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Re: What People Say in Chat - Part 2 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=32299.msg1180665#msg1180665
« Reply #792 on: February 28, 2015, 02:18:53 am »
Spoiler for surreal chat:
[22:47:00] ‹dawn_to_dusk› so all of the teams are the worst then?
[22:47:02] ‹andretimpa› gaia is jelly
[22:47:14] ‹dawn_to_dusk› so jelly
[22:47:14] ‹Frozengaia› ‹@dawn_to_dusk› yes
[22:47:19] ‹andretimpa› everyone loses
[22:48:07] ‹Skotadi_Phobos› #Lyfe5Eva has a kiwi though
[22:48:09] ‹Frozengaia› ‹@andretimpa› me
[22:48:12] ‹Skotadi_Phobos› So it's the best team
[22:48:23] ‹Frozengaia› Kiwis are for sissies
[22:48:42] ‹andretimpa› ‹@Frozengaia› u clearly wot m8?
[22:49:01] ‹Frozengaia› ‹@andretimpa› It's a lamp made out of jelly.
[22:49:06] ‹Frozengaia› Well, jelly bears, but same thing
[22:49:39] ‹andretimpa› who cares about bears, you are offending kiwi birds
[22:49:49] ‹Frozengaia› ...
[22:49:53] ‹dawn_to_dusk› kiwis OP
[22:49:55] ‹Frozengaia› Who cares about bears?
[22:49:57] ‹Frozengaia› ...Me?
[22:50:01] ‹Frozengaia› ... WHO CARES ABOUT BEARS
[22:50:03] ‹Frozengaia› WHY ARE YOU
[22:50:17] ‹dawn_to_dusk› who cares about kiwis? everyone else
[22:50:18] ‹andretimpa› ursarings are not real
[22:50:20] ‹Frozengaia› HOW COULD YOU
[22:50:28] ‹Skotadi_Phobos› I care about kiwis
[22:50:29] ‹Frozengaia› YOU... YOU... Slightly normal human being.
[22:50:44] ‹Frozengaia› ‹@andretimpa› Every time you say that an ursaring dies.
[22:50:53] ‹dawn_to_dusk› ‹@Skotadi_Phobos› kiwi burdies be cute
[22:50:55] ‹Frozengaia› ‹@Skotadi_Phobos› Kiwis don't exist.
[22:51:01] ‹dawn_to_dusk› and the people are nice enough
[22:51:06] ‹andretimpa› ‹@Frozengaia› hence they are fairy types
[22:51:11] ‹dawn_to_dusk› the fruit is tasty
[22:51:21] ‹Frozengaia› ‹@andretimpa› Fairy means "otherworldly" or "strange"
[22:51:28] ‹Frozengaia› And I'd rather have an otherworldly bear
[22:51:32] ‹Frozengaia› Then a fruitbird.
[22:51:37] ‹Frozengaia› Magical death bear
[22:51:55] ‹Skotadi_Phobos› ‹@dawn_to_dusk› Kiwi birds are the only creatures that I consider adorable
[22:52:13] ‹dawn_to_dusk› i consider them and dogs adorable
[22:52:18] ‹dawn_to_dusk› well no
[22:52:27] ‹dawn_to_dusk› i consider anything to be adorable
[22:52:39] ‹andretimpa› ‹@Skotadi_Phobos› You know Nellie is not a real kiwi bird, don't you?
[22:53:04] ‹Frozengaia› ‹@andretimpa› No
[22:53:14] ‹Skotadi_Phobos› ‹@andretimpa› Yes
[22:53:54] ‹dawn_to_dusk› ‹@andretimpa› wait WHAT?????
[22:53:58] ‹dawn_to_dusk› this whole time
[22:54:03] ‹Guest-Skeleton-248e5› :O
[22:54:05] ‹Skotadi_Phobos› ‹@dawn_to_dusk› It's true
[22:54:09] ‹Skotadi_Phobos› She's a human female
[22:54:24] ‹Guest-Skeleton-248e5› What's a human?
[22:54:43] ‹dawn_to_dusk› oh damn
[22:54:47] ‹dawn_to_dusk› dayum
[22:55:10] ‹dawn_to_dusk› this gives kiwiship a whole new meaning
[22:55:44] ‹Skotadi_Phobos› How so?
[22:56:14] ‹andretimpa› ‹@dawn_to_dusk› Didn't it meant a ship made out of kiwi fruit?
[22:56:21] ‹andretimpa› I'm confused
[22:56:56] ‹Skotadi_Phobos› The kiwiship is an effort to get nel and I to date I believe
[22:57:22] bossitron left.
[22:58:21] ‹Frozengaia› ‹@Skotadi_Phobos› And you just accept it?
[22:59:10] ‹Skotadi_Phobos› Yup
[22:59:24] ‹Frozengaia› ...
[22:59:29] ‹Frozengaia› I have a confession to make
[22:59:34] ‹Frozengaia› I tried to stop kiwiship from happening
[22:59:43] ‹Skotadi_Phobos› Why?
[22:59:44] ‹Frozengaia› By trying to persuade Annele to join Gravy train co
[22:59:58] ‹dawn_to_dusk› ‹@andretimpa› apparently not
[22:59:59] ‹Frozengaia› To make you all feel sad
[23:00:05] ‹dawn_to_dusk› ‹@Frozengaia› you shall be eternally shunned
[23:00:06] ‹Frozengaia› But now
[23:00:08] ‹Frozengaia› I feel sad
[23:00:24] ‹dawn_to_dusk› :(
[23:00:24] ‹Frozengaia› Because none of you feel sad
[23:00:26] ‹dawn_to_dusk› there there
[23:00:27] ‹andretimpa› Shuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun
[23:00:52] ‹dawn_to_dusk› nell chose the team she wanted
[23:01:07] ‹Frozengaia› (Yeah, she did. No complaints there. :3)
[23:01:27] ‹Skotadi_Phobos› That wasn't very nice
[23:01:29] ‹Frozengaia› Someone confession bear this stuff
[23:01:30] ‹Frozengaia› OH WAIT
[23:01:33] ‹Frozengaia› BEARS CONTRIBUTE TO SOCIETY
[23:01:40] ‹Frozengaia› DUE TO CONFESSION BEARS
[23:01:45] ‹Frozengaia› Bears 1 - Kiwis 0
[23:02:03] ‹Frozengaia› >:|
[23:02:12] ‹Skotadi_Phobos› Confession bears are not contributions to society
[23:02:23] ‹dawn_to_dusk› ‹@Frozengaia› kiwis are fabulous people, fabulous animals and fabulous fruit
[23:02:27] ‹Frozengaia› ‹@Skotadi_Phobos› Yes they arte
[23:02:31] ‹Guest-Skeleton-248e5› Confession bears exhibit the worst side of people
[23:02:32] ‹dawn_to_dusk› bears 1 - kiwis 3
[23:02:32] ‹Frozengaia› ‹@dawn_to_dusk› So
[23:02:42] ‹Frozengaia› ‹@Guest-Skeleton-248e5› That's why they contribute to society+
[23:05:33] ‹Frozengaia› ...Internet -.-

