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Ultra Epic Chat https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7574.msg84172#msg84172
« on: June 06, 2010, 06:10:56 pm »
Okay, so heres the back story. ******, as you may know, was recently banned from being underaged on the forums and the chat room. He then proceeded to write, pretending to be his own mother, asking to be unbanned. When he was denied, my L337 RPing skills came into play, and with my use of proper grammar, managed to fool about half of the chatroom on this amazing day. Here is the chat, reactions, and drama that starts when I registered the username: Mother.

[17:35:36] Mother: Hello.
[17:35:42] Mother: ScaredGirl, is it?
[17:35:52] Mother: Please, I am The Killers Mother.
[17:35:53] FoxxX: om6
[17:35:54] Icybraker: :P
[17:35:56] miniwally: http://www.heaven.org.au/blogs/heretics/wp-content/uploads/2007/10/proof_that_girls_are_evil.jpg
[17:36:03] TheoCT: hahaha
[17:36:08] miniwally: XD
[17:36:10] Wynden: i remember that. xD
[17:36:11] miniwally: LOL
[17:36:14] miniwally: epic
[17:36:15] Mother: I have given him regards and permission to access this chat, this forum, and this game.
[17:36:32] xdude: HAHA
[17:36:41] Mother: If you say im not 'legit', you can contact me at any time.
[17:36:45] miniwally: everyone serious faces
[17:36:46] Icybraker: MOTHER = WIN
[17:36:52] Scaredgirl: haha
[17:36:53] TheoCT: phone call?
[17:36:57] FoxxX: ok?
[17:36:58] Mother: I have a facebook page, Shelly Sboray.
[17:36:58] TheoCT: only way to prove it :P
[17:36:59] Yondi444: xD
[17:37:00] Scaredgirl: that was awesome
[17:37:10] miniwally: quick prt screen fail topic!
[17:37:18] miniwally: zanz missed it
[17:37:23] miniwally: t'is a shame
[17:37:24] Svenningen: Forums>humor next!
[17:37:34] Svenningen: Copypaste the history
[17:37:35] xdude: I didn't laugh so hard in a looooong while
[17:37:51] TheoCT: by the sound of it lots of people here are quite young :S
[17:37:52] miniwally: sven are you going to do it?
[17:37:57] Svenningen: @ MOM; call sg, so we know ur legit. And NOO way anyone would login with the ID; Mother, lol
[17:37:57] miniwally: seriously you should
[17:38:00] TheoCT: just how a bunch of people in here act
[17:38:03] Mother: So please, Im asking that you remove the ban from my child as soon as possible.
[17:38:17] Svenningen: milf?
[17:38:18] miniwally: be serious and tell ehr why it's not poissble
[17:38:26] miniwally: dam typos
[17:38:28] Scaredgirl: haha
[17:38:32] Mother: Svenn, I find that term offensive.
[17:38:35] Scaredgirl: sure, Mother
[17:38:38] Mother: Im a mother, not stupid.
[17:38:47] miniwally: milf?
[17:38:47] Scaredgirl: I found your facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/people/Shelley-Sboray/100000360800462
[17:38:51] Svenningen: @ Mother; whats ur son's firstname, if I may ask?
[17:38:52] Icybraker: The mother of The Killer
[17:38:56] miniwally: what's that mean
[17:38:57] TheoCT: http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=100000360800462&ref=search
[17:39:05] FoxxX: im hungry.........
[17:39:11] Troh: ScaredGirl hsow your facebook profile
[17:39:13] Mother: Thank you scared
[17:39:15] Troh: show*
[17:39:21] miniwally: erm people this is sort of turning stalkerish
[17:39:24] Troh: i can show you mine
[17:39:28] Troh: :)
[17:39:35] Wynden: amen, wally. amen.
[17:39:40] Troh: miniwally go in darkness chat i need to tell you smth
[17:39:40] TheoCT: how is that stalkerish? she told us her name and to find her on facebook
[17:39:42] Svenningen: Mother; on ur FB profile it says; "Zachary Michael (12 år)"
[17:39:57] FoxxX: ummm....yeah.
[17:39:57] miniwally: did she?
[17:40:04] miniwally: oops sorry didn't see that
[17:40:05] Svenningen: Meaning ur son is indeed 12 years, and thus not old enough to be on this chat, the forums nor play the game.
