[12:36:49] killsdazombies: But old puffy fish was epic
[12:38:10] vrt: Old puffy fish was a child molester. I can't believe you'd support that.
[12:38:28] vrt: You monster.
[12:39:19] dracomageat: pedofish discussion?
[12:39:34] killsdazombies: Puffy fish is amazing
[12:39:45] mesaprotector: Pedobear eats pedofish for breakfast.
[12:39:51] willng3: Poofyfish~
[12:40:41] Jenkar: ‹@vrt› I am a child molester.
[12:40:52] Jenkar: WHAT IS WRONG WITH US, MHMMM?
[12:42:37] coinich: ‹@Jenkar› many things
[[12:43:42] Jenkar: ‹@coinich› I didn't think about what molester meant before typing enter.
[12:44:42] coinich: ‹@Jenkar› you might want to find a dictionary
[[12:45:21] Jenkar: ‹@coinich› didn't think ≠ didn't know.
[12:45:34] coinich: ‹@Jenkar› either way you need a reminder :p
[12:45:53] Jenkar: Nah, i'm just tired.
[12:46:08] vrt: ‹@coinich› So do the kids >.>
[12:46:12] Jenkar: Lemme replace molester by lover

[12:46:29] vrt: ‹@Jenkar› THATT DOESN'T HELP.
[12:46:33] MatrimKK: Q_XD
[12:46:41] willng3: Yeah that's not any better.
Hide the children.