Bears are also fabulous people, fabulous animals, and are fabulous meat in more than one way.

Bears 5 - Kiwis 3

Offline andretimpa

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Re: What People Say in Chat - Part 2 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=32299.msg1180667#msg1180667
« Reply #793 on: February 28, 2015, 02:30:52 am »
Spoiler for surreal chat:
[22:47:00] ‹dawn_to_dusk› so all of the teams are the worst then?
[22:47:02] ‹andretimpa› gaia is jelly
[22:47:14] ‹dawn_to_dusk› so jelly
[22:47:14] ‹Frozengaia› ‹@dawn_to_dusk› yes
[22:47:19] ‹andretimpa› everyone loses
[22:48:07] ‹Skotadi_Phobos› #Lyfe5Eva has a kiwi though
[22:48:09] ‹Frozengaia› ‹@andretimpa› me
[22:48:12] ‹Skotadi_Phobos› So it's the best team
[22:48:23] ‹Frozengaia› Kiwis are for sissies
[22:48:42] ‹andretimpa› ‹@Frozengaia› u clearly wot m8?
[22:49:01] ‹Frozengaia› ‹@andretimpa› It's a lamp made out of jelly.
[22:49:06] ‹Frozengaia› Well, jelly bears, but same thing
[22:49:39] ‹andretimpa› who cares about bears, you are offending kiwi birds
[22:49:49] ‹Frozengaia› ...
[22:49:53] ‹dawn_to_dusk› kiwis OP
[22:49:55] ‹Frozengaia› Who cares about bears?
[22:49:57] ‹Frozengaia› ...Me?
[22:50:01] ‹Frozengaia› ... WHO CARES ABOUT BEARS
[22:50:03] ‹Frozengaia› WHY ARE YOU
[22:50:17] ‹dawn_to_dusk› who cares about kiwis? everyone else
[22:50:18] ‹andretimpa› ursarings are not real
[22:50:20] ‹Frozengaia› HOW COULD YOU
[22:50:28] ‹Skotadi_Phobos› I care about kiwis
[22:50:29] ‹Frozengaia› YOU... YOU... Slightly normal human being.
[22:50:44] ‹Frozengaia› ‹@andretimpa› Every time you say that an ursaring dies.
[22:50:53] ‹dawn_to_dusk› ‹@Skotadi_Phobos› kiwi burdies be cute
[22:50:55] ‹Frozengaia› ‹@Skotadi_Phobos› Kiwis don't exist.
[22:51:01] ‹dawn_to_dusk› and the people are nice enough
[22:51:06] ‹andretimpa› ‹@Frozengaia› hence they are fairy types
[22:51:11] ‹dawn_to_dusk› the fruit is tasty
[22:51:21] ‹Frozengaia› ‹@andretimpa› Fairy means "otherworldly" or "strange"
[22:51:28] ‹Frozengaia› And I'd rather have an otherworldly bear
[22:51:32] ‹Frozengaia› Then a fruitbird.
[22:51:37] ‹Frozengaia› Magical death bear
[22:51:55] ‹Skotadi_Phobos› ‹@dawn_to_dusk› Kiwi birds are the only creatures that I consider adorable
[22:52:13] ‹dawn_to_dusk› i consider them and dogs adorable
[22:52:18] ‹dawn_to_dusk› well no
[22:52:27] ‹dawn_to_dusk› i consider anything to be adorable
[22:52:39] ‹andretimpa› ‹@Skotadi_Phobos› You know Nellie is not a real kiwi bird, don't you?
[22:53:04] ‹Frozengaia› ‹@andretimpa› No
[22:53:14] ‹Skotadi_Phobos› ‹@andretimpa› Yes
[22:53:54] ‹dawn_to_dusk› ‹@andretimpa› wait WHAT?????
[22:53:58] ‹dawn_to_dusk› this whole time
[22:54:03] ‹Guest-Skeleton-248e5› :O
[22:54:05] ‹Skotadi_Phobos› ‹@dawn_to_dusk› It's true
[22:54:09] ‹Skotadi_Phobos› She's a human female
[22:54:24] ‹Guest-Skeleton-248e5› What's a human?
[22:54:43] ‹dawn_to_dusk› oh damn
[22:54:47] ‹dawn_to_dusk› dayum
[22:55:10] ‹dawn_to_dusk› this gives kiwiship a whole new meaning
[22:55:44] ‹Skotadi_Phobos› How so?
[22:56:14] ‹andretimpa› ‹@dawn_to_dusk› Didn't it meant a ship made out of kiwi fruit?
[22:56:21] ‹andretimpa› I'm confused
[22:56:56] ‹Skotadi_Phobos› The kiwiship is an effort to get nel and I to date I believe
[22:57:22] bossitron left.
[22:58:21] ‹Frozengaia› ‹@Skotadi_Phobos› And you just accept it?
[22:59:10] ‹Skotadi_Phobos› Yup
[22:59:24] ‹Frozengaia› ...
[22:59:29] ‹Frozengaia› I have a confession to make
[22:59:34] ‹Frozengaia› I tried to stop kiwiship from happening
[22:59:43] ‹Skotadi_Phobos› Why?
[22:59:44] ‹Frozengaia› By trying to persuade Annele to join Gravy train co
[22:59:58] ‹dawn_to_dusk› ‹@andretimpa› apparently not
[22:59:59] ‹Frozengaia› To make you all feel sad
[23:00:05] ‹dawn_to_dusk› ‹@Frozengaia› you shall be eternally shunned
[23:00:06] ‹Frozengaia› But now
[23:00:08] ‹Frozengaia› I feel sad
[23:00:24] ‹dawn_to_dusk› :(
[23:00:24] ‹Frozengaia› Because none of you feel sad
[23:00:26] ‹dawn_to_dusk› there there
[23:00:27] ‹andretimpa› Shuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun
[23:00:52] ‹dawn_to_dusk› nell chose the team she wanted
[23:01:07] ‹Frozengaia› (Yeah, she did. No complaints there. :3)
[23:01:27] ‹Skotadi_Phobos› That wasn't very nice
[23:01:29] ‹Frozengaia› Someone confession bear this stuff
[23:01:30] ‹Frozengaia› OH WAIT
[23:01:33] ‹Frozengaia› BEARS CONTRIBUTE TO SOCIETY
[23:01:40] ‹Frozengaia› DUE TO CONFESSION BEARS
[23:01:45] ‹Frozengaia› Bears 1 - Kiwis 0
[23:02:03] ‹Frozengaia› >:|
[23:02:12] ‹Skotadi_Phobos› Confession bears are not contributions to society
[23:02:23] ‹dawn_to_dusk› ‹@Frozengaia› kiwis are fabulous people, fabulous animals and fabulous fruit
[23:02:27] ‹Frozengaia› ‹@Skotadi_Phobos› Yes they arte
[23:02:31] ‹Guest-Skeleton-248e5› Confession bears exhibit the worst side of people
[23:02:32] ‹dawn_to_dusk› bears 1 - kiwis 3
[23:02:32] ‹Frozengaia› ‹@dawn_to_dusk› So
[23:02:42] ‹Frozengaia› ‹@Guest-Skeleton-248e5› That's why they contribute to society+
[23:05:33] ‹Frozengaia› ...Internet -.-

