[20:12:31] ‹Guest-FallenElf-e6334› ‹@Guest-FallenElf-e6334› ‹@Guest-FallenElf-e6334› ‹@Guest-FallenElf-e6334› ‹@Guest-FallenElf-e6334› ‹@Guest-FallenElf-e6334› ‹@Guest-FallenElf-e6334› ‹@Guest-FallenElf-e6334› ‹@Guest-FallenElf-e6334› ‹@Guest-FallenElf-e6334› ‹@Guest-FallenElf-e6334› ‹@Gues
[2015-03-05 20:12:36] ddevans96: Chat and games aren't connected
[2015-03-05 20:12:42] Guest-FallenElf-e6334: yez they are
[2015-03-05 20:12:50] Guest-FallenElf-e6334: ‹@ddevans96› liez
[2015-03-05 20:13:05] flyingcat: So who banned him?
[2015-03-05 20:13:13] worldwideweb3: buh bye
[2015-03-05 20:13:18] worldwideweb3: dd, probably
[2015-03-05 20:13:24] ddevans96: Dunno, I was working on it
[2015-03-05 20:13:43] theelkspeaks: was about to but someone beat me
[2015-03-05 20:14:23] Skotadi_Phobos: Maybe he just left
[2015-03-05 20:15:52] Guest-FallenElf-e6334: hacker
[2015-03-05 20:16:25] worldwideweb3: he is back?
[2015-03-05 20:16:31] serprex: Maybe the hacker banned him
[2015-03-05 20:16:33] ddevans96: Got him
[2015-03-05 20:16:54] serprex: dd confirmed as hacker
[2015-03-05 20:17:12] Skotadi_Phobos: And we can't ban him D:
[2015-03-05 20:19:17] eaglgenes101: um
[2015-03-05 20:19:50] eaglgenes101: wats next
[2015-03-05 20:20:19] eaglgenes101: any peeps from zanz?
[2015-03-05 20:23:10] flyingcat: Yeah, he just left
[2015-03-05 20:24:35] worldwideweb3: off to bed, my leg kills and its way past midnight; later all
[2015-03-05 20:24:58] ddevans96: Night www3
[2015-03-05 20:31:27] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: bonjour
[2015-03-05 20:31:42] flyingcat: hello
[2015-03-05 20:31:51] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: Y at-il jolies filles ici?
[2015-03-05 20:32:52] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: ‹@flyingcat› Êtes-vous une fille?
[2015-03-05 20:34:35] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: quelqu'un?
[2015-03-05 20:34:58] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: :ninja:
[2015-03-05 20:35:22] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: comment colorer mots?
[2015-03-05 20:35:38] Skotadi_Phobos: Please speak english
[2015-03-05 20:35:50] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: sorry i am not good at it
[2015-03-05 20:35:53] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: any girl?
[2015-03-05 20:35:58] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: ‹@Skotadi_Phobos› girl?
[2015-03-05 20:36:25] ddevans96: You're seriously coming onto an online gaming chat room to look for girls?
[2015-03-05 20:36:26] Skotadi_Phobos: Yeah, this isn't a dating chat either
[2015-03-05 20:36:38] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: ‹@ddevans96› oui oui
[2015-03-05 20:36:49] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: je ai trouvé une couleur
[2015-03-05 20:38:15] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: je pense que beaucoup de belles filles jouent à des jeux
[2015-03-05 20:38:25] ddevans96: I don't speak French either, sorry. Not well
[2015-03-05 20:38:38] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: ‹@ddevans96› is ok
[2015-03-05 20:38:43] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: high school knowledge fine
[2015-03-05 20:38:45] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: any cute girl?
[2015-03-05 20:38:57] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: je aime les cheveux de rose
[2015-03-05 20:39:09] ddevans96: Probably not any girls in here right now, no
[2015-03-05 20:39:32] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: :sad:
[2015-03-05 20:39:36] ddevans96:
www.omegle.com/ < talk to girls here
[2015-03-05 20:39:47] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: what about the men attractive?
[2015-03-05 20:39:55] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: i try already
[2015-03-05 20:40:03] ddevans96: Sko is hot, talk to him
[2015-03-05 20:40:21] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: ‹@Skotadi_Phobos› do you have sparkle fetish?
[2015-03-05 20:40:24] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: i love glitter men
[2015-03-05 20:40:27] Skotadi_Phobos: No please don't
[2015-03-05 20:40:44] ddevans96: ...GOD DAMMIT
[2015-03-05 20:40:48] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: ‹@Skotadi_Phobos› you no kissy?
[2015-03-05 20:40:52] ddevans96: /me dies
[2015-03-05 20:41:01] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: Je adore le maître détective
[2015-03-05 20:41:12] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: où est le maître détective?
[2015-03-05 20:42:23] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: ‹@skyironsword› comment êtes-vous ce soir, madame?
[2015-03-05 20:42:32] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: ‹@Skotadi_Phobos› kissy very much?
[2015-03-05 20:42:36] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: ‹@Skotadi_Phobos› :kissing:
[2015-03-05 20:42:47] Skotadi_Phobos: Hello Z
[2015-03-05 20:42:58] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: ‹@Skotadi_Phobos› who is the Z?
[2015-03-05 20:43:00] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: The zoro?
[2015-03-05 20:43:02] theelkspeaks: not him, check the flag
[2015-03-05 20:43:17] Skotadi_Phobos: Nope
[2015-03-05 20:43:34] Skotadi_Phobos: Nothing will convince me of that seraph is not Z
[2015-03-05 20:43:47] skyironsword: Je ne vais pas parler francais.
