tinidor: anime OPs are garbage
tinidor: and EDs
tinidor: go listen to real music weeblord
IWasBorn: cool, ive never been there, haaha
IWasBorn: why?
https://twitter.com/noahholguin/status/577667411446358016/photo/1nahman97: what do you guys think of this?
nahman97: am i all alone?
godstriker4: Anime OPs are garbage?
godstriker4: Screw ye.
nahman97: please explain
godstriker4: I can't explain why I like something.
godstriker4: My argument would be completely subjective and prone to disagreement due to every human mind being different.
nahman97: fair enough how are you?
godstriker4: Good sir. And you?
nahman97: not bad really just hanging out
nahman97: what are you up to?
godstriker4: Stuff.
nahman97: mind elaborating?
godstriker4: Ordered a Wii U Pro Controller on eBay.
nahman97: oh sweet, how is the wii u anyhow?
godstriker4: Pretty similar to the Wii
godstriker4: After you get passed the initial hype of buying the actual console, you realize that it is the Wii with an extra screen.
nahman97: does it run any differently though?
godstriker4: It runs at 1080p. That's pretty much it.
nahman97: lol just a clear wii with another screen
godstriker4: Yup.
godstriker4: Maybe if you are in to the side applications that come with the Wii U such as Netflix, you'd be overjoyed.
nahman97: kinda disappointing, because im really not lol
tinidor: unfortunately your shit anime OPs are heavily doctored voices
tinidor: accompanied with computers and doctored instruments
godstriker4: The Wii U comes with Sports Club, only for you to find out you need to buy an extra piece of hardware for it to actually function.
tinidor: to adapt to your 12- tastes
godstriker4: @tinidor Hey. People have different likes.
nahman97: oh that is bull shit lol
tinidor: you also have to be 13+ to post here
godstriker4: I like Anime OPs. You may like something I don't. It's called being human.
tinidor: no
tinidor: it's called having "shit taste"
tinidor: and/or being "underage"
godstriker4: Then again, if you're going to just spam profanity and insults, I have this great feature next to your name called a mute button.
tinidor: you're probably the kind of guy that enjoyed kill la kill
tinidor: and attack on titan
NicholasFoxden: godstriker, from the beginning you should've realized what his intentions were.
godstriker4: Kill la Kill. Ironically, I've actually watched that.
iffyProcureur: is tomorrow St. patricks day?
tinidor: no
NicholasFoxden: It was decent, as humor based anime go.
tinidor: that's today
tinidor: if you wanted humor
tinidor: you should've watched inferno cop
NicholasFoxden: >inferno cop
NicholasFoxden: Talk about shit taste.
iffyProcureur: nu uh! it was not today!!
tinidor: it's all fun and games to laugh at sub-par animation
godstriker4: Inferno Cop?
tinidor: but you might as well do it in style
tinidor: wtf is that ">" sign
tinidor: i saw it in a 9gag post but uh
godstriker4: Is it another comedy anime with a main character that's supposed to be a stereotypical ghost rider?
godstriker4: Ghost Rider sucked.
tinidor: it's pretty damn wide-spread on my subreddit
godstriker4: "Subreddit"
godstriker4: Lmao.
nahman97: XD
tinidor: dw i go on 9gag too
tinidor: it's just that i love the mature, well-thought out discussions that go on in reddit
tinidor: but i probably shouldn't expect less from someone that actually likes OPs and EDs
nahman97: but you dont give opinions the time of day on here tin
godstriker4: EDs?
nahman97: no clue
NicholasFoxden: Ecstasy Demons.
NicholasFoxden: Obviously.
godstriker4: Heh.
nahman97: lmao
nahman97: extreme doughnuts?
NicholasFoxden: Imagine taking a hit of ecstasy and watching Kill La Kill or Inuyasha.
NicholasFoxden: You'd shit bricks.
nahman97: i bet
tinidor: why
godstriker4: Someone should try that.