[17:40:22] Icybraker: kaPWNED
[17:40:24] Mother: But I have him full permission.
[17:40:30] TheoCT: svenn, if you're under 13 you need a parents permission
[17:40:43] Icybraker: kaPWNEDx2
[17:40:44] miniwally: but I don't want to miss this Troh :(
[17:40:49] Troh: miniwally
[17:40:50] Svenningen: u "have" him full permission, thats nice.
[17:40:53] FoxxX: well, then.
[17:40:57] Troh: it;s important
[17:41:05] Mother: And what I understood, I could give my son permission, whether he be 10, 11, 12, or 5.
[17:41:13] TheoCT: svenn, h-g are close to each other
[17:41:17] Svenningen: Thats true.
[17:41:19] miniwally: I'm getting there
[17:41:29] Scaredgirl: you are right about that, Mother
[17:41:32] Svenningen: @ TheoCT; Dont spoil my fun
[17:41:44] TheoCT: the problem is the only way to find out if he's tellin the truth, or well, she, is a phone call or a scanned drivers license
[17:41:49] Anothebrother: wait seriously? whether that
[17:41:54] Anothebrother: 's his mom or no
[17:41:55] Anothebrother: t
[17:42:01] Anothebrother: just let him chat
[17:42:07] Anothebrother: if he went through that much trouble
[17:42:19] Mother: I have a scanned Drivers License, actually
[17:42:19] FoxxX: farewell, people i don't know of....!!!
[17:42:26] Scaredgirl: haha I cannot believe how many people are falling for this
[17:42:27] Mother: Let me see, it should be in my photos.
[17:42:27] Scaredgirl: wow
[17:42:34] Scaredgirl: welcome to the internet
[17:42:51] Icybraker: Mother is epic
[17:43:02] Scaredgirl: yea Mother should be here more often
[17:43:03] Anothebrother: i'm not falling for it... i just think that if he wants to be on so bad...
[17:43:11] Wynden: i think this is why stalking is so easy on 'The Internet'.
[17:43:12] TheoCT: im no falling for this, just thinking about it objectively
[17:43:17] Mother: I dont find this epic, I find this serious.
[17:43:25] miniwally: mother same time tomorrow?
[17:43:27] miniwally: :P
[17:43:34] Mother: My son is truly upset at this loss,
[17:43:53] Anothebrother: then get him a mit and tell him to go play baseball
[17:43:57] Svenningen: I vote for her to phone SG. Or any volunteer.
[17:44:02] miniwally: shouldn't zanz be part of this discussion?
[17:44:04] Troh: Mother what you preffer fractal devourers or ROL?
[17:44:12] xdude: no
[17:44:17] miniwally: XD
[17:44:18] Mother: And he desperately wants reinstated as a forum poster, and as a chatter.
[17:44:21] Svenningen: LOL @ Troh.
[17:44:21] TheoCT: SG, where does it say that you have to be over 13? i have yet to find that rule
[17:44:22] xdude: it's only a chat/forum ban
[17:44:32] TheoCT: ah
[17:44:35] Mother: And troh, I honestly have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
[17:44:38] TheoCT: then why is he complainin
[17:44:43] Svenningen: Its common when u register for the forum, Theo.
[17:44:45] TheoCT: just join with a diff name and dont talk about being his old self
[17:44:51] miniwally: you don't need to mother we all laughed
[17:44:57] Anothebrother: Mother entropybow or timebow?
[17:44:58] Father: Mother. What are you doing here?
[17:44:58] TheoCT: if his account is still alive in the game i dont get what the big deal is
[17:45:02] Troh: Mother so you are not ready for champion league, you must join beginners league
[17:45:07] Father: and where is our son?
[17:45:10] Icybraker: Mother, PvP?
[17:45:11] Mother: Because he has gained friends on here, and he also wishes to make posts.
[17:45:19] Icybraker: oh god, more of them
[17:45:19] xdude: haha
[17:45:22] Mother: Father, please dont mock me.
[17:45:29] Mother: I am serious as can be.
[17:45:42] TheoCT: im telling you, or if it's not you then your son how to get around this ban because it's not a big deal
[17:45:44] xdude: dear lord, we really are a big happy family here
[17:45:46] implosion: woohoo, I'm in the car and I have internet
[17:45:46] TheoCT: i mean come on....
[17:45:58] Mother: My son, earlier today, was on the verge of crