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Re: What People Say In Chat - Part 3 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=60701.msg1238486#msg1238486
« Reply #240 on: July 22, 2016, 01:14:35 am »
[07:41:49 PM] ‹ValerianFlame› Rustler is op in dual life+light decks
[07:42:09 PM] ‹Guest-Rustler-2e533› nah, rustler sucks
[07:43:18 PM] ‹asdw152› I'd believe it, coming from you
[07:44:04 PM] ‹ValerianFlame› lol

Guest's a rustler.
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Offline DoubleCapitals

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Re: What People Say In Chat - Part 3 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=60701.msg1238534#msg1238534
« Reply #241 on: July 22, 2016, 03:50:34 pm »
Spoiler for Snipped irrelevant posts:
[2016-07-22 22:15:28] ValerianFlame:
ValerianFlame asks Eightball: should I remind discord about the incident with qwerter and iancudorinmarian? Better not tell you now
[2016-07-22 22:15:35] ValerianFlame: Ah shoot.
[2016-07-22 22:15:48] DoubleCapitals: what event
[2016-07-22 22:16:08] ValerianFlame: elementscommunity.org/forum/humor/we-ride-the...
[2016-07-22 22:16:28] ValerianFlame: Scroll down most of the way
[2016-07-22 22:16:55] DoubleCapitals: ah. That.
[2016-07-22 22:16:57] DoubleCapitals: I miss qwerter
[2016-07-22 22:17:02] DoubleCapitals: wonder where the dude went
[2016-07-22 22:17:24] TheonlyrealBeef: I heard he started adding capitals to his name.
[2016-07-22 22:17:36] ValerianFlame: maybe so.
[2016-07-22 22:17:49] Silver_Emerald: Would take a detective to determine.
[2016-07-22 22:18:06] ValerianFlame: Maybe he has a new identity
[2016-07-22 22:19:56] ValerianFlame:
ValerianFlame asks Eightball: is qwerter still alive? Signs point to yes
[2016-07-22 22:20:00] ValerianFlame: Cool.
[2016-07-22 22:20:09] Physsion: hahaha, there are some gems in that thread
[2016-07-22 22:20:20] DoubleCapitals: well
[2016-07-22 22:20:28] DoubleCapitals: Discord x ian is probably still a thing tho
[2016-07-22 22:20:31] Physsion:  thanks, Vineroz :P
[2016-07-22 22:20:33] ValerianFlame: like how the eight ball apparently doesn't like discord
[2016-07-22 22:20:38] DoubleCapitals: qwerter's pretty cute admittedly
[2016-07-22 22:20:45] DoubleCapitals: 10/10 would bang
[2016-07-22 22:21:04] DoubleCapitals: unlike me
[2016-07-22 22:21:21] ValerianFlame: wait. is qwerter a he or a she?
[2016-07-22 22:21:41] Silver_Emerald: /me shrugs. "DC probably knows."
[2016-07-22 22:21:44] Discord: he
[2016-07-22 22:21:56] DoubleCapitals: why me
[2016-07-22 22:21:58] ValerianFlame: figured. Oh wait...
[2016-07-22 22:22:11] DoubleCapitals: also anyone's a guy on the internet unless she explicitly says otherwise
[2016-07-22 22:22:46] DoubleCapitals: ‹@ValerianFlame› TorB never told you, what happened to qwerter
[2016-07-22 22:23:04] ValerianFlame: ‹@DoubleCapitals› What happened?
[2016-07-22 22:24:20] TheonlyrealBeef: I'm having to much fun reading your reactions to spill the secret just yet.
[2016-07-22 22:24:53] ValerianFlame: OK That's it! Someone put this on WPSIC
[2016-07-22 22:24:59] ValerianFlame: This deserves a medal
[2016-07-22 22:25:18] TheonlyrealBeef: ‹@ValerianFlame› You've definitely spoken to him in chat once :silly:
[2016-07-22 22:25:19] ValerianFlame: I spilled powdered sugar on my arrow keys,
[2016-07-22 22:25:30] DoubleCapitals: ‹@TheonlyrealBeef› he did?
[2016-07-22 22:25:42] TheonlyrealBeef: ‹@DoubleCapitals› Sure!
[2016-07-22 22:25:55] Silver_Emerald: ‹@ValerianFlame› That is...unfortunate.
[2016-07-22 22:27:58] DoubleCapitals: eh, if you wanted to, I'd post it to WPSIC later
[2016-07-22 22:28:09] ValerianFlame: XD go ahead
[2016-07-22 22:28:11] DoubleCapitals: I'm trying to friend myself on hearthstone for 4 stupid packs

