[21:56] <omegazon123> I will try again now, BUT WILL LEAVE THE GAME FOR A WEEK IF I LOSE!
[21:57] <omegazon123> Wish me luck!:)
[21:57] <+AnonymousRevival> calm down bra
[21:57] <+AnonymousRevival> good luck
[21:57] == omegazon123 [~IRIS@ydig40-309-819-0.range38-092.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[21:57] <inthisroom> see you next week
[21:57] <+AnonymousRevival> this room....
[21:57] <inthisroom>

[21:58] <+AnonymousRevival> what's inthisroom?
[21:59] <inthisroom> noone knows
[22:00] <+AnonymousRevival> do people do 'it' inthisroom?
[22:00] <@Jenkar> A frenchie
[22:00] <inthisroom> sometimes
[22:00] <+AnonymousRevival> so there shld be aa bed in there
[22:00] <@Jenkar> No, we do inthisroom inthisroom
[22:00] <+AnonymousRevival> :O
[22:00] <inthisroom> haha many want that

[22:00] <@Jenkar> inthisroomception
[22:01] == omegazon123 [~IRIS@ydig40-309-819-0.range38-092.btcentralplus.com] has joined #elementsthegame
[22:01] <+AnonymousRevival> hmmm.....more of like masturbation to me X)
[22:03] <inthisroom> to each his own
[22:03] <omegazon123> I tried to do it but I did not have the money so I battled a level 1... AND LOST BECAUSE I WAS AN IDIOT AND USED MOMENTOM ON HIS/HERS PEGASIS!!!!!
[22:03] <@Jenkar> lulz
[22:03] <inthisroom> good move
[22:04] <omegazon123> Well good bye for a week!
[22:04] == omegazon123 [~IRIS@ydig40-309-819-0.range38-092.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Client Quit]
[22:04] <+AnonymousRevival> XD