Shustriy: hi
tinidor: you'd vomit up the ecstacy powder before it reaches your bloodstream
tinidor: both of those shows are garbage
nahman97: someone might not be so well afterwords lol
Shustriy: gross drugs
Shustriy: bye
NicholasFoxden: Implying you'd actually be capable of vomiting it up once you hit that point.
nahman97: bye
nahman97: yeah true
godstriker4: @tinidor is Sword Art Online garbage?
tinidor: yeah
tinidor: clearly
NicholasFoxden: SAO was good for like the first 2/3 of the first season
NicholasFoxden: It started to go down-hill a bit after that
NicholasFoxden: But it's still decent IMO
nahman97: i thing the first season was good but the second was not my thing
tinidor: no, the first arc was mediocre at best
tinidor: the premise has already been tried
godstriker4: SAO declined after the 13th episode "End of the World"
tinidor: it dropped from mediocre
tinidor: to utter shit
godstriker4: The first arc had great plot.
nahman97: yeah it did
NicholasFoxden: Well that what anime would you suggest rather then it?
godstriker4: The second arc. Maybe.
NicholasFoxden: ****in' ./hack?
godstriker4: Third and fourth were dog ____
tinidor: they walk on a ****ing bridge for half an episode
NicholasFoxden: They are shit now, in case you hadn't noticed.
tinidor: and pick up a ****ing ghost girl
NicholasFoxden: It's called character development man.
tinidor: it's forced as ****
godstriker4: The characterization of Kirito and Asuna fell.
NicholasFoxden: How else are you gonna do it in a way that's vanilla enough for the show?
NicholasFoxden: They were like vanilla as eminem man.
godstriker4: And in the fourth arc, why the hell did they decide to bring in another cast? Was the old one so ____ they needed reinforcement?
tinidor: you don't
NicholasFoxden: IDK how else they coulda done it.
tinidor: the first thing a chinese cartoon should establish
tinidor: is its purpose
godstriker4: Anime is Japanese.
tinidor: that's the joke
tinidor: clearly sao was a cheap slash-em-up with the "umg stuck in a game world" premise
godstriker4: Eh. In any case, I agree with you. An anime should have a visible purpose.
tinidor: it wasn't there to develop the characters
NicholasFoxden: Tinidor.
NicholasFoxden: What anime would you suggest then?
godstriker4: SAO First Arc was them being stuck in a game. SAO Second Arc was them rescuing a girl still stuck in a game.
NicholasFoxden: Which would you give your gold star?
tinidor: i wouldn't give any chinese cartoon
tinidor: a "gold star"
godstriker4: SAO Third and Fourth were for continuation, the worst possible reason to make an anime.
tinidor: you've gotta understand first and foremost
tinidor: that anime is a shit medium
tinidor: along with all the other mediums
tinidor: it just helps to pass the time
NicholasFoxden: Damn
NicholasFoxden: That was a really downer-way to say that.
NicholasFoxden: Thanks mate.
godstriker4: Those were some big words.
godstriker4: "Medium."
NicholasFoxden: I didn't think there was anyone more pessimistic then I am.
NicholasFoxden: Damn man.
nahman97: tini you are simply an unpleasable ****
tinidor: sao second arc was them running out of ideas
godstriker4: Unfortunately, he still isn't as much of a realist as I am.
NicholasFoxden: 'realist'
NicholasFoxden: If you were that big of a realist, you wouldn't be on here.
NicholasFoxden: You'd be out moaning in front of the masses about some shit they can sort of relate to.
NicholasFoxden: Gettin' them all riled up for the next war and shit.
godstriker4: That's not a realist.
godstriker4: That's a militant.
NicholasFoxden: Potato-patato.