[2016-07-22 22:44:09] DoubleCapitals: ‹@ValerianFlame› erm, long story about qwerter...
[2016-07-22 22:44:15] DoubleCapitals: I feel bad for saying it but erm
[2016-07-22 22:44:29] DoubleCapitals: Gotta get rid of my demons
[2016-07-22 22:44:33] ValerianFlame: what happened?
[2016-07-22 22:44:36] DoubleCapitals: I was the one who made qwerter leave the forums for good
[2016-07-22 22:44:47] ValerianFlame: why was that? XD
[2016-07-22 22:45:09] TheonlyrealBeef: Yep, DC had a good talk with the admins in how to make him leave.
[2016-07-22 22:45:26] ValerianFlame: did he break any rules or anything?
[2016-07-22 22:46:04] DoubleCapitals: if qwert was still here he'd be silently chomping on popcorn over all this, in hindsight
[2016-07-22 22:46:18] Vineroz: o_O
[2016-07-22 22:46:33] Silver_Emerald: /me sighs and facepaws.
[2016-07-22 22:46:41] DoubleCapitals: ‹@ValerianFlame› wait, rules?
[2016-07-22 22:46:46] DoubleCapitals: let me try to recall
[2016-07-22 22:47:26] ValerianFlame: *qwerter jumps in out of no where*
[2016-07-22 22:47:51] DoubleCapitals: naw
[2016-07-22 22:48:02] DoubleCapitals: UTA (one of the admins) made sure he wouldn't be coming back
[2016-07-22 22:48:26] TheonlyrealBeef: Just search for his name on the forums: "Sorry, no matches were found"
[2016-07-22 22:48:55] ValerianFlame: So he was banned? Erased?
[2016-07-22 22:49:04] DoubleCapitals: ‹@TheonlyrealBeef› he did always complain about not having a girlfriend though. Apt.
[2016-07-22 22:49:12] DoubleCapitals: /me puts on sunglasses
[2016-07-22 22:49:18] ValerianFlame: XD
[2016-07-22 22:49:19] TheonlyrealBeef: ‹@DoubleCapitals› Hehe
[2016-07-22 22:49:50] Silver_Emerald: I expect his name was changed.
[2016-07-22 22:50:11] DoubleCapitals [»] Silver_Emerald: god damn it we were having so much fun
[2016-07-22 22:50:17] ValerianFlame: hey, Theonlyrealbeef? Are you qwerter?
[2016-07-22 22:50:45] TheonlyrealBeef: No sir, I've been TheonlyrealBeef since 7 years on this forum.
[2016-07-22 22:51:17] ValerianFlame: A simple nope would have been fine XD
[2016-07-22 22:51:20] TheonlyrealBeef: My in-game account is named equally, and 7 years ago, name-changes weren't a thing :P
[2016-07-22 22:51:40] ValerianFlame: (I say XD way too much)
[2016-07-22 22:53:13] ValerianFlame: Flesh Spiderman!
[2016-07-22 22:53:21] ValerianFlame: Nuuuuuuuuu!
[2016-07-22 22:53:32] Guest-FireSpectre-2e533: oh wow
[2016-07-22 22:53:35] Guest-FireSpectre-2e533: hahaha
[2016-07-22 22:53:43] Guest-FireSpectre-2e533: ‹@DoubleCapitals› sometimes i love you, no homo.
[2016-07-22 22:54:23] DoubleCapitals: ‹@Guest-FireSpectre-2e533› xD
[2016-07-22 22:54:37] DoubleCapitals: ‹@ValerianFlame› tis fine, I say that a lot too
[2016-07-22 23:00:52] ValerianFlame:
ValerianFlame asks Eightball: Is ValerianFlame a genius? As I see it, yes
[2016-07-22 23:01:06] ValerianFlame: I arr smert
[2016-07-22 23:01:20] DoubleCapitals: ‹@ValerianFlame› word of advice btw
[2016-07-22 23:01:29] DoubleCapitals: look at the WPSIC chat post
[2016-07-22 23:01:37] DoubleCapitals: the one with ian and Discord in it
[2016-07-22 23:01:49] Discord: ‹@DoubleCapitals› wat
[2016-07-22 23:01:52] Guest-FireSpectre-2e533: ‹@DoubleCapitals› what post you on about?
[2016-07-22 23:01:52] Discord: link pl0x
[2016-07-22 23:01:54] Guest-FireSpectre-2e533: link?
[2016-07-22 23:02:03] Aves: There's only one? I'd expect those two to have a lot more than one in there :P
[2016-07-22 23:02:16] Guest-FireSpectre-2e533: hey aves whats up
[2016-07-22 23:02:19] DoubleCapitals: elementscommunity.org/forum/humor/we-ride-the...
[2016-07-22 23:02:37] Guest-FireSpectre-2e533: Which of the following are you finishing this war? First, or not first?
[2016-07-22 23:02:42] Aves: ‹@Guest-FireSpectre-2e533› Heya! Nm, just editing my profile, heh
[2016-07-22 23:02:51] DoubleCapitals: original context: [2016-07-22 22:15:28] ValerianFlame: ValerianFlame asks Eightball: should I remind discord about the incident with qwerter and iancudorinmarian? Better not tell you now
[2016-07-22 23:02:56] DoubleCapitals: ‹@Discord› ‹@Guest-FireSpectre-2e533›
[2016-07-22 23:03:48] ValerianFlame: Beautiful... 10/10.
[2016-07-22 23:03:57] Guest-FireSpectre-2e533: oh
[2016-07-22 23:04:33] DoubleCapitals: ‹@ValerianFlame› and you thought TorB was qwerter xP
[2016-07-22 23:07:47] Guest-FireSpectre-2e533: ‹@DoubleCapitals› should we write it QWerter?
[2016-07-22 23:15:30] DoubleCapitals: ‹@Guest-FireSpectre-2e533› perhaps

