] DesertKnight: O.o ughh Svenningen...
[07:09:17] Malignant: *Hides behind tank* D:
[07:09:35] DesertKnight: The entire chat room is "integrated" to the "space" = (office)
[07:09:46] DesertKnight: *looks at xn0ize* ^_^ have you been good?
[07:10:42] xn0ize: me?
[07:10:43] xn0ize: good?
[07:10:46] xn0ize: no O.o