Bears are also fabulous people, fabulous animals, and are fabulous meat in more than one way.

Bears 5 - Kiwis 3

Spoiler for wow:
Every time a graboid evolves, an elemental gets his wings.
:gravity Guild (old), War 9 & 13 (gen) / :time Brawl 2 & 3, War 7 & 14 / :death War 8 & 12 / :fire Brawl 4 / :entropy Brawl 5 / :darkness War 10

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Re: What People Say in Chat - Part 2 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=32299.msg1180693#msg1180693
« Reply #794 on: February 28, 2015, 07:00:21 am »
Pants or no Pants, that is the Question.

Spoiler for Hidden:
[12:24:50 AM] ‹eljoemo› Hmmm, it doesn't feel right playing with no pants on, gimme a sec
[12:25:20 AM] ‹mathman101› wat!
[12:25:31 AM] ‹eljoemo› okay I'm good
[12:25:37 AM] ‹mathman101› that's when I play at my best.....
[12:25:41 AM] ‹rob77dp› don't mess with your winning formula eljoe!
[12:25:48 AM] ‹mathman101› in shorts not pants :P
[12:26:17 AM] ‹Robsta43› I play card games best on a motercycle
[12:26:21 AM] ‹eljoemo› I'm rocking the pyjama bottoms now, feel like that's gonna be good for me

[12:52:07 AM] ‹Robsta43› Robsta 2-1 eljoemo
[00:52:23] flyingcat left.
[12:52:58 AM] ‹eljoemo› The pyjama bottoms failed me

in answer to:
Maybe that playing with pants on strategy doesn't work as well for you.

Really want to know the context for this one, heh.

