Saved for Future use.[19:49] <@n00b`NFL> KUROOOO
[19:49] <@Kuroaitou> heya n00b
[19:50] <+Zazu|Bowl> niners getting owned
[19:53] <@n00b`NFL> Mhmm
[19:57] <+Cheesy111_woar> hey Kuro
[19:57] <+Cheesy111_woar> no
[19:58] <TT[AFK]> You know Condors?
[19:58] == TT[AFK] has changed nick to TribalTrouble
[19:59] <+Gryphon> heya kuro
[19:59] <TribalTrouble> Well Ravens, they are even worse than Condors.
[19:59] <TribalTrouble> They chase the Condors
[19:59] <TribalTrouble> The condors run from Ravens
[20:00] <TribalTrouble> Thus, Ravens are better than Condors
[20:00] <TribalTrouble> and the niners have no relationship with the Elements, thus they fail to score enough goals to even compete with the Ravens
[20:01] <TribalTrouble> Thus, Ravens are better than Condors which are better than the Niners
[20:01] <TribalTrouble> That is why the Ravens are winning. Any questions?
[20:02] <+Coffeeditto> Yes.
[20:02] <+Coffeeditto> Why are niners the worst.
[20:03] <TribalTrouble> That is due to their having no relationship with the Elements that we know and love
[20:03] <TribalTrouble> They are merely Other
[20:04] <TribalTrouble> and as we all know, Mono Other doesn't stand a chance in competitive matches against the other elements.
[20:04] <TribalTrouble> against the Elements*
[20:06] == Chapuz [~IRIS@190.246.i.umh] has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[20:06] == Chapuz [~IRIS@190.246.i.umh] has joined #elementsthegame
[20:06] == mode/#elementsthegame [+v Chapuz] by ChanServ
[20:07] <@Kuroaitou> I am so confused tribal D:
[20:07] <TribalTrouble> why?
[20:08] <+AveragePotato> Elbirn just posted 'Re: Idea for interesting ability':[20:08] <TribalTrouble> It is simple, the Ravens have a connection with the Elements, and the Niners do not.
[20:08] <TribalTrouble> Thus the Ravens are winning and shall continue to win.
[20:08] == Skotadi [] has joined #elementsthegame
[20:08] == mode/#elementsthegame [+v Skotadi] by ChanServ
[20:09] <TribalTrouble> Any other questions
[20:09] <TribalTrouble> ?
[20:09] <@n00b`NFL> Skub
[20:09] <+Skotadi> nub
[20:11] <TribalTrouble> That's what I thought

[20:11] == TribalTrouble has changed nick to TribalTroubleWisePizzaEatingMas
[20:11] == TribalTroubleWisePizzaEatingMas has changed nick to TTWisePizzaEatingMaster[AFK]