But wait there's More!
[02:14] <Miracle> or that
[02:14] <Singularity> this is soo going to WPSIC.
[02:14] <TribalTrouble> lol.... what is going on
[02:14] == BlueCrawler has changed nick to Storyteller
[02:14] <Dagger> WPSIC?
[02:14] <Sanctuary> ^
[02:14] <SunDial> ^
[02:14] * Vampiric_Singularity casts Nova
[02:15] <Miracle> @Sanctuary What People Something something...
[02:15] <TribalTrouble> I feel like Miracle and Sanctuary have a private chat right now o.o
[02:15] * Singularity Adrenalines
[02:15] <Miracle> Maybe...
[02:16] <Sanctuary> No Homo? PLEASE? =(
[02:16] <Miracle> Oh All The Homo
[02:16] * Vampiric_Singularity likes the fact that Singularity is actually purple.
[02:16] * Sanctuary feels abused
[02:16] <Singularity> i can't see my own color
[02:16] <Dagger> Pink
[02:16] <Dagger> :D
[02:16] <Dagger> Mine?
[02:16] <Singularity> you're all homo. That is, homo sapiens.
[02:16] <TribalTrouble> lol
[02:16] <Singularity> :dagger brown
[02:17] == furball [~IRIS@08-835-452-871.lightspeed.sndgca.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[02:17] <Miracle> yay!
[02:17] * Miracle is happy :D
[02:17] <Sanctuary> .... you're kidding me
[02:18] <Sanctuary> so I'm gonna end up home, alone, with a Miracle to hold... f me for saying I wanted a Miracle when I was a teenager. Seriously.
[02:18] <+EtG-Feed-Bot> Newbiecake just posted 'Re: Noobiecakes's Weekly Tournaments Mementos':
http://bit.ly/PJtmAa[02:18] <TribalTrouble> o.O
[02:18] <Miracle> Well I'm here! :D
[02:18] * SunDial tries to stop it but gets SoFo'd
[02:18] == Nyanfluff [~IRIS@08-835-452-871.lightspeed.sndgca.sbcglobal.net] has joined #elementsthegame
[02:18] <TribalTrouble> SoFo OP
[02:18] <SunDial> ^ =_(
[02:19] <Sanctuary> This chat is awesome
[02:19] <Sanctuary> but scary
[02:19] <Miracle> I know it's awesome hun
[02:19] <Miracle> Now, about that homo we were talking about...
[02:19] <Sanctuary> NONE OF THE HOMO!!!!
[02:19] <TribalTrouble> wait for it,,,
[02:19] <Miracle> All the homo!!!!!!!!!
[02:19] <Dagger> lol....
[02:20] <Sanctuary> T_T
[02:20] <TribalTrouble> Tribal_Trouble ;D
[02:20] <+Vineroz> what happen to chat
[02:20] <Sanctuary> well I'm getting abused.....
[02:20] <Miracle> Me and Sanct began having love talk
[02:20] <Sanctuary> -_-
[02:20] <TribalTrouble> LOL
[02:20] <Dagger> lol
[02:20] * Vampiric_Singularity heals Vineroz
[02:20] <SunDial> lol....
[02:21] <Miracle> What? It's true ^^
[02:21] == Meow [~IRIS@13-09-204-741-esiy-fko.dynamic.so-net.net.tw] has joined #elementsthegame
[02:21] == doperthand [~IRIS@88-391-983-47.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #elementsthegame
[02:21] <Sanctuary> -__________________________-
[02:21] <TribalTrouble> da fuck
[02:21] <TribalTrouble> sorry da ****
[02:21] <TribalTrouble> :S
[02:21] * Vineroz is confused
[02:21] * Singularity PU self
[02:22] <doperthand> what is this?
[02:22] * Singularity casts Nova at Vineroz
[02:22] <Dagger> lol....
[02:22] * Dagger is useless
[02:22] <Singularity> Vin, check WPSIC.
[02:22] <TribalTrouble> true that
[02:22] <Sanctuary> what is WPSIC ._.
[02:22] <TribalTrouble> lolz
[02:22] * Vineroz touch himself in his confusion!
[02:22] <Singularity> WPSIC = what people sic in chat.
[02:23] <Singularity> what.
[02:23] <+Vampiric_Singularity> -7 -4 -2
[02:23] <Singularity> vin, you what.
[02:23] <Miracle> OH HONEY LET'S GO THERE!
[02:23] <doperthand> no whats this whole chat thing
[02:23] <Miracle> We could kiss, hug, share secrets, and even play some pin the dick on the Sanctuary!
[02:23] <Singularity> next time i enter chat, i will use different usernames from before
[02:23] <TribalTrouble> uhh
[02:24] <Singularity> also, Miratroll.