Offline andretimpa

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  • OMG how did I get here I'm not good with computers
  • Awards: Slice of Elements 15th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 12th Birthday Cake14th Trials - Master of GravitySong of the Day Tourney Most Creative DeckSlice of Elements 11th Birthday Cake13th Trials - Master of GravitySlice of Elements 10th Birthday CakeArt Competition - RedecoratingSlice of Elements 9th Birthday CakeArt Competition: MS Paint #9 WinnerArt Competition: League of the Battle Champion WinnerArt Competition: Foil ArtWeekly Tournament WinnerSlice of Elements 8th Birthday CakeArt Competition: Paint With Elements - The Elemental AvatarsSlice of Elements 7th Birthday CakeCompetition - A Challenge of Challenges1st Place WC Winner: October 20151st Place Weekly Challenge Winner: September 2015Weekly Design August 2015 - GoldWeekly Design July 2015 - SilverSlice of Elements 6th Birthday CakeForum Brawl #4 WinnerPaint with Elements Competition WinnerSlice of Elements 5th Birthday CakeWeekly Tournament WinnerSlice of Elements 4th Birthday Cake
Re: What People Say in Chat - Part 2 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=32299.msg1180891#msg1180891
« Reply #795 on: March 02, 2015, 01:49:11 am »
Spoiler for chat theology:
[22:40:20] ‹Zblader› I guess you could say
[22:40:21] ‹Vangelios› ‹@Zblader› Nice card Z :p
[22:40:27] ‹Skotadi_Phobos› I don't like what you guys have done to me
[22:40:28] ‹Zblader› He light's Sko's World on Fire
[22:40:38] ‹Zblader› And rocks my world
[22:40:44] ‹Zblader› The next thing I know
[22:40:49] ‹Zblader› Vang will be a water mage in secret
[22:40:51] ‹Zblader› On some random MMO
[22:41:12] ‹Vangelios› but the card is nice anyway :)
[22:41:36] • Skotadi_Phobos is burned severely
[22:41:59] ‹Zblader› ‹@Skotadi_Phobos› Was it the hot fire or the hot body?
[22:42:43] ‹Frozengaia› Sudden realisation
[22:42:47] ‹Frozengaia› Jesus walks on walker
[22:42:49] ‹Frozengaia› water*
[22:42:57] ‹Zblader› So did King Arthur
[22:42:57] ‹Frozengaia› Pickles are 97% water
[22:43:01] ‹Frozengaia› I can walk on pickles
[22:43:09] ‹Frozengaia› Therefore, I am 97% Jesus
[22:43:12] ‹Zblader› So you're King Jesus Arthur
[22:43:26] Zawadx joined.
[22:43:29] ‹Zblader› Makes sense to me
Every time a graboid evolves, an elemental gets his wings.
:gravity Guild (old), War 9 & 13 (gen) / :time Brawl 2 & 3, War 7 & 14 / :death War 8 & 12 / :fire Brawl 4 / :entropy Brawl 5 / :darkness War 10

Offline Skotadi Phobos

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Re: What People Say in Chat - Part 2 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=32299.msg1180900#msg1180900
« Reply #796 on: March 02, 2015, 07:24:07 am »
Turns out Annele saved the chat history of that magical time that would turn into the longest running "joke" in the community. Three years ago...this happened...

Spoiler for Hidden:
[2012-05-06 17:37:52] skotadi phobos: well chat, I find myself in need of a coffin and an IV drip, I'll see you tomorrow if I can drag myself out of bed
[2012-05-06 17:38:02] Gemini: *Builds pillow fort and hides in it.*
[2012-05-06 17:38:12] Annele: ‹@skotadi phobos› u vampire?
[2012-05-06 17:38:32] skotadi phobos: ‹@Gemini› can I have one, coffins aren't very comfortable
[2012-05-06 17:38:47] skotadi phobos: ‹@Annele› no, something from a book I read
[2012-05-06 17:39:58] skotadi phobos: ‹@Annele› and I don't turn into some stupid disco ball in sunlight
[2012-05-06 17:40:16] Onizuka: He turns into THE stupid disco ball.
[2012-05-06 17:40:42] Onizuka: That's right, skotadi is Edward Cullen.
[2012-05-06 17:41:01] skotadi phobos: ‹@Onizuka› take it back or death
[2012-05-06 17:41:21] Onizuka: ‹@skotadi phobos› You can't deny the truth.
[2012-05-06 17:41:39] skotadi phobos: ‹@Onizuka› watch me
[2012-05-06 17:41:53] Onizuka: well you can, but it doesn't change the truth
[2012-05-06 17:42:03] skotadi phobos: I am not dating my lunch
[2012-05-06 17:42:10] skotadi phobos: and I sleep
[2012-05-06 17:42:38] justaburd: interesting date for it to require IV
[2012-05-06 17:44:49] Annele: ‹@skotadi phobos› if u say so...
[2012-05-06 17:44:52] skotadi phobos: and I'm not into drinking animals
[2012-05-06 17:45:15] skotadi phobos: I'm never going to live this down, am I?
[2012-05-06 17:45:26] Onizuka: Nope, Edward
[2012-05-06 17:45:32] Annele: ‹@skotadi phobos› nup
[2012-05-06 17:45:52] Annele: skotadi phobos = Edward Cullen
[2012-05-06 17:45:53] skotadi phobos: damn you oni
[2012-05-06 17:45:56] justaburd: ‹@skotadi phobos› plant sap then?
[2012-05-06 17:46:12] skotadi phobos: I think I need a hug now...
[2012-05-06 17:46:29] justaburd: *hugs*?
[2012-05-06 17:46:43] Annele: ‹@justaburd› get 1 from ur wife, Bella
[2012-05-06 17:47:56] skotadi phobos: ‹@Annele› there is no bella
 [2012-05-06 17:48:29] justaburd: ‹@Annele› I don't have a wife named bella
[2012-05-06 17:48:35] skotadi phobos: ‹@justaburd› so that means you Edward!!!!
[2012-05-06 17:48:45] skotadi phobos: you're*
[2012-05-06 17:49:13] skotadi phobos: ‹@Gemini› have fun, I'm going to continue to be mocked
[2012-05-06 17:50:01] skotadi phobos: night chat
[2012-05-06 17:55:19] skotadi phobos: ‹@Onizuka› I'm denying your illusion
[2012-05-06 17:55:42] Onizuka: You keep telling yourself that. Denial is the first of 5 stages.
[2012-05-06 17:56:26] Annele: ‹@skotadi phobos› ur just denying because 1/2 the wrld hates Twilight
[2012-05-06 17:56:28] skotadi phobos: ‹@Onizuka› oh well that sounds fun
[2012-05-06 17:56:39] skotadi phobos: ‹@Annele› only half?
[2012-05-06 17:56:58] skotadi phobos: I would have thought it was more
[2012-05-06 17:58:03] skotadi phobos: so if I was said vampire, that would mean that I'm famous and that I have lots of money
[2012-05-06 17:58:35] Onizuka: ‹@skotadi phobos› Or Dracula.
[2012-05-06 17:58:40] Onizuka: But you're Edward Cullen.
[2012-05-06 17:58:53] skotadi phobos: this just keeps getting worse and worse
[2012-05-06 17:59:01] skotadi phobos: I hate famous people
[2012-05-06 17:59:38] skotadi phobos: ‹@Onizuka› can I be dracula, at least he kills people
[2012-05-06 17:59:49] Onizuka: ‹@skotadi phobos› Nope, Cullen.
[2012-05-06 17:59:57] justaburd: lol
[2012-05-06 18:00:18] justaburd: sko, I'll hug you if you need one. XD
[2012-05-06 18:00:23] skotadi phobos: ‹@Onizuka› but I don't want to kill animals, people are more fun
[2012-05-06 18:00:40] skotadi phobos: ‹@justaburd› oh please do, that way I can bite your neck
[2012-05-06 18:00:47] skotadi phobos: if I was a vampire
[2012-05-06 18:00:52] skotadi phobos: because I'm not
[2012-05-06 18:01:03] skotadi phobos: and have no fangs to bite your neck with
[2012-05-06 18:01:19] skotadi phobos: *looks from side to side*
[2012-05-06 18:02:01] skotadi phobos: zanzarino
[2012-05-06 18:02:02] Onizuka: Scrape and lick
[2012-05-06 18:02:05] Onizuka: scrape and lick
[2012-05-06 18:02:32] skotadi phobos: ‹@Onizuka› what on earth is that suppose to mean?
[2012-05-06 18:02:48] Laxadarap: ‹@Onizuka› I thought they sucked?
[2012-05-06 18:05:05] skotadi phobos: try number three
[2012-05-06 18:05:07] skotadi phobos: night chat
[2012-05-06 18:05:19] justaburd: night
And then like a cockroach it refused to die.
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Offline Rutarete

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Re: What People Say in Chat - Part 2 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=32299.msg1180941#msg1180941
« Reply #797 on: March 02, 2015, 04:58:03 pm »
Turns out Annele saved the chat history of that magical time that would turn into the longest running "joke" in the community. Three years ago...this happened...

Spoiler for Hidden:
[2012-05-06 17:37:52] skotadi phobos: well chat, I find myself in need of a coffin and an IV drip, I'll see you tomorrow if I can drag myself out of bed
[2012-05-06 17:38:02] Gemini: *Builds pillow fort and hides in it.*
[2012-05-06 17:38:12] Annele: ‹@skotadi phobos› u vampire?
[2012-05-06 17:38:32] skotadi phobos: ‹@Gemini› can I have one, coffins aren't very comfortable
[2012-05-06 17:38:47] skotadi phobos: ‹@Annele› no, something from a book I read
[2012-05-06 17:39:58] skotadi phobos: ‹@Annele› and I don't turn into some stupid disco ball in sunlight
[2012-05-06 17:40:16] Onizuka: He turns into THE stupid disco ball.
[2012-05-06 17:40:42] Onizuka: That's right, skotadi is Edward Cullen.
[2012-05-06 17:41:01] skotadi phobos: ‹@Onizuka› take it back or death
[2012-05-06 17:41:21] Onizuka: ‹@skotadi phobos› You can't deny the truth.
[2012-05-06 17:41:39] skotadi phobos: ‹@Onizuka› watch me
[2012-05-06 17:41:53] Onizuka: well you can, but it doesn't change the truth
[2012-05-06 17:42:03] skotadi phobos: I am not dating my lunch
[2012-05-06 17:42:10] skotadi phobos: and I sleep
[2012-05-06 17:42:38] justaburd: interesting date for it to require IV
[2012-05-06 17:44:49] Annele: ‹@skotadi phobos› if u say so...
[2012-05-06 17:44:52] skotadi phobos: and I'm not into drinking animals
[2012-05-06 17:45:15] skotadi phobos: I'm never going to live this down, am I?
[2012-05-06 17:45:26] Onizuka: Nope, Edward
[2012-05-06 17:45:32] Annele: ‹@skotadi phobos› nup
[2012-05-06 17:45:52] Annele: skotadi phobos = Edward Cullen
[2012-05-06 17:45:53] skotadi phobos: damn you oni
[2012-05-06 17:45:56] justaburd: ‹@skotadi phobos› plant sap then?
[2012-05-06 17:46:12] skotadi phobos: I think I need a hug now...
[2012-05-06 17:46:29] justaburd: *hugs*?
[2012-05-06 17:46:43] Annele: ‹@justaburd› get 1 from ur wife, Bella
[2012-05-06 17:47:56] skotadi phobos: ‹@Annele› there is no bella
 [2012-05-06 17:48:29] justaburd: ‹@Annele› I don't have a wife named bella
[2012-05-06 17:48:35] skotadi phobos: ‹@justaburd› so that means you Edward!!!!
[2012-05-06 17:48:45] skotadi phobos: you're*
[2012-05-06 17:49:13] skotadi phobos: ‹@Gemini› have fun, I'm going to continue to be mocked
[2012-05-06 17:50:01] skotadi phobos: night chat
[2012-05-06 17:55:19] skotadi phobos: ‹@Onizuka› I'm denying your illusion
[2012-05-06 17:55:42] Onizuka: You keep telling yourself that. Denial is the first of 5 stages.
[2012-05-06 17:56:26] Annele: ‹@skotadi phobos› ur just denying because 1/2 the wrld hates Twilight
[2012-05-06 17:56:28] skotadi phobos: ‹@Onizuka› oh well that sounds fun
[2012-05-06 17:56:39] skotadi phobos: ‹@Annele› only half?
[2012-05-06 17:56:58] skotadi phobos: I would have thought it was more
[2012-05-06 17:58:03] skotadi phobos: so if I was said vampire, that would mean that I'm famous and that I have lots of money
[2012-05-06 17:58:35] Onizuka: ‹@skotadi phobos› Or Dracula.
[2012-05-06 17:58:40] Onizuka: But you're Edward Cullen.
[2012-05-06 17:58:53] skotadi phobos: this just keeps getting worse and worse
[2012-05-06 17:59:01] skotadi phobos: I hate famous people
[2012-05-06 17:59:38] skotadi phobos: ‹@Onizuka› can I be dracula, at least he kills people
[2012-05-06 17:59:49] Onizuka: ‹@skotadi phobos› Nope, Cullen.
[2012-05-06 17:59:57] justaburd: lol
[2012-05-06 18:00:18] justaburd: sko, I'll hug you if you need one. XD
[2012-05-06 18:00:23] skotadi phobos: ‹@Onizuka› but I don't want to kill animals, people are more fun
[2012-05-06 18:00:40] skotadi phobos: ‹@justaburd› oh please do, that way I can bite your neck
[2012-05-06 18:00:47] skotadi phobos: if I was a vampire
[2012-05-06 18:00:52] skotadi phobos: because I'm not
[2012-05-06 18:01:03] skotadi phobos: and have no fangs to bite your neck with
[2012-05-06 18:01:19] skotadi phobos: *looks from side to side*
[2012-05-06 18:02:01] skotadi phobos: zanzarino
[2012-05-06 18:02:02] Onizuka: Scrape and lick
[2012-05-06 18:02:05] Onizuka: scrape and lick
[2012-05-06 18:02:32] skotadi phobos: ‹@Onizuka› what on earth is that suppose to mean?
[2012-05-06 18:02:48] Laxadarap: ‹@Onizuka› I thought they sucked?
[2012-05-06 18:05:05] skotadi phobos: try number three
[2012-05-06 18:05:07] skotadi phobos: night chat
[2012-05-06 18:05:19] justaburd: night
And then like a cockroach it refused to die.
We must thank nelly for saving this >:)
And wow, this was from the time of the Swear word-zanzarino substitutions
It is the greatest mystery of all...
Rutarete: Roo tah reh teh
[22:50] <Jyi> meaning gets lost in translation... even in the same language.
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Re: What People Say in Chat - Part 2 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=32299.msg1180942#msg1180942
« Reply #798 on: March 02, 2015, 05:03:29 pm »
Proof that Nel is obsessed with Sko and that kiwiship is a thing
Every time a graboid evolves, an elemental gets his wings.
:gravity Guild (old), War 9 & 13 (gen) / :time Brawl 2 & 3, War 7 & 14 / :death War 8 & 12 / :fire Brawl 4 / :entropy Brawl 5 / :darkness War 10

