Going back to Kong..
with our noob of an Admin.tribaltroublelol: Destiny with a 22/17 Light Dragon... should I be scared?
Higurashi: **** yeah, Steal mutant.
Higurashi: I was hoping for that by playing tons at once.
tribaltroublelol: Higu
Stormpaw: rewind it, tribal

tribaltroublelol: u just cursed me
tribaltroublelol: @Storm with PDIals? Plz Tell me how.
Stormpaw: dim shield then

tribaltroublelol: Must I repeat myself?
tribaltroublelol: either way, Destiny has a mutant with Steal thanks to Higu's comment
Stormpaw: I thought dim shield was in pdials? >_> i dont know all the decks sigh
Higurashi: 21/1 Abyss Crawler. Aw yis.
Bailee124: ^bleh
tribaltroublelol: ^22/17 Immortal Light Dragon is better
Higurashi: Poisondials uses Poison, Arsenic and Sundials. Nowadays it also uses SoSa and SoD.
Stormpaw: Okay, sorry.
Higurashi: Because OP.
tribaltroublelol: 10/10 Ball Lightning? Cheater.
Higurashi: That's not how you ice cream.
https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/946620_541648615879099_1837609439_n.jpgtribaltroublelol: mutated it into a 10/4 Ball Lightning...
Higurashi: Clearly it wants to be a Blight.
tribaltroublelol: @Higu it would be asian
Higurashi: Maybe you should respect its feelings.
tribaltroublelol: Stormpaw THanks!
tribaltroublelol: I won a Rewind

Higurashi: I'm not entirely sure you understand how cards appear in this game.
Higurashi: Gemini would be an epic SoW+TU rush.
Higurashi: Win in 5 turns np.
tribaltroublelol: @Higu I fully understand
tribaltroublelol: Someone says a card
tribaltroublelol: someone wins it
Higurashi: Like I was saying..
Bailee124: tribal - u noob
Higurashi: Not entirely certain!
tribaltroublelol: pro*
Bailee124: Higu - u noob
tribaltroublelol: ^TRUTH
Higurashi: I've been called many things, but never that before.
Higurashi: Takes Kong I guess.
edit: later....
tribaltroublelol: Higs
tribaltroublelol: Make the Deck Manager tool load faster ._.
Higurashi: Mkay, sec.
tribaltroublelol: Nice
tribaltroublelol: As soon as u said that
tribaltroublelol: it loaded

Higurashi: Yeah, that worked.
furkannnO: higurashi is a golden shiny god ._.
tribaltroublelol: ^
Higurashi: wtf
tribaltroublelol: Although I consider her more teal
tribaltroublelol: You know, the color of Aether
furkannnO: her?
Higurashi: Turquoise, damn it. Teal is so dark and bland.
dynastywarrior9: hey i love teal
tribaltroublelol: Higs doesn't.
Higurashi: Wannabe colour.
furkannnO: Im having so many wtf moments.
tribaltroublelol: Don't call Higs Teal. You'll get shot.
furkannnO: ok Turquoise.
dynastywarrior9: hot pink is a wannabe color
furkannnO: wanna be what?
Higurashi: That too.
TheWatermelon: 6000 more coins then ive upgraded all my pillars -.-
Higurashi: Nah, teal is nice and all, but it's not vibrant like a blinding turqoise.
Higurashi: Should be painful to look at.
dynastywarrior9: aether's color is teal
Higurashi: Actually, it's turquoise.
dynastywarrior9: i prefer teal
TheWatermelon: im white
Higurashi: Know what the Nymph is called?
Higurashi: Turquoise Nymph.
Moral of the story: tribaltroublelol: Don't call Higs Teal. You'll get shot.