[18:37] * vaggers inmakkusroom
[18:37] == vaggers has changed nick to inmakkusroom
[18:41] * inmakkusroom kicks makku in the nuts,then goes to computer to see what deck fire will play against aether
[18:42] <inthisroom> we'll play ghostmare
[18:42] <inmakkusroom> sounds legit
[18:44] == inmakkusroom has changed nick to inthatroom
[18:45] == MegroN [~IRIS@197.64.tlz.pk] has joined #elementsthegame
[18:52] == ShardSpirit has changed nick to inchatroom
[18:52] <inthatroom> quick everybody,get in a room
[18:52] <inthatroom>

[18:52] == Zso_Zso has changed nick to ingymroom
[18:53] == inhatroom [~IRIS@bpzv-929-191-447-068.chello.nl] has joined #elementsthegame
[18:53] <inthisroom> lol
[18:53] <inchatroom> ooh, we have a wiseguy here :O
[18:54] <inchatroom> how did he know what's the new trend? o.O
[18:54] <inthatroom> he's a SPY
[18:54] <inhatroom> Yeah, how would
[18:54] <+TheonlyrealBeef> I know
[18:54] <+TheonlyrealBeef> :p
[18:54] <inthatroom> what's a hatroom anyway ?
[18:55] <inhatroom> A room...
[18:55] <inhatroom> With hats.
[18:55] <inthisroom> a room with hats?
[18:55] <inchatroom> so we have room for chat, hat and that
[18:55] <inthatroom> why would someone fill a room with hats ?
[18:55] <inthisroom> fetish?
[18:55] <inthisroom> hat fetish?
[18:56] <inthisroom> feathered heats~
[18:56] <inhatroom> What else would else would you do with hats after you wore them once?
[18:57] <MegroN> but there are still catz in this room
[18:57] <inthisroom> actually no
[18:57] <inthisroom> I'm allergic
[18:57] <inthisroom> to cats
[18:57] * inthatroom grabs 10 cats and throws them in the room
[18:57] * inhatroom sneezes *
[18:57] <+TheonlyrealBeef> In which room?
[18:57] == Calindu [Calindu@elementscommunity.org] has joined #elementsthegame
[18:57] == mode/#elementsthegame [+o Calindu] by ChanServ
[18:58] <inthatroom> makku's room

[18:58] <+TheonlyrealBeef> xD
[18:58] <inthisroom> lol
[18:58] <inthisroom> hi cal
[18:58] <MegroN> lo cal
[18:58] <@Calindu> Ohai
[18:58] <inhatroom> hi cal
[18:59] <@Calindu> Can anyone tell me why there are 5 makku?
[18:59] <inthisroom> just one
[18:59] <MegroN> its makku
[18:59] <MegroN> makka
[18:59] <MegroN> mikku
[18:59] <MegroN> makke
[18:59] <MegroN> and mokku
[18:59] <@Calindu> Then who are the others?
[19:00] <inthisroom> admirers probably, or maybe they just needed to get a room
[19:00] <MegroN> inthisroom is a fake
[19:00] <MegroN> makku is actually inchatroom
[19:00] <inthisroom> I can speak french or german to prove it :p
[19:00] <inthatroom> so what ?
[19:00] <inthatroom> you just copypasta it from somewhere
[19:00] <inhatroom> Je peux parler français aussi!
[19:01] <inthisroom> lol ihr
[19:01] <inchatroom> keep entertaining me

[19:01] <inhatroom> Since dutch people kind of tend to know french and german ;p
[19:02] * inthatroom hates german and french
[19:02] <inthisroom> true, I get your germanic dialect too

[19:03] == gumbehhh [~gumbehhhh@fhv-57-387-782-237.rochester.res.rr.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 132 seconds]
[19:04] == inthatroom has changed nick to indrunkroom
[19:04] <inthisroom> X)
[19:04] == Dm has changed nick to intheroom
[19:04] <intheroom> Because why not.
[19:05] <intheroom> I'mma be afk anyway
[19:05] <inthisroom> ^^
[19:05] <indrunkroom> cool cool,lets get moar people in a room
[19:05] == MegroN has changed nick to MgN|notinthisroom
[19:05] <MgN|notinthisroom> the new afk
[19:07] <inchatroom> hm, 5 followers
[19:07] <inthisroom> start a cult?
[19:08] <inchatroom> inthiscult

[19:08] <inthisroom> lol
[19:08] == inthiscult [~IRIS@bpzv-929-191-447-068.chello.nl] has joined #elementsthegame
[19:08] <indrunkroom> O.o
[19:09] * inchatroom is inthiscult
[19:09] * inchatroom licks indrunkroom
[19:10] == inbathroom [~IRIS@12-87-085.adsl.cyta.gr] has joined #elementsthegame
[19:10] <inthisroom> ok
[19:11] <inchatroom> it's funny how inthisroom is the last in the chatlist, tho his name is the original ^^
[19:11] <inthisroom> I'm the base
[19:11] <indrunkroom> that's logical since he will always be last
[19:12] <indrunkroom> like this war
[19:12] <indrunkroom> fiah will finish bottom
[19:12] <inthisroom> I really hope not
[19:13] == inhatroom [~IRIS@bpzv-929-191-447-068.chello.nl] has quit [Quit: TheonlyrealRoom!]
[19:13] == inthiscult [~IRIS@bpzv-929-191-447-068.chello.nl] has quit [Client Quit]
[19:13] <inthisroom> lol TorR
[19:13] <intheroom> torr
- snip -
[19:15] <indrunkroom> I've lost count who's which room :/
[19:16] <inchatroom> i can still recall who is in which room
[19:16] <@antiaverage> indrunkroom is clearly vaggers
[19:16] <indrunkroom> is it that obvious ?

[19:17] <inchatroom> nooo
[19:17] <@antiaverage>

[19:17] <@antiaverage> brb
[19:18] <inchatroom> but who is inbathroom?
[19:19] <+TheonlyrealBeef> also vaggers
[19:19] <intheroom> what about in this gym room
[19:19] <inthisroom> zso
[19:20] <intheroom> and me?
[19:20] <inthisroom> Dm-da-Dm
[19:20] <intheroom> And you?
[19:20] <inthisroom> I forgot
[19:20] <inthisroom> damn...
[19:20] <intheroom> God damn it, you're useless
[19:24] <inchatroom> and we also have a notinthisroom
[19:25] == MgN|notinthisroom has changed nick to MegroN
[19:29] <inchatroom> doesn't matter. this will go to WPSIC

[19:30] <MegroN> yep it should
[19:30] <+TheonlyrealBeef> No
[19:30] <+TheonlyrealBeef> It needs it's own room.
[19:30] <+TheonlyrealBeef> its*
[19:30] * MegroN nods
[19:33] <intheroom> lol
[19:35] == inbathroom [~IRIS@12-87-085.adsl.cyta.gr] has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[19:35] == indrunkroom has changed nick to vaggers