Haha sorry to pull that prank on ya Valerian :S
L R L R STOP & DASH & UP & TALK B B A B S(tart)

Offline ValerianFlame

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Re: What People Say In Chat - Part 3 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=60701.msg1238535#msg1238535
« Reply #242 on: July 22, 2016, 03:55:32 pm »
Spoiler for Snipped irrelevant posts:
[2016-07-22 22:15:28] ValerianFlame:
ValerianFlame asks Eightball: should I remind discord about the incident with qwerter and iancudorinmarian? Better not tell you now
[2016-07-22 22:15:35] ValerianFlame: Ah shoot.
[2016-07-22 22:15:48] DoubleCapitals: what event
[2016-07-22 22:16:08] ValerianFlame: elementscommunity.org/forum/humor/we-ride-the...
[2016-07-22 22:16:28] ValerianFlame: Scroll down most of the way
[2016-07-22 22:16:55] DoubleCapitals: ah. That.
[2016-07-22 22:16:57] DoubleCapitals: I miss qwerter
[2016-07-22 22:17:02] DoubleCapitals: wonder where the dude went
[2016-07-22 22:17:24] TheonlyrealBeef: I heard he started adding capitals to his name.
[2016-07-22 22:17:36] ValerianFlame: maybe so.
[2016-07-22 22:17:49] Silver_Emerald: Would take a detective to determine.
[2016-07-22 22:18:06] ValerianFlame: Maybe he has a new identity
[2016-07-22 22:19:56] ValerianFlame:
ValerianFlame asks Eightball: is qwerter still alive? Signs point to yes
[2016-07-22 22:20:00] ValerianFlame: Cool.
[2016-07-22 22:20:09] Physsion: hahaha, there are some gems in that thread
[2016-07-22 22:20:20] DoubleCapitals: well
[2016-07-22 22:20:28] DoubleCapitals: Discord x ian is probably still a thing tho
[2016-07-22 22:20:31] Physsion:  thanks, Vineroz :P
[2016-07-22 22:20:33] ValerianFlame: like how the eight ball apparently doesn't like discord
[2016-07-22 22:20:38] DoubleCapitals: qwerter's pretty cute admittedly
[2016-07-22 22:20:45] DoubleCapitals: 10/10 would bang
[2016-07-22 22:21:04] DoubleCapitals: unlike me
[2016-07-22 22:21:21] ValerianFlame: wait. is qwerter a he or a she?
[2016-07-22 22:21:41] Silver_Emerald: /me shrugs. "DC probably knows."
[2016-07-22 22:21:44] Discord: he
[2016-07-22 22:21:56] DoubleCapitals: why me
[2016-07-22 22:21:58] ValerianFlame: figured. Oh wait...
[2016-07-22 22:22:11] DoubleCapitals: also anyone's a guy on the internet unless she explicitly says otherwise
[2016-07-22 22:22:46] DoubleCapitals: ‹@ValerianFlame› TorB never told you, what happened to qwerter
[2016-07-22 22:23:04] ValerianFlame: ‹@DoubleCapitals› What happened?
[2016-07-22 22:24:20] TheonlyrealBeef: I'm having to much fun reading your reactions to spill the secret just yet.
[2016-07-22 22:24:53] ValerianFlame: OK That's it! Someone put this on WPSIC
[2016-07-22 22:24:59] ValerianFlame: This deserves a medal
[2016-07-22 22:25:18] TheonlyrealBeef: ‹@ValerianFlame› You've definitely spoken to him in chat once :silly:
[2016-07-22 22:25:19] ValerianFlame: I spilled powdered sugar on my arrow keys,
[2016-07-22 22:25:30] DoubleCapitals: ‹@TheonlyrealBeef› he did?
[2016-07-22 22:25:42] TheonlyrealBeef: ‹@DoubleCapitals› Sure!
[2016-07-22 22:25:55] Silver_Emerald: ‹@ValerianFlame› That is...unfortunate.
[2016-07-22 22:27:58] DoubleCapitals: eh, if you wanted to, I'd post it to WPSIC later
[2016-07-22 22:28:09] ValerianFlame: XD go ahead
[2016-07-22 22:28:11] DoubleCapitals: I'm trying to friend myself on hearthstone for 4 stupid packs

