[04:56:46] ‹iDaire› Reflect SoW > SoW Reflect
[04:56:53] ‹iDaire› What now?
[04:57:00] ‹Frozengaia› Reflect SoW is not SoW reflect
[04:57:01] ‹Frozengaia› Thus
[04:57:06] ‹Frozengaia› It is worse than SoW reflect
[04:57:13] ‹bossitron› DOES NoT COmpuTE
[04:57:16] ‹Frozengaia› Cow milk is not a milked cow
[04:57:31] ‹iDaire›
[04:57:38] ‹bossitron› but what is a milk cow?
[04:57:52] ‹Frozengaia› A cow made out of milk.
[04:58:04] ‹Frozengaia› It could be human milk, Cow milk, Goat milk, or another milk entirely.
[04:58:07] ‹iDaire› This chat is far too philosophical for me.
[04:58:13] ‹bossitron› cow milk?
[04:58:28] ‹bossitron› abandon thread
[04:58:46] ‹Coffeeditto› Eating Babies is not Babies Eating
[04:58:49] ‹iDaire› First Evans isn't Laying Down, he's sitting. Then Milk Cow isn't Milked Cow
[04:59:03] ‹iDaire› Too much going on!
[04:59:28] ‹bossitron› but a milk cow made out of cow milk is the same as cow milk and milk cow making them both the same
[04:59:33] ‹ddevans96› Milk cow - a cow used to obtain milk
[04:59:55] ‹ddevans96› Milked cow - a milk cow, that has been used for its purpose
[05:00:01] ‹ddevans96› A milk cow may or may not be a milked cow
[05:00:15] ‹Frozengaia› But is a milk cow cow milk?
[05:00:25] ‹bossitron› CDnSHbdBhsbhBDHBChbHcbhssbhsBSHbchSB
[05:00:32] ‹Coffeeditto› ‹@iDaire› ‹@Frozengaia› ‹@ddevans96› en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dairy_cattle
[05:00:37] ‹bossitron› DOES NOT COMPUTE
[05:00:41] ‹Skotadi_Phobos› what
[05:00:44] ‹Puff› no, a cow is not a milk
[05:01:36] ‹bossitron› ‹@Frozengaia› is aether the same as rehtea
[05:01:46] ‹Skotadi_Phobos› I know how cows work, they eat grass, then eat that same grass for a few more times, then they make milk in that gross milk sac thing, then we drink it because that's logical
[05:02:10] ‹Frozengaia› ‹@bossitron› No.
[05:02:10] ‹iDaire› Lol.
[05:02:57] ‹bossitron› of course
[05:03:07] ‹bossitron› because logic works
[05:04:19] ‹Frozengaia› Sexes are the same as sexes, though
[05:05:52] ‹Frozengaia› Now all I have to do is make the entire chat thing that milk is actually urine and then disturb them all.