[02:24] <Sanctuary> :D
[02:24] <Sanctuary> SOMEONE NOTICED
[02:24] <Sanctuary> FINALLY
[02:24] <Miracle> I'm not a troll
[02:24] <+Vampiric_Singularity> Woo, epic Schrödinger's Cat foil art!
http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/387/577/2b6.jpg[02:24] <Miracle> I'm just a Miracle
[02:24] <Miracle> ;D
[02:24] <Sanctuary> ....
[02:24] <Miracle> <3
[02:24] <Sanctuary> </3
[02:24] <SunDial> lol..
[02:25] <TribalTrouble> how is this still going on...
[02:25] * Dagger is still useless
[02:25] <doperthand> bad ass molatto puss puss
[02:25] <Sanctuary> link to what WPSIC really is?
[02:25] <TribalTrouble> Never
[02:25] <Miracle> If you want the link, we'll have to play pin the dick on the Sanctuary
[02:26] <Sanctuary> No NEVER MIND NEVER MIND
[02:26] * Singularity sighes
[02:26] * TribalTrouble laughs
[02:26] == Singularity has changed nick to absolute0afk
[02:26] * TribalTrouble realizes he let his PvP2 game timeout but doesn't care
[02:26] * TribalTrouble thinks this was worth it
[02:27] <+EtG-Feed-Bot> Calindu just posted 'Re: Grabbow Control [Ai3]':
http://bit.ly/PJuO5m[02:27] <absolute0afk> poke me when the trolls have been banned. Thanks.
[02:27] == einherjar145 [~IRIS@60.51.vn.mkh] has joined #elementsthegame
[02:27] * Dagger is gonna go... stupid people deflagging him, stealing him, selling him, he feels like a slave....
[02:27] == Dagger [~IRIS@gdey-90-126-16-599.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[02:27] <einherjar145> Hi chat
[02:27] <TribalTrouble> Hi
[02:28] <TribalTrouble> @absolute why? this is hilarious lol
[02:28] * Vampiric_Singularity is mutated into drolly
[02:28] <Sanctuary> In fact I'm gonna go now...
[02:28] == Vampiric_Singularity has changed nick to drolly
[02:28] <Miracle> Yeah you're gonna go **** me ;D
[02:28] <Sanctuary> No...
[02:28] <Sanctuary> No I'm not....
[02:28] <absolute0afk> how to ignore people again.
[02:28] <Miracle> Yes you are, you know you want to...
[02:28] <TribalTrouble> I don't think you can
[02:28] <Storyteller> so, what else can you do with singularity?
[02:28] == ReverseTime [~IRIS@168.70.pn.qsy] has joined #elementsthegame
[02:29] == Sanctuary [~IRIS@gdey-90-126-16-599.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[02:29] <Miracle> HUN!
[02:29] <Miracle> HUN
[02:29] <Miracle> WAKE UP HUN
[02:29] <Miracle> WHYYYYYYYYY
[02:29] <SunDial> there, there
[02:29] * ReverseTime has put Sanctuary back to hand
[02:29] <Miracle> MA BABY
[02:30] <TribalTrouble> uhh this is just weird now
[02:30] <absolute0afk> RT does not work that way
[02:30] <+EtG-Feed-Bot> Elbirn just posted 'Re: Tep Zepi [Time][Gravity] (Just a Pharaoh deck)':
http://bit.ly/PJvmbr[02:30] <Miracle> aww :(
[02:30] <absolute0afk> RT puts CREATURES back
[02:30] <Miracle> WHYYYYY
[02:30] <Miracle> WHYYYYY
[02:30] == Meow [~IRIS@13-09-204-741-esiy-fko.dynamic.so-net.net.tw] has quit [Ping timeout: 182 seconds]
[02:30] <Miracle> WHY DID HE LEAVE ME!!!
[02:30] * ReverseTime puts absolute0afk back to hand
[02:31] == einherjar145 [~IRIS@60.51.vn.mkh] has quit [Client Quit]
[02:31] <SunDial> Oh shush and get a life
[02:31] <absolute0afk> sigh,
[02:31] <absolute0afk> stupid people will always be stupid.
[02:31] <TribalTrouble> What sundial said
[02:31] <Miracle> =_(
[02:32] <absolute0afk> equal underscore bracket.
[02:32] <TribalTrouble> ?
[02:32] == Miracle [~IRIS@gdey-90-126-16-599.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: crying in a corner... err hiding in a corner...]
[02:32] <TribalTrouble> o.o
[02:32] <SunDial> Well then...
[02:32] <TribalTrouble> that was fast, 3 trolls gone in waht, 1 minute?
[02:33] <doperthand> whatching this is worse than spending an hour on smartphowned
[02:33] <doperthand> *flashback wave
[02:33] <TribalTrouble> lol
[02:33] <+EtG-Feed-Bot> Vangelios just posted 'Re: Druidic Staff | Jade Staff':
http://bit.ly/PJw4FL[02:33] <TribalTrouble> its over now