[2016-07-22 22:44:09] DoubleCapitals: ‹@ValerianFlame› erm, long story about qwerter...
[2016-07-22 22:44:15] DoubleCapitals: I feel bad for saying it but erm
[2016-07-22 22:44:29] DoubleCapitals: Gotta get rid of my demons
[2016-07-22 22:44:33] ValerianFlame: what happened?
[2016-07-22 22:44:36] DoubleCapitals: I was the one who made qwerter leave the forums for good
[2016-07-22 22:44:47] ValerianFlame: why was that? XD
[2016-07-22 22:45:09] TheonlyrealBeef: Yep, DC had a good talk with the admins in how to make him leave.
[2016-07-22 22:45:26] ValerianFlame: did he break any rules or anything?
[2016-07-22 22:46:04] DoubleCapitals: if qwert was still here he'd be silently chomping on popcorn over all this, in hindsight
[2016-07-22 22:46:18] Vineroz: o_O
[2016-07-22 22:46:33] Silver_Emerald: /me sighs and facepaws.
[2016-07-22 22:46:41] DoubleCapitals: ‹@ValerianFlame› wait, rules?
[2016-07-22 22:46:46] DoubleCapitals: let me try to recall
[2016-07-22 22:47:26] ValerianFlame: *qwerter jumps in out of no where*
[2016-07-22 22:47:51] DoubleCapitals: naw
[2016-07-22 22:48:02] DoubleCapitals: UTA (one of the admins) made sure he wouldn't be coming back
[2016-07-22 22:48:26] TheonlyrealBeef: Just search for his name on the forums: "Sorry, no matches were found"
[2016-07-22 22:48:55] ValerianFlame: So he was banned? Erased?
[2016-07-22 22:49:04] DoubleCapitals: ‹@TheonlyrealBeef› he did always complain about not having a girlfriend though. Apt.
[2016-07-22 22:49:12] DoubleCapitals: /me puts on sunglasses
[2016-07-22 22:49:18] ValerianFlame: XD
[2016-07-22 22:49:19] TheonlyrealBeef: ‹@DoubleCapitals› Hehe
[2016-07-22 22:49:50] Silver_Emerald: I expect his name was changed.
[2016-07-22 22:50:11] DoubleCapitals [»] Silver_Emerald: god damn it we were having so much fun
[2016-07-22 22:50:17] ValerianFlame: hey, Theonlyrealbeef? Are you qwerter?
[2016-07-22 22:50:45] TheonlyrealBeef: No sir, I've been TheonlyrealBeef since 7 years on this forum.
[2016-07-22 22:51:17] ValerianFlame: A simple nope would have been fine XD
[2016-07-22 22:51:20] TheonlyrealBeef: My in-game account is named equally, and 7 years ago, name-changes weren't a thing :P
[2016-07-22 22:51:40] ValerianFlame: (I say XD way too much)