[2015-03-05 20:44:14] Zblader: Actually I'm right here....
[2015-03-05 20:44:31] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: ‹@skyironsword› but you is cute girl no?
[2015-03-05 20:45:11] Zblader: Who is this guest!
[2015-03-05 20:45:17] Zblader: Why is he trying to steal my love Sko away D:
[2015-03-05 20:45:20] Skotadi_Phobos: You have to be the guest
[2015-03-05 20:45:26] Skotadi_Phobos: I won't believe anything else
[2015-03-05 20:45:40] Zblader: Yes because I am simultaneously in two countries at once
[2015-03-05 20:45:44] theelkspeaks: sometimes coincidences happen though
[2015-03-05 20:46:02] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: ‹@skyironsword› je t'aimeeeeeeee
[2015-03-05 20:46:14] Zblader: ditto elk
[2015-03-05 20:46:15] skyironsword: How does he know who I am?
[2015-03-05 20:46:57] Zblader: Beats me. He prolly thinks ur hot, doe
[2015-03-05 20:47:09] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: what is the "hot"?
[2015-03-05 20:47:33] ddevans96: Fuego~
[2015-03-05 20:47:38] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: Froid?
[2015-03-05 20:47:41] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: Ooooh
[2015-03-05 20:47:44] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: ‹@skyironsword› Tu est froid?
[2015-03-05 20:47:47] Guest-Pegasus-248e5: I left then I come back to this
[2015-03-05 20:48:07] ddevans96: This guest though
[2015-03-05 20:48:19] Guest-Pegasus-248e5: Like Z, but not Z
[2015-03-05 20:49:19] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: ‹@Guest-Pegasus-248e5› the zoro?
[2015-03-05 20:49:47] jonathancrazyj: This is weird. It's like when you get a doppelganger in a film or something.
[2015-03-05 20:50:05] Zblader: <- The "Zoro"
[2015-03-05 20:50:11] Guest-Pegasus-248e5: I just read the part about him entering looking for girls here
[2015-03-05 20:50:15] Zblader: It's funny because Draco calls me zoro a lot.
[2015-03-05 20:50:17] Guest-Pegasus-248e5: Not impressed
[2015-03-05 20:50:24] jonathancrazyj: Parallel Universes have converged and Z meets his Dutch alter ego
[2015-03-05 20:50:47] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: ‹@skyironsword› Voulez-vous me jolie fille ce jour?
[2015-03-05 20:50:53] jonathancrazyj: anyway, bedtime for JCJ
[2015-03-05 20:50:57] ddevans96: The zoro?
[2015-03-05 20:51:01] ddevans96: Night jcj
[2015-03-05 20:51:03] Guest-Pegasus-248e5: ‹@jonathancrazyj› night
[2015-03-05 20:51:04] Zblader: ‹@jonathancrazyj› Bye.
[2015-03-05 20:51:15] Guest-Pegasus-248e5: "Sparkle fetish"?
[2015-03-05 20:51:53] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: ‹@Guest-Pegasus-248e5› yes I am big fan of glitter men
[2015-03-05 20:52:10] Guest-Pegasus-248e5: I'm scared to google it
[2015-03-05 20:52:39] Guest-Seraph-8be2f:
[2015-03-05 20:52:42] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: The skotadi_phobos
[2015-03-05 20:53:58] Skotadi_Phobos: Yup, that's Z
[2015-03-05 20:54:13] Zblader: -_-
[2015-03-05 20:54:30] Zblader: I don't know what that...person is pulling, but I do have him on ignore.
[2015-03-05 20:54:46] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: ‹@Skotadi_Phobos› the zoro?
[2015-03-05 20:54:51] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: ‹@Zblader› hi the zoro
[2015-03-05 20:54:56] Guest-Pegasus-248e5: I'm so scared. Hell, even the chat color
[2015-03-05 20:55:57] Zblader: ‹@Guest-Pegasus-248e5› Don't be, though I fucking swear if he says the word 'bunchie'
[2015-03-05 20:56:17] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: what is bunchie? the angry cat in hat?
[2015-03-05 20:56:29] theelkspeaks: ‹@Zblader› did you stuff beans up his nose?
[2015-03-05 20:57:10] Zblader: ‹@theelkspeaks› I have no fkin idea.
[2015-03-05 20:57:22] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: is not spell fuk?
[2015-03-05 20:57:42] Linkcat: This just made my day.
[2015-03-05 20:57:45] furkannnO: <-
[2015-03-05 20:58:09] furkannnO: it's spelled "furk", duh.
[2015-03-05 20:58:25] Zblader: Damn, I could've kept it going but my girlfriend was staring at me basically going "I'm going to stop dating you"
[2015-03-05 20:58:28] Zblader: Oh wait
[2015-03-05 20:58:35] Zblader: There's nobody in the room

[2015-03-05 20:59:27] ddevans96: Welcome to Elements chat, where my best friend is baka incarnate
[2015-03-05 21:00:06] Guest-Pegasus-248e5: I...
[2015-03-05 21:00:06] ddevans96: /me gives Z manhug because why not
[2015-03-05 21:00:23] Zblader: ‹@Guest-Pegasus-248e5› I've been places since I've left.
[2015-03-05 21:00:26] Zblader: Learned things. :>
[2015-03-05 21:00:34] Zblader: /me hugs dede back
[2015-03-05 21:02:02] skyironsword: 'Would you date me, pretty girl?' in French
[2015-03-05 21:02:05] Zblader: ‹@Skotadi_Phobos› Thanks for taking me seriously, btw