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Re: What People Say in Chat - Part 2 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=32299.msg1180972#msg1180972
« Reply #799 on: March 03, 2015, 12:19:09 am »

Offline ZephyrPhantom

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Re: What People Say in Chat - Part 2 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=32299.msg1181420#msg1181420
« Reply #800 on: March 06, 2015, 03:43:41 am »
Oh look, yet another dumb chat guest...
Spoiler for Hidden:
[20:12:31] ‹Guest-FallenElf-e6334› ‹@Guest-FallenElf-e6334› ‹@Guest-FallenElf-e6334› ‹@Guest-FallenElf-e6334› ‹@Guest-FallenElf-e6334› ‹@Guest-FallenElf-e6334› ‹@Guest-FallenElf-e6334› ‹@Guest-FallenElf-e6334› ‹@Guest-FallenElf-e6334› ‹@Guest-FallenElf-e6334› ‹@Guest-FallenElf-e6334› ‹@Gues
[2015-03-05 20:12:36] ddevans96: Chat and games aren't connected
[2015-03-05 20:12:42] Guest-FallenElf-e6334: yez they are
[2015-03-05 20:12:50] Guest-FallenElf-e6334: ‹@ddevans96› liez
[2015-03-05 20:13:05] flyingcat: So who banned him?
[2015-03-05 20:13:13] worldwideweb3: buh bye
[2015-03-05 20:13:18] worldwideweb3: dd, probably
[2015-03-05 20:13:24] ddevans96: Dunno, I was working on it
[2015-03-05 20:13:43] theelkspeaks: was about to but someone beat me
[2015-03-05 20:14:23] Skotadi_Phobos: Maybe he just left
[2015-03-05 20:15:52] Guest-FallenElf-e6334: hacker
[2015-03-05 20:16:25] worldwideweb3: he is back?
[2015-03-05 20:16:31] serprex: Maybe the hacker banned him
[2015-03-05 20:16:33] ddevans96: Got him
[2015-03-05 20:16:54] serprex: dd confirmed as hacker
[2015-03-05 20:17:12] Skotadi_Phobos: And we can't ban him D:
[2015-03-05 20:19:17] eaglgenes101: um
[2015-03-05 20:19:50] eaglgenes101: wats next
[2015-03-05 20:20:19] eaglgenes101: any peeps from zanz?
[2015-03-05 20:23:10] flyingcat: Yeah, he just left
[2015-03-05 20:24:35] worldwideweb3: off to bed, my leg kills and its way past midnight; later all
[2015-03-05 20:24:58] ddevans96: Night www3
[2015-03-05 20:31:27] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: bonjour
[2015-03-05 20:31:42] flyingcat: hello

[2015-03-05 20:31:51] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: Y at-il jolies filles ici?
[2015-03-05 20:32:52] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: ‹@flyingcat› Êtes-vous une fille?
[2015-03-05 20:34:35] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: quelqu'un?
[2015-03-05 20:34:58] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: :ninja:
[2015-03-05 20:35:22] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: comment colorer mots?
[2015-03-05 20:35:38] Skotadi_Phobos: Please speak english
[2015-03-05 20:35:50] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: sorry i am not good at it
[2015-03-05 20:35:53] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: any girl?
[2015-03-05 20:35:58] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: ‹@Skotadi_Phobos› girl?
[2015-03-05 20:36:25] ddevans96: You're seriously coming onto an online gaming chat room to look for girls?
[2015-03-05 20:36:26] Skotadi_Phobos: Yeah, this isn't a dating chat either
[2015-03-05 20:36:38] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: ‹@ddevans96› oui oui
[2015-03-05 20:36:49] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: je ai trouvé une couleur
[2015-03-05 20:38:15] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: je pense que beaucoup de belles filles jouent à des jeux
[2015-03-05 20:38:25] ddevans96: I don't speak French either, sorry. Not well
[2015-03-05 20:38:38] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: ‹@ddevans96› is ok
[2015-03-05 20:38:43] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: high school knowledge fine
[2015-03-05 20:38:45] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: any cute girl?
[2015-03-05 20:38:57] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: je aime les cheveux de rose
[2015-03-05 20:39:09] ddevans96: Probably not any girls in here right now, no
[2015-03-05 20:39:32] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: :sad:
[2015-03-05 20:39:36] ddevans96: www.omegle.com/ < talk to girls here
[2015-03-05 20:39:47] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: what about the men attractive?
[2015-03-05 20:39:55] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: i try already
[2015-03-05 20:40:03] ddevans96: Sko is hot, talk to him
[2015-03-05 20:40:21] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: ‹@Skotadi_Phobos› do you have sparkle fetish?
[2015-03-05 20:40:24] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: i love glitter men
[2015-03-05 20:40:27] Skotadi_Phobos: No please don't

[2015-03-05 20:40:44] ddevans96: ...GOD DAMMIT
[2015-03-05 20:40:48] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: ‹@Skotadi_Phobos› you no kissy?
[2015-03-05 20:40:52] ddevans96: /me dies
[2015-03-05 20:41:01] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: Je adore le maître détective
[2015-03-05 20:41:12] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: où est le maître détective?
[2015-03-05 20:42:23] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: ‹@skyironsword› comment êtes-vous ce soir, madame?
[2015-03-05 20:42:32] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: ‹@Skotadi_Phobos› kissy very much?
[2015-03-05 20:42:36] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: ‹@Skotadi_Phobos› :kissing:
[2015-03-05 20:42:47] Skotadi_Phobos: Hello Z
[2015-03-05 20:42:58] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: ‹@Skotadi_Phobos› who is the Z?
[2015-03-05 20:43:00] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: The zoro?
[2015-03-05 20:43:02] theelkspeaks: not him, check the flag
[2015-03-05 20:43:17] Skotadi_Phobos: Nope
[2015-03-05 20:43:34] Skotadi_Phobos: Nothing will convince me of that seraph is not Z
[2015-03-05 20:43:47] skyironsword: Je ne vais pas parler francais.
[2015-03-05 20:44:14] Zblader: Actually I'm right here....

[2015-03-05 20:44:31] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: ‹@skyironsword› but you is cute girl no?
[2015-03-05 20:45:11] Zblader: Who is this guest!
[2015-03-05 20:45:17] Zblader: Why is he trying to steal my love Sko away D:
[2015-03-05 20:45:20] Skotadi_Phobos: You have to be the guest
[2015-03-05 20:45:26] Skotadi_Phobos: I won't believe anything else
[2015-03-05 20:45:40] Zblader: Yes because I am simultaneously in two countries at once
[2015-03-05 20:45:44] theelkspeaks: sometimes coincidences happen though
[2015-03-05 20:46:02] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: ‹@skyironsword› je t'aimeeeeeeee
[2015-03-05 20:46:14] Zblader: ditto elk
[2015-03-05 20:46:15] skyironsword: How does he know who I am?
[2015-03-05 20:46:57] Zblader: Beats me. He prolly thinks ur hot, doe
[2015-03-05 20:47:09] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: what is the "hot"?
[2015-03-05 20:47:33] ddevans96: Fuego~
[2015-03-05 20:47:38] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: Froid?
[2015-03-05 20:47:41] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: Ooooh
[2015-03-05 20:47:44] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: ‹@skyironsword› Tu est froid?
[2015-03-05 20:47:47] Guest-Pegasus-248e5: I left then I come back to this
[2015-03-05 20:48:07] ddevans96: This guest though
[2015-03-05 20:48:19] Guest-Pegasus-248e5: Like Z, but not Z
[2015-03-05 20:49:19] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: ‹@Guest-Pegasus-248e5› the zoro?
[2015-03-05 20:49:47] jonathancrazyj: This is weird. It's like when you get a doppelganger in a film or something.
[2015-03-05 20:50:05] Zblader: <- The "Zoro"
[2015-03-05 20:50:11] Guest-Pegasus-248e5: I just read the part about him entering looking for girls here
[2015-03-05 20:50:15] Zblader: It's funny because Draco calls me zoro a lot.
[2015-03-05 20:50:17] Guest-Pegasus-248e5: Not impressed
[2015-03-05 20:50:24] jonathancrazyj: Parallel Universes have converged and Z meets his Dutch alter ego
[2015-03-05 20:50:47] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: ‹@skyironsword› Voulez-vous me jolie fille ce jour?
[2015-03-05 20:50:53] jonathancrazyj: anyway, bedtime for JCJ
[2015-03-05 20:50:57] ddevans96: The zoro?
Spoiler for Hidden:

