A very sudden realisation:
[00:32:29] ‹ddevans96› You can't upgrade cards you don't have
If you're going to quote me, provide context, please.
[17:29:43] ‹dracomageat› NBC is annoying
[17:30:56] ‹dracomageat› every game gives you useless electrum and the actually worthwhile rewards are random and often too off element to be usable
[17:31:13] ‹skyironsword› You can still use electrm for upgrades.
[17:31:22] ‹skyironsword› *electrum
[17:31:49] ‹dracomageat› that seems cheating your way around not having the ability to buy cards
[17:32:29] ‹ddevans96› You can't upgrade cards you don't have