21:51] <dawn_to_dusk> BABY JOKE TIME
[21:51] <@Jenkar> Youngs guy today only think about sex. It's not the world i want for my 12 children

[21:52] <vagman13> 12 kids ?
[21:52] <+BeefSupreme> It's kind of true.
[21:52] <vagman13> yikes!
[21:52] <+BeefSupreme> But yeah.
[21:52] <dawn_to_dusk> why couldnt the baby turn around in the hallway?
[21:52] <+BeefSupreme> And I doubt Jenk has 12 kids.
[21:52] <+BeefSupreme> Foot nailed to ground.
[21:52] <@Jenkar> Beef :
[21:52] <+BeefSupreme> I like that song.
[21:52] <dawn_to_dusk> it had a javelin through its head
[21:52] <+BeefSupreme> I like Korn.
[21:52] <+BeefSupreme> or that.
[21:53] <dawn_to_dusk> whats red and makes a loud noise?
[21:53] <dawn_to_dusk> a baby in a blender!
[21:53] <+BeefSupreme> Baby in blender
[21:53] <+BeefSupreme> dammit
[21:53] <@Jenkar> OH GOD THAT ONE is censored
[21:53] <+BeefSupreme> what?
[21:53] <+BeefSupreme> the video?
[21:54] <+BeefSupreme> yeah, VEVO screws everything up
[21:54] <dawn_to_dusk> whats blue and sits at the bottom of a pool?
[21:54] <dawn_to_dusk> a dead baby
[21:54] <+BeefSupreme> -.-
[21:54] <+BeefSupreme> these are unoriginal
[21:54] <dawn_to_dusk> whats green and sits at the bottom of a pool?
[21:54] <@Jenkar> You know what's the best about dead baby jokes?
[21:54] <@Jenkar> They never get old
[21:54] <+BeefSupreme> x
[21:54] <+Marsu> :DD
[21:54] <+BeefSupreme> xD
[21:54] <dawn_to_dusk> the same baby 3 weeks later
[21:55] <+BeefSupreme> I've heard that one before, but I still giggled @ Jenk
[21:55] <+Marsu> that's the first good one so far. ^^
[21:55] <+BeefSupreme> What's worse than one dead baby in a trashcan?
[21:55] <@Jenkar> A dead baby in 6 trashcans
[21:55] <+BeefSupreme> Getting raped by a giant scorpion.
[21:55] <@Jenkar> and my favorite : what's the difference between a truck of dead babies and a truck of bowling balls
[21:56] <+BeefSupreme> You can't pick up bowling balls with a pitchfork.
[21:56] <@Jenkar> Yep

[21:56] <+BeefSupreme> How many babies does it take to paint a house?
[21:56] <+BeefSupreme> Depends on how hard you throw them!
[21:56] <dawn_to_dusk> this needs to go on the what people say in chat thread
[21:56] <+BeefSupreme> eh
[21:56] <+BeefSupreme> sure
[21:56] <+BeefSupreme> why not
[21:57] <@Jenkar> Remind me not to post a dead baby joke here ever again
[21:57] <+BeefSupreme> xD
[21:57] <dawn_to_dusk> why?
[21:57] <+BeefSupreme> A chat moderator participating in our tomfoolery
[21:57] <SpinTurtle> *pukes at jenkar
[21:58] * dawn_to_dusk gets a baby to puke on jenkar
[21:58] <+BeefSupreme> I'm so pissed at Facebook.
[21:58] <@Jenkar> Now now. Calm down
[21:58] <dawn_to_dusk> face book sucks
[21:59] <+BeefSupreme> Seriously all we wanted was a "Dislike" button and they were like "oh? we'll just destroy our website instead"
[21:59] <SpinTurtle> cancel ur account beef
[21:59] <+BeefSupreme> No. I'm too popular.
[21:59] <+BeefSupreme> xD
[21:59] <SpinTurtle> pukes at jenkar again with baby army
[21:59] <+BeefSupreme> protip = /me
[21:59] <@Jenkar> Ok, let's calm down no :>
[21:59] <@Jenkar> now*
[22:00] * dawn_to_dusk gets a baby puke machine and gives it to jenkar
[22:00] <+BeefSupreme> x/
[22:00] * BeefSupreme is full with rage
[22:00] == Blaylok [~IRIS@o76-049-00-769.vctrcmta60.vctatx.tl.dh.suddenlink.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 194 seconds]
[22:01] <+BeefSupreme>
http://www.theonion.com/articles/facebook-we-will-make-our-product-worse-you-will-b,33074/?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=SocialMarketing&utm_campaign=Default:1:Default[22:01] <SpinTurtle> babys do lead armies...look:
http://youtu.be/NVLD4In6-_ABABIES FTW