[2015-03-05 20:51:01] ddevans96: Night jcj
[2015-03-05 20:51:03] Guest-Pegasus-248e5: ‹@jonathancrazyj› night
[2015-03-05 20:51:04] Zblader: ‹@jonathancrazyj› Bye.
[2015-03-05 20:51:15] Guest-Pegasus-248e5: "Sparkle fetish"?
[2015-03-05 20:51:53] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: ‹@Guest-Pegasus-248e5› yes I am big fan of glitter men
[2015-03-05 20:52:10] Guest-Pegasus-248e5: I'm scared to google it
[2015-03-05 20:52:39] Guest-Seraph-8be2f:
Spoiler for Hidden:
[2015-03-05 20:52:42] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: The skotadi_phobos
[2015-03-05 20:53:58] Skotadi_Phobos: Yup, that's Z
[2015-03-05 20:54:13] Zblader: -_-
[2015-03-05 20:54:30] Zblader: I don't know what that...person is pulling, but I do have him on ignore.
[2015-03-05 20:54:46] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: ‹@Skotadi_Phobos› the zoro?
[2015-03-05 20:54:51] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: ‹@Zblader› hi the zoro
[2015-03-05 20:54:56] Guest-Pegasus-248e5: I'm so scared. Hell, even the chat color
[2015-03-05 20:55:57] Zblader: ‹@Guest-Pegasus-248e5› Don't be, though I fucking swear if he says the word 'bunchie'
[2015-03-05 20:56:17] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: what is bunchie? the angry cat in hat?
[2015-03-05 20:56:29] theelkspeaks: ‹@Zblader› did you stuff beans up his nose?
[2015-03-05 20:57:10] Zblader: ‹@theelkspeaks› I have no fkin idea.
[2015-03-05 20:57:22] Guest-Seraph-8be2f: is not spell fuk?
[2015-03-05 20:57:42] Linkcat: This just made my day.
[2015-03-05 20:57:45] furkannnO: <-
[2015-03-05 20:58:09] furkannnO: it's spelled "furk", duh.

[2015-03-05 20:58:25] Zblader: Damn, I could've kept it going but my girlfriend was staring at me basically going "I'm going to stop dating you"
[2015-03-05 20:58:28] Zblader: Oh wait
[2015-03-05 20:58:35] Zblader: There's nobody in the room :silly:
[2015-03-05 20:59:27] ddevans96: Welcome to Elements chat, where my best friend is baka incarnate
[2015-03-05 21:00:06] Guest-Pegasus-248e5: I...
[2015-03-05 21:00:06] ddevans96: /me gives Z manhug because why not
[2015-03-05 21:00:23] Zblader: ‹@Guest-Pegasus-248e5› I've been places since I've left.
[2015-03-05 21:00:26] Zblader: Learned things. :>
[2015-03-05 21:00:34] Zblader: /me hugs dede back
[2015-03-05 21:02:02] skyironsword: 'Would you date me, pretty girl?' in French
[2015-03-05 21:02:05] Zblader: ‹@Skotadi_Phobos› Thanks for taking me seriously, btw

Spoiler for Context:
Me having a little fun on a security cheque as 'Seraph', following a storm of less than polite guests like FallenElf. Posted here by popular demand. Enjoy. ;)
« Last Edit: March 06, 2015, 03:48:57 am by Zblader »

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Re: What People Say in Chat - Part 2 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=32299.msg1181752#msg1181752
« Reply #801 on: March 09, 2015, 08:29:37 pm »
Guestspeak is a very weird language

[14:55:31] ‹Guest-Lycanthrope-be4f9› oi
[14:55:37] ‹Guest-Lycanthrope-be4f9› oi
[14:55:39] ‹Guest-Lycanthrope-be4f9› oi
[14:55:42] ‹Guest-Lycanthrope-be4f9› oi
[14:55:42] ‹Guest-SteamMachine-248e5› hello
[14:55:44] ‹Guest-Lycanthrope-be4f9› oi
[14:55:46] ‹Guest-Lycanthrope-be4f9› oi
[14:55:47] ‹Guest-Lycanthrope-be4f9› hh
[14:55:51] ‹Guest-FireSpectre-d34cb› oi
[14:55:56] ‹Guest-Lycanthrope-be4f9› hh
[14:55:56] ‹Guest-FireSpectre-d34cb› ugliuygluiublyhvul
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Re: What People Say in Chat - Part 2 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=32299.msg1181857#msg1181857
« Reply #802 on: March 10, 2015, 10:43:21 pm »
Guestspeak is a very weird language

[14:55:31] ‹Guest-Lycanthrope-be4f9› oi
[14:55:37] ‹Guest-Lycanthrope-be4f9› oi
[14:55:39] ‹Guest-Lycanthrope-be4f9› oi
[14:55:42] ‹Guest-Lycanthrope-be4f9› oi
[14:55:42] ‹Guest-SteamMachine-248e5› hello
[14:55:44] ‹Guest-Lycanthrope-be4f9› oi
[14:55:46] ‹Guest-Lycanthrope-be4f9› oi
[14:55:47] ‹Guest-Lycanthrope-be4f9› hh
[14:55:51] ‹Guest-FireSpectre-d34cb› oi
[14:55:56] ‹Guest-Lycanthrope-be4f9› hh
[14:55:56] ‹Guest-FireSpectre-d34cb› ugliuygluiublyhvul


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Re: What People Say in Chat - Part 2 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=32299.msg1181858#msg1181858
« Reply #803 on: March 10, 2015, 11:00:38 pm »
Guestspeak is a very weird language

[14:55:31] ‹Guest-Lycanthrope-be4f9› oi
[14:55:37] ‹Guest-Lycanthrope-be4f9› oi
[14:55:39] ‹Guest-Lycanthrope-be4f9› oi
[14:55:42] ‹Guest-Lycanthrope-be4f9› oi
[14:55:42] ‹Guest-SteamMachine-248e5› hello
[14:55:44] ‹Guest-Lycanthrope-be4f9› oi
[14:55:46] ‹Guest-Lycanthrope-be4f9› oi
[14:55:47] ‹Guest-Lycanthrope-be4f9› hh
[14:55:51] ‹Guest-FireSpectre-d34cb› oi
[14:55:56] ‹Guest-Lycanthrope-be4f9› hh
[14:55:56] ‹Guest-FireSpectre-d34cb› ugliuygluiublyhvul


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