UrielElOsO:damn, since when did dive go through dimensional shield
furkannnO:dive doesn'T
Smoigh:you have SoFree?
furkannnO:sofree does
Synxrock:sofrees make everything better
furkannnO:except graviton fire eater.
furkannnO:and antlions
furkannnO:but mostly because antlions are already perfect
Synxrock:antlions <3
Dm1321:Antlion OP as ****
Smoigh:hiya DM o.o
UrielElOsO:then how in the hell did these bastards went through
furkannnO:heya dm, welcome back
Dm1321:@UrielElOsO did you have an antlion on field?\
Synxrock:thats why you lost.
furkannnO:that'd explain it.
Dm1321:No wonder you lost
Dm1321:Lol that was fun
Dm1321:That guy who didn't play antlion on his side of the field
Dm1321:Can't believe there are people who don't use antlions in this day and age.
Smurf123:Yeah, their cost to dmg ratio is so high
UrielElOsO:wait, so I lost the match with damn Pegasus using dive at me while I had Dimensional shield up and I didn't havean antlion?
furkannnO:their HP is good.
furkannnO:their attack is AWESOME
Dm1321:Why else would you have lost
furkannnO:their cost is VERY low