NicholasFoxden: basically synonymous at this point.
godstriker4: Wow.
tinidor: an actual realist
tinidor: wouldn't have shit taste
godstriker4: Realist sees things for what they are.
tinidor: well
nahman97: ugh screw off tini
tinidor: you can't see sao for the utter garbage that it is
godstriker4: To see it for what it is, a realist actually has to "SEE" it
tinidor: the first arc was mediocre at best
NicholasFoxden: godstriker, that's where you're wrong
NicholasFoxden: Life is all about perception
godstriker4: Did I ever once say the entirety of SAO was good?
tinidor: and the other 4 arcs were utter uninspired garbage
NicholasFoxden: And so for a realist, any misleading in information for them, becomes their reality.
tinidor: no, but you didn't deny it either
NicholasFoxden: gg
NicholasFoxden: wp
NicholasFoxden: brb
NicholasFoxden: lol jk
NicholasFoxden: no brb
tinidor: who in the right mind would claim that the first arc was
tinidor: "decent"
godstriker4: I watched it, and suffered through it at the fact it was a plot about video games.
godstriker4: "Other 4 Arcs"
tinidor: yeah
tinidor: there was elfland
tinidor: aids girl
godstriker4: There's only four arcs.
tinidor: return to elfland: let's go find a sword or something
tinidor: and ggo
godstriker4: The first. The fairies. Gun Gale. And the rest is a return to the first.
tinidor: no
godstriker4: No?
tinidor: the quest for the sword in the lopsided pyramid
tinidor: and aids girl were clearly different
tinidor: for one, aids girl had what's-her-face as the main character
godstriker4: Asuka?
tinidor: right
godstriker4: Asuna.
tinidor: oh
godstriker4: Those don't count as separate. The events were stringed one after another.
godstriker4: During the other arc, you can clearly see a gap of time in between them
tinidor: the story was being told from a ****ing different point of view
godstriker4: During that gap, things happened. Nothing happened between the quest for Excalibur and the Aids Girl Saga.
godstriker4: Ergo, same arc.
tinidor: no, your argument doesn't follow
iffyProcureur: Bachelor number 1 likes collecting fine art and the severed toes of women please welcome Dick Peters!
godstriker4: *mutes iffy.
godstriker4: How doesn't my argument follow?
tinidor: a lack of timeskips doesn't mean the stories are coinjoined
tinidor: you fallaciously assumed that
tinidor: ergo, your argument doesn't follow
godstriker4: Woah. That's where you're wrong.
tinidor: take the space opera
tinidor: "legend of the galactic heroes"
godstriker4: If there is no change in conflict from one part of a story to another and no change in setting, the story are arguably in the same arc.
tinidor: that assumes that all stories have conflict
godstriker4: Name one that doesn't.
godstriker4: I'll find a conflict. No matter how well-hidden a conflict is, it's always there.
tinidor: take any SoL out of the bin this season
tinidor: there is a "story" per se
tinidor: but there is no conflict
godstriker4: Hmm.
tinidor: anyway
nahman97: for someone who thinks Japanese cartoons are a waste of time you sure are opinionated tini
tinidor: they are
tinidor: as are other mediums
tinidor: that's what they're for
nahman97: then what is worth your time?
godstriker4: The typical anime enthusiast can argue that anime is not only a medium, but a way of life.
tinidor: watching gay porn, clearly
tinidor: the taboos that it breaks
tinidor: cocks ferociously clashing on the bed
nahman97: hmm ok weird
tinidor: breaking apart the social stratum that have kept the cocks and their users
tinidor: in the closet
godstriker4: Such a wild depiction on something so filled with taboos.
godstriker4: You can tell he must of gone in-depth to find those details.
tinidor: clearly my message was primarily to inform
tinidor: but was also to persuade the readership in adapting my views
tinidor: of course
nahman97: i dont think inform more of a shock and awe statment
tinidor: do you not partake in gay porn as well
godstriker4: Heavens no.
nahman97: me either
godstriker4: My boats float towards the North Star.
tinidor: are you that narrow-minded
tinidor: and you call yourself a realist
godstriker4: If you want to turn towards the Big Dipper, it's fine by me.
tinidor: no realist would avert their eyes
tinidor: from the glory that is gay porn
godstriker4: Just don't bring back whatever treasures you find in that direction.
nahman97: yeah i would rather have other treasures than gay porn
godstriker4: Tinidor.
godstriker4: There's a glass. I poured Orange Juice in it. You look at it. Is it half full, or half empty?
nahman97: im just going to drink that shit