One thing leads to another at Kong… no longer is it Elements The Game or even Shards The Game.
gamingchris: PRAISE THE LORD, fighting a team of guardian angels, finaly got a mind flayer
frozengaia: Which one?
teny: Buffed guardian angels
frozengaia: I mean, which lord do you want me to praise?
gamingchris: the flying spaghetti monster
frozengaia: ...The what?
spartaguy: the god of war
gamingchris: the flying spaghetti monster, it's an accepted religion in the US, since it cannot be proven that it does not exist.
frozengaia: The flying spaghetti monster? Wtf is that!? (Seriously, I'm a nubcaik and thus don't know)
frozengaia: (Except it's from oblivion)
Evan_85: google is your friend
frozengaia: No it's not >:U
Evan_85: It should be.
tribaltroublelol: It would be.
Evan_85: I'm a dog person and I love my dog... But he's still only second to google.
tribaltroublelol: Ehhh
iancudorinmarian: T.T
iancudorinmarian: Poor dog.
Evan_85: Naw, he's an adorable fluffbag of happyness.
tribaltroublelol: Evan
tribaltroublelol: Stop talking about Google. Go pet your poor dog
frozengaia: Google must die.
Evan_85: I'm peting it as I type...
iancudorinmarian: tribal is right.
spartaguy: i dont want gemini to copy my dragon D:
iancudorinmarian: Lies!
tribaltroublelol: no iancu
iancudorinmarian: ?
tribaltroublelol: I'm pretty sure sparta is telling the truth
iancudorinmarian: I'm talking to Evan
teny: Lies!
tribaltroublelol: Oh.
tribaltroublelol: Carry on.
Evan_85: Naw... It's dinner time, he just came to remind me.
Evan_85: That reminds me..
iancudorinmarian: Poor dog.
Evan_85: Nope. He just does.
Evan_85: To hone his sense of time.
tribaltroublelol: He doesn't but he does?
tribaltroublelol: Evan get back to life. Get back to your dog.
Evan_85: Life is overrated.
iancudorinmarian: Elements should have dogs instead of dragons.
tribaltroublelol: iancu
frozengaia: ...I'll just mention doge and move on...
spartaguy: wow such doge
teny: Such card, very game
tribaltroublelol: we should have dogs instead of gnome riders
iancudorinmarian: Dogs the game!
infamousdope003: how u play?
infamousdope003: game
iancudorinmarian: It would be awesome!
tribaltroublelol: First you choose which element of dog you want
tribaltroublelol: or breed
teny: Then you do the dog quests for more dogs
infamousdope003: like wet dog vs hot dog?
tribaltroublelol: YES
frozengaia: By reading the tutorial, infamous.
infamousdope003: im a water dog
tribaltroublelol: Then as you get stronger you face stronger dogs
infamousdope003: Dogs already has a tutorial?
tribaltroublelol: and get upgraded dogs(pre-trained)
teny: And get doggie treats for wins
iancudorinmarian: And each time you win a game you get dog snacks.
gamingchris: doggie treat: enemy dog is now yours
iancudorinmarian: To hire new dogs from the bazaar.
teny: Don't worry about them, they're bred so they're the best they can be
infamousdope003: If u mistreat or neglect your dog you get penalized
infamousdope003: and can lose your dog
iancudorinmarian: Yep.
tribaltroublelol: Yeah and instead of quanta we have IAMS producing kibble
iancudorinmarian: Visit the oracle dog each day for free snacks and a dog prediction.
infamousdope003: "you will find a bone"
tribaltroublelol: "digging holes is good for the paws"
spartaguy: sounds like a great game.
tribaltroublelol: ikr
infamousdope003: id play it
tribaltroublelol: Every dog would
teny: Such game, very dog
Dm1321: Oh my god
Dm1321: Oh. Mah. Gawd. I need a break.
Dm1321: afk.
iancudorinmarian: *Oh my dog
tribaltroublelol: I'm gonna go post this in WPSIC. Gotta let them know about our dog.