[2016-07-22 22:53:13] ValerianFlame: Flesh Spiderman!
[2016-07-22 22:53:21] ValerianFlame: Nuuuuuuuuu!
[2016-07-22 22:53:32] Guest-FireSpectre-2e533: oh wow
[2016-07-22 22:53:35] Guest-FireSpectre-2e533: hahaha
[2016-07-22 22:53:43] Guest-FireSpectre-2e533: ‹@DoubleCapitals› sometimes i love you, no homo.
[2016-07-22 22:54:23] DoubleCapitals: ‹@Guest-FireSpectre-2e533› xD
[2016-07-22 22:54:37] DoubleCapitals: ‹@ValerianFlame› tis fine, I say that a lot too
[2016-07-22 23:00:52] ValerianFlame:
ValerianFlame asks Eightball: Is ValerianFlame a genius? As I see it, yes
[2016-07-22 23:01:06] ValerianFlame: I arr smert
[2016-07-22 23:01:20] DoubleCapitals: ‹@ValerianFlame› word of advice btw
[2016-07-22 23:01:29] DoubleCapitals: look at the WPSIC chat post
[2016-07-22 23:01:37] DoubleCapitals: the one with ian and Discord in it
[2016-07-22 23:01:49] Discord: ‹@DoubleCapitals› wat
[2016-07-22 23:01:52] Guest-FireSpectre-2e533: ‹@DoubleCapitals› what post you on about?
[2016-07-22 23:01:52] Discord: link pl0x
[2016-07-22 23:01:54] Guest-FireSpectre-2e533: link?
[2016-07-22 23:02:03] Aves: There's only one? I'd expect those two to have a lot more than one in there :P
[2016-07-22 23:02:16] Guest-FireSpectre-2e533: hey aves whats up
[2016-07-22 23:02:19] DoubleCapitals: elementscommunity.org/forum/humor/we-ride-the...
[2016-07-22 23:02:37] Guest-FireSpectre-2e533: Which of the following are you finishing this war? First, or not first?
[2016-07-22 23:02:42] Aves: ‹@Guest-FireSpectre-2e533› Heya! Nm, just editing my profile, heh
[2016-07-22 23:02:51] DoubleCapitals: original context: [2016-07-22 22:15:28] ValerianFlame: ValerianFlame asks Eightball: should I remind discord about the incident with qwerter and iancudorinmarian? Better not tell you now
[2016-07-22 23:02:56] DoubleCapitals: ‹@Discord› ‹@Guest-FireSpectre-2e533›
[2016-07-22 23:03:48] ValerianFlame: Beautiful... 10/10.
[2016-07-22 23:03:57] Guest-FireSpectre-2e533: oh
[2016-07-22 23:04:33] DoubleCapitals: ‹@ValerianFlame› and you thought TorB was qwerter xP
[2016-07-22 23:07:47] Guest-FireSpectre-2e533: ‹@DoubleCapitals› should we write it QWerter?
[2016-07-22 23:15:30] DoubleCapitals: ‹@Guest-FireSpectre-2e533› perhaps

