[17:23:18] ‹Drake_XIV› So why do I feel like I'm forgetting someting?
[17:23:20] ‹Zblader› ‹@Drake_XIV› Lucky :F
[17:23:20] ‹Drake_XIV› *Something
[17:25:09] qwerter left.
[17:25:16] Physsion left.
[17:25:23] Physsion and Guest-PhaseRecluse-c8a6d joined.
[17:24:02] ‹trashduke› You'll figure it out in your dream... but you'll forget your pants.
[17:24:36] ‹montrossen› Once i really forgot my pants for school
[17:26:07] Guest-PhaseRecluse-c8a6d left.
[17:24:47] ‹trashduke› ^ this guy
[17:25:06] ‹montrossen› i had pants, but they were not my uniform pants...
[17:25:07] ‹Frozengaia› Is that the American pants, or the British pants?
[17:25:14] ‹Frozengaia› ...
[17:25:14] ‹Drake_XIV› Oh, I did that once
[17:25:20] ‹Drake_XIV› Had to go home in a speedo
[17:25:20] ‹Frozengaia› Okay, American one.
[17:25:33] ‹Frozengaia› Kinda ruins it.
[17:25:41] ‹trashduke› what's the british one?
[17:25:55] ‹Frozengaia› Underwear.
[17:25:58] ‹trashduke› pants = trousers?
[17:26:03] ‹trashduke› aha.
[17:26:16] ‹trashduke› I thought that was called "knickers"
[17:26:21] ‹trashduke› by old men....
[17:26:26] ‹Frozengaia› That's female panties.
[17:28:08] Physsion left.
[17:26:47] ‹Frozengaia› Saber Tiger, let's go to the next village and look at the panties, maro!
[17:26:48] ‹trashduke› you all have gendered underwear.... so European.
[17:26:56] ‹montrossen› anyway they went to my knees if thats what you were asking
[17:27:05] ‹Zblader› Leave it to Frozen to know about underwear this much
[17:27:11] ‹Frozengaia› No, we all have female gendered underwear.
[17:27:12] ‹trashduke› lol
[17:27:28] ‹Frozengaia› All the male terms are omnisex.
[17:27:40] ‹trashduke› jock-strap?
[17:27:50] ‹trashduke› ...?
[17:28:05] ‹Frozengaia› That's an entirely different form of underwear in comparison to the typical briefs or boxers.
[17:29:42] Skotadi_Phobos left.
[17:28:20] ‹trashduke› true...
[17:28:37] ‹trashduke› briefs and boxers though aren't very omnisex
[17:28:38] ‹Frozengaia› Jock Straps are designed to keep jock genitalia not dead during sport activities.
[17:28:54] ‹Frozengaia› We have women wearing boxers and briefs around here, you know
[17:28:58] ‹trashduke› panties seem pretty feminine. I'll give you that.
[17:30:30] bossitron left.
[17:29:21] ‹montrossen› all this talk of undies reminds me of when I used them as a battle helmet when I was little
[17:30:47] Captain_Scibra left.
[17:29:22] ‹Frozengaia› Panties is such a cute word.
[17:29:23] ‹trashduke› boxers I've seen... briefs?
[17:29:45] ‹trashduke› I think that female briefs are panties right?
[17:29:47] ‹Frozengaia› Briefs, yes. They're the modern equivalent of Y-fronts.
[17:30:03] ‹Frozengaia› Female briefs/knickers are panties, indeed. They're also briefs.
[17:30:32] ‹trashduke› y-front w/o any y-s huh.
[17:31:03] ‹trashduke› I guess I've heard of bikini-briefs.... makes sense.
[17:31:15] ‹montrossen› wow we just weirded 3 people out of chat
[17:32:46] bossitron joined.
[17:31:32] ‹Frozengaia› Heheheh.
[17:31:48] ‹trashduke› if they can't talk about underwear... internet chat probably isn't going to work out so well.
[17:32:03] ‹trashduke› *handle
[17:32:29] ‹Frozengaia› The sad part about this is, I didn't know I knew this much about undies until I started this convo.
[17:33:08] ‹trashduke› We're all duly impressed
[17:33:11] ‹Frozengaia› Undies, btw, is generally an Australian term.
[17:33:19] ‹montrossen› I love the way conversations just go completely wierd sometimes
[17:35:09] bossitron left.
[17:33:56] ‹trashduke› the old-timers are all private chatting each other like: "damn newbs..."
[17:34:23] ‹Frozengaia› Except I'm no longer a newb.
[17:34:27] ‹Frozengaia› Mu har har.
[17:34:29] ‹willng3› I'm actually still reflecting on the truth behind the statement that panties is a cute word
[17:34:49] ‹trashduke›