(Emphases are in
cyan and italic.)
[22:04:44] ‹Guest-Dragonfly-04522› why water not strong
[22:04:54] ‹Frozengaia› Water is strong.
[22:05:00] ‹Guest-Dragonfly-04522› how i use
[22:05:40] ‹Herden5› Use nymph tears+many pillars+ice drag.
[22:05:53] ‹Guest-Dragonfly-04522› ok
[22:05:57] ‹Herden5› Good for rush
[22:06:03] ‹Frozengaia›
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
5f6 5f6 5f6 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5ig 5ig 5ig 5ig 5ig 5ig 8po
[22:06:05] ‹Guest-Dragonfly-04522› thx
[22:06:17] ‹Frozengaia› Presenting the cheapest deck that can grind bronze in the entire game.
[22:06:35] ‹Herden5› lol
[22:06:43] ‹Herden5› Does that work?
[22:07:19] ‹Basman-1453› Well ... provided that the Deflags comes up, that is (you can't run too many of 'em since they're splashed)
[22:07:24] ‹Christopaz› yes
[22:07:32] worldwideweb3 joined.
[22:07:44] ‹Basman-1453›
But I must admit, NT decks are quite the fun.[22:07:59] ‹Herden5›
NT[22:08:01] ‹Herden5›
?[22:08:10] ‹Basman-1453›
Nymph's Tears[22:08:15] ‹Puff›
New Testament[22:08:17] ‹Herden5› Oh yeah
[22:08:26] ‹Herden5› I used it today quite a lot
[22:08:42] ‹Basman-1453› ‹@Puff›
I didn't mean the biblical one, Puff. I'm a Muslim.[22:08:56] Guest-Shrieker-44065 joined.
[22:09:03] Guest-Dragonfly-04522 and Guest-Shrieker-44065 left.
[22:09:01] ‹Basman-1453› ‹@Herden5› Especially if you use another element's nymph with good direct offensive presence (I usually use Death Pends)
[22:09:13] worldwideweb3 left.
[22:09:12] ‹Puff›
an auto un-abbreviator sounds nice, but I wonder how weird the results would be. Maybe it would work if it tries to check the context[22:09:20] ‹Herden5› ‹@Basman-1453› Yea
[22:09:22] ‹Basman-1453› ‹@Puff› Yeah.
[22:09:59] ‹Puff›
Time to ask someone to code it[22:10:39] ‹Basman-1453›
Auto un-abbreviator that factors context in?[22:10:43] ‹Basman-1453›
That's tricky.[22:10:49] Guest-Shrieker-44065 joined.
[22:11:43] Guest-Shrieker-44065 left.
[22:11:53] ‹Basman-1453›
I'd prefer something like this: I type NT (but I specify that I meant Nymph's Tears instead of New Testament), you hover over it, then the full form appears.[22:12:17] Frozengaia left.
[22:13:25] ‹qwerter› same with SG
[22:13:27] ‹qwerter› I suppose
[22:13:44] ‹Puff›
I asked my SO about it. He told me to go to sleep [22:13:57] ‹Basman-1453› :/
[22:16:15] AD_Storm_Bolt joined.
[22:16:20] ‹Zawadx› ‹@Puff›
SO?[22:16:25] ‹Dm› I won't say it's impossible to code something like that
[22:16:28] ‹Zawadx› oh, got it
[22:16:33] ‹Dm› But it'd involve some decent knowledge of AI that I don't have.
[22:16:35] ‹willng3›
Significant Otter[22:16:35] ‹Puff›
significant other[22:16:40] ‹Puff›
see, it's useful![22:17:15] ‹Dm› It should be easy to simply make a un-abbreviator that gives you all the options and the user knows the context and picks the one that makes sense though.
[22:17:32] ‹Basman-1453› What Dm said. (Not that I'm having much interest in AI, though ^^;)
[22:17:40] ‹Zawadx›
we could have an un-abbreviator for all EtG abbreviations[22:17:56] ‹Herden5› What you talking about, code-cracking?!
[22:18:06] ‹Zawadx›
but others would be hard to put in, and you can check it with google[22:19:17] ‹treebeard_xiii›
How would the de-abbreaviator translat sobe[22:19:38] ‹Basman-1453› ‹@Herden5› Nope, Puff proposed an automatic system to produce an abbreviation's full form
[22:19:57] ‹treebeard_xiii› the rest of the abbreviations are self explantory but sobe is not as linear
[22:20:14] ‹Herden5› ‹@Basman-1453› Oh, I thought you guys were already hacking
[22:20:28] ‹Basman-1453› What are we hacking, anyway?
[22:20:30] ‹Basman-1453› ^^;
[22:20:36] ‹treebeard_xiii› and came about more by people using the wrong term so much it stuck
[22:20:54] ‹treebeard_xiii› your personal accounts :p
[22:20:56] ‹Puff› ‹@treebeard_xiii›
It could only pick from a predefined list, like SoBe/SoB/SoBr are all linked to Shard of Bravery[22:21:03] ‹Basman-1453› Duh - -;
[22:21:16] ‹Herden5› ‹@Basman-1453› lol Im hacking my arena opponent HP though
[22:21:36] ‹Basman-1453› ‹@Puff›
I'd get rid of SoB from that list, though.[22:21:51] ‹Basman-1453› One, Zan requested not to use SoB to refer to the shard.
[22:21:57] Zawadx left.
[22:22:22] ‹Basman-1453› Two, ... who knows someone actually uses SoB to refer to the profanity.