Haha sorry to pull that prank on ya Valerian :S
Gotta love it, considering that wasn't technically on me. Probably was for certain other people though.  ;)

Also, I predicted the future!!!
« Last Edit: July 22, 2016, 04:02:26 pm by ValerianFlame »
I always liked fire. It "warmed up" to me. :fire
Brawl #6: Pyrocloaks.
┴o dɹoʌǝ ʞnɹo ʍǝ ɐɹǝ ɐll pndlᴉɔɐʇǝs' I sɥɐll ʍɹᴉʇǝ ʇɥǝ sɐɯǝ ʇɥᴉuƃ ʍᴉʇɥ ɯnlʇᴉdlǝ ɐɔɔonuʇs˙ (Ɔodʎ dɐsʇǝ ʇɥᴉs ɯǝssɐƃǝ)
No longer active in blab. Contact me through Elements Discord.

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Re: What People Say In Chat - Part 3 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=60701.msg1238614#msg1238614
« Reply #243 on: July 23, 2016, 02:06:28 pm »
[11:03:18] ‹dark_ripper› hello and good afternoon dear elementals
[11:03:49] ‹dark_ripper› do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior C'thulu
Every time a graboid evolves, an elemental gets his wings.
:gravity Guild (old), War 9 & 13 (gen) / :time Brawl 2 & 3, War 7 & 14 / :death War 8 & 12 / :fire Brawl 4 / :entropy Brawl 5 / :darkness War 10

Offline ValerianFlame

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Re: What People Say In Chat - Part 3 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=60701.msg1238784#msg1238784
« Reply #244 on: July 24, 2016, 05:40:12 pm »
So... Nicknames are a thing? If so, then dracomageat is the master of the worser ones

[12:29:17] ‹dracomageat› ‹@morningstar› mind if I call you dos from now on?
[12:29:36] ‹morningstar› ‹@dracomageat› dos?
[12:29:54] ‹worldwideweb3› ‹@morningstar› he has weird nicknames for everyone
[12:30:00] ‹worldwideweb3› :P
[12:30:08] ‹dracomageat› MS-Dos
[12:30:12] ‹morningstar› ‹@worldwideweb3›That's fine, I just want to know where he got it from.
[12:30:26] ‹dracomageat› not everyone, webster, not everyone
[12:30:50] ‹worldwideweb3› true, mine's not so weird
[12:31:20] ‹dracomageat› and fippe rarely has one
[12:31:33] ‹morningstar› Only if I cann call you Dracomaggot.
[12:31:53] ‹dracomageat› occassionally I call him "flippers" but mostly it's just fippe
[12:32:02] ‹AveragePotato› The latest forum post is Silver Emerald (Bans? None.) from Silver Emerald. Post of champions.
[12:32:18] ‹dracomageat› no, wombat was bad enough
[12:33:00] • Silver_Emerald apparently managed to keep 'Silver' somehow.
[12:33:45] ‹worldwideweb3› was draco malfoy accepted or not, btw?
[12:35:08] ‹dracomageat› heck no
[12:35:27] ‹worldwideweb3› dangit

Post was slightly altered due to censored language.
I always liked fire. It "warmed up" to me. :fire
Brawl #6: Pyrocloaks.
┴o dɹoʌǝ ʞnɹo ʍǝ ɐɹǝ ɐll pndlᴉɔɐʇǝs' I sɥɐll ʍɹᴉʇǝ ʇɥǝ sɐɯǝ ʇɥᴉuƃ ʍᴉʇɥ ɯnlʇᴉdlǝ ɐɔɔonuʇs˙ (Ɔodʎ dɐsʇǝ ʇɥᴉs ɯǝssɐƃǝ)
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Re: What People Say In Chat - Part 3 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=60701.msg1238807#msg1238807
« Reply #245 on: July 24, 2016, 09:17:13 pm »
[16:35:06] Guest-Condor-59d40 joined.
[16:35:04] ‹Guest-Condor-59d40› hey
[16:35:09] ‹Guest-Condor-59d40› is anyone on
[16:35:15] ‹Guest-Condor-59d40› is this game fun
[16:35:18] ‹Guest-Condor-59d40› i hate you
[16:35:26] ‹Guest-Condor-59d40› KILL YOUR SELF
[16:35:29] ‹Guest-Condor-59d40› DIE IN A HOLE
[16:35:34] ‹Guest-Condor-59d40› F@¢! YOU
[16:35:38] ‹Guest-Condor-59d40› DWEEB
[16:35:57] ‹Discord› what...
[16:36:18] Guest-Condor-59d40 left.
[16:36:19] ‹Heman› :blink:
[16:36:29] ‹ji412jo› ok
War #10 :life scrub

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Re: What People Say In Chat - Part 3 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=60701.msg1239210#msg1239210
« Reply #246 on: July 28, 2016, 06:32:52 pm »
[15:29:44] ‹Mr_Muffin› what's the oldest deck any of you have ever faced?
[15:30:25] ‹Solaris› ‹@Mr_Muffin› 1k days and then some
[15:30:35] ‹Mr_Muffin› ah
[15:30:43] ‹inthisroom› he must've been over 80
[15:30:48] ‹inthisroom› oh, you said deck

[15:31:07] ‹Solaris› ‹@inthisroom› rofl
[15:31:17] ‹Solaris› YMCA shower rooms... where a boy becomes a man
Every time a graboid evolves, an elemental gets his wings.
:gravity Guild (old), War 9 & 13 (gen) / :time Brawl 2 & 3, War 7 & 14 / :death War 8 & 12 / :fire Brawl 4 / :entropy Brawl 5 / :darkness War 10

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Re: What People Say In Chat - Part 3 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=60701.msg1239217#msg1239217
« Reply #247 on: July 28, 2016, 07:17:08 pm »
[15:29:44] ‹Mr_Muffin› what's the oldest deck any of you have ever faced?
[15:30:25] ‹Solaris› ‹@Mr_Muffin› 1k days and then some
[15:30:35] ‹Mr_Muffin› ah
[15:30:43] ‹inthisroom› he must've been over 80
[15:30:48] ‹inthisroom› oh, you said deck

[15:31:07] ‹Solaris› ‹@inthisroom› rofl
[15:31:17] ‹Solaris› YMCA shower rooms... where a boy becomes a man

This totally IS a deck joke!
Death War #12/TBD TTG Brawl #6/1st Death War #10/9th GP Brawl #5/6th Death War #9/9th MoL Brawl #4/3rd Water War #8/7th DDD Brawl #3/3rd*Death War #7/5th*Death War #6/11th

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Re: What People Say In Chat - Part 3 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=60701.msg1239221#msg1239221
« Reply #248 on: July 28, 2016, 07:23:37 pm »
[15:29:44] ‹Mr_Muffin› what's the oldest deck any of you have ever faced?
[15:30:25] ‹Solaris› ‹@Mr_Muffin› 1k days and then some
[15:30:35] ‹Mr_Muffin› ah
[15:30:43] ‹inthisroom› he must've been over 80
[15:30:48] ‹inthisroom› oh, you said deck

[15:31:07] ‹Solaris› ‹@inthisroom› rofl
[15:31:17] ‹Solaris› YMCA shower rooms... where a boy becomes a man

This totally IS a deck joke!

According to my math, 1000/365= not even 3 (2.739 years). In technicality, it doesn't make you scared, it makes you... well, you know what I mean.
I always liked fire. It "warmed up" to me. :fire
Brawl #6: Pyrocloaks.
┴o dɹoʌǝ ʞnɹo ʍǝ ɐɹǝ ɐll pndlᴉɔɐʇǝs' I sɥɐll ʍɹᴉʇǝ ʇɥǝ sɐɯǝ ʇɥᴉuƃ ʍᴉʇɥ ɯnlʇᴉdlǝ ɐɔɔonuʇs˙ (Ɔodʎ dɐsʇǝ ʇɥᴉs ɯǝssɐƃǝ)
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Re: What People Say In Chat - Part 3 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=60701.msg1239223#msg1239223
« Reply #249 on: July 28, 2016, 07:40:02 pm »
[15:29:44] ‹Mr_Muffin› what's the oldest deck any of you have ever faced?
[15:30:25] ‹Solaris› ‹@Mr_Muffin› 1k days and then some
[15:30:35] ‹Mr_Muffin› ah
[15:30:43] ‹inthisroom› he must've been over 80
[15:30:48] ‹inthisroom› oh, you said deck

[15:31:07] ‹Solaris› ‹@inthisroom› rofl
[15:31:17] ‹Solaris› YMCA shower rooms... where a boy becomes a man

This totally IS a deck joke!
Just gonna put this out there that it was robby who thought of and PM'd me this sig. Here it is for those reading this after I change it:
Spoiler for Hidden:
Someone recently asked me, "Why 'CleanOnion'?" I figured it would draw less complaints than my usual username, "DirtyCarrot".
(Totally not a deck joke)

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Re: What People Say In Chat - Part 3 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=60701.msg1239286#msg1239286
« Reply #250 on: July 29, 2016, 02:55:32 am »
[09:49:47 PM] ‹CleanOnion› GUYS
[09:49:58 PM] ‹CleanOnion› WHO'S UP for some top-quality shitposting?

[09:50:45 PM] ‹Vineroz› Onion is shit
[09:51:00 PM] ‹Vineroz› ^there, has top-quality, and has shit

Go search in war propaganda for litter-al DirtyOnion shitposting. Pun intended.
War 10 :time :time :water :time :chroma 14
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Old avatar: http://i.imgur.com/Zs7LGRT.png

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Re: What People Say In Chat - Part 3 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=60701.msg1239504#msg1239504
« Reply #251 on: July 30, 2016, 03:32:28 am »

[23:27:29] ‹Discord› Oh, Root one one of his rants again?
[23:27:35] ‹Discord› Ok. Well, night all
[23:27:39] ‹Discord› Cya tomorrow o/
[23:27:42] ‹RootRanger› Discord it's way past your bed time
[23:27:46] ‹Demagog› toodles
[23:27:52] ‹ji412jo› didn't you hear? he asked admins to change his name to ''RootRanter''
[23:27:55] ‹Discord› ‹@RootRanger› nah
[23:27:59] ‹RootRanger› Hilarious
follow me at twitch.tv/mynameisjoey

