[16:59:25] ‹Khaleesi› You have my respect as a Queen
[16:59:27] ‹UTAlan›

[16:59:31] ‹iancudorinmarian› I freakin' knew it.
[16:59:44] ‹UTAlan› >.>
[16:59:51] ‹Discord› lol
[17:00:48] ‹Hyroen› I feel like that should be "You have my respect, as a Queen"

[17:00:52] ‹UTAlan› wut wut
[17:01:04] Linkcat left.
[17:01:00] ‹UTAlan› ‹@Hyroen› lol
[17:01:22] Linkcat joined.
[17:01:21] ‹Khaleesi› ‹@Hyroen› xD
[17:01:28] ‹Khaleesi› Why can't he be a queen though?
[17:01:41] dragtom left.
[17:01:37] ‹Khaleesi› He can join me and rule my Queendom with me ouo
[17:01:39] ‹Hyroen› he can be. I feel like one some days.