[01:03:50] Higurashi: I have no problem with that, seeing as I won't be on the receiving end.
[01:04:14] Svenningen: Recieving end?
[01:04:40] Svenningen: oh my, thats perverted. It can probably be arranged. *sends bid for Will and some sleasy comment of his*
[01:05:01] willng3: In bed.
[01:05:31] Svenningen: Short and soft. Like you, will.
[01:05:35] Toimu13: stop being perverted, I'm trying to talk about TITs
Within, Higs truly wants to be on the recieving end. We all know it :>
[22:26:12] Svenningen [»] kitty45: did you write "svenningen" correct?
[22:26:17] Svenningen [»] kitty45: Most people dont
[22:26:37] kitty45 [»] Svenningen: yes
[22:27:11] Svenningen [»] kitty45: copy it from chast
[22:27:13] Svenningen [»] kitty45: chat*
[22:27:43] kitty45 [»] Svenningen: i did\
[22:28:10] kitty45 [»] Svenningen: I wrote sevenningen
Nice copy :>
[21:34:03] Svenningen: Me, plastiqe and Napalm <3
[21:34:07] ~Napalm: Svenn has joined TPvP3
[21:34:09] ~Napalm: be afraid
[21:34:13] ~Napalm: be very afraid
[21:34:18] ~Napalm: we'll hug you to death!
[21:34:38] ~Napalm: maybe not plastiqe... but Svenn and I sure will
[14:46:31] ~Napalm: so wait... what does Svenn do that's kick worthy?!
[14:46:38] vrt: He's Svenn. Easy
[14:47:01] Higurashi: Terrible jokes, mainly.
[14:47:25] aznkid66: svenn is easy?
[14:47:38] vrt: That too.
[14:48:47] vrt: Heck, Svenn's so easy even Kuro doesn't feel like being bothered with it.
and im still having fun with this
[21:17:24] the dictator: When I calculated it I came at 53% of the attacks happening