[2015-07-11 16:06:54] ddevans96: This community would honestly make a fantastic soap opera
[2015-07-11 16:06:58] Discord: ‹@Guest-Retrovirus-248e5› lol
[2015-07-11 16:07:09] rob77dp: kirby - the other day Bronze/Silver was LITTERED with 1 HP easies
[2015-07-11 16:07:10] Discord: ‹@ddevans96› could i be involved?
[2015-07-11 16:07:20] ddevans96: Discord: You'd be in it, yeah
[2015-07-11 16:07:27] Discord: ‹@ddevans96›
[2015-07-11 16:07:42] Guest-Retrovirus-248e5: We should totally make this a thing
[2015-07-11 16:07:50] ddevans96: Considering how active you are here I think you've be a major character
[2015-07-11 16:07:53] Guest-Retrovirus-248e5: All we have to do is crawl through WSPIC
[2015-07-11 16:08:31] Naesala: ‹@mythologyrules› He isn't here. I'd highly advise a break
[2015-07-11 16:08:35] MeowMeowCat: ‹@ddevans96› Next episode: Have Myth and Coffee split up? Scandal between Sub and MMC? Is Life actually an element? Tune in next week! *slow tune begins to play, the 11 elements align together, "Elements" appears below the symbols in flashy letters*
[2015-07-11 16:08:55] ddevans96: lmao, nice
[2015-07-11 16:09:15] Naesala: ‹@MeowMeowCat› Who will nae stab? What color will Zblader make his name? Where in the world is zanzarino?
[2015-07-11 16:09:25] Submachine: ‹@MeowMeowCat› I lolled at "Is Life actually an element?"
[2015-07-11 16:09:30] MeowMeowCat: ‹@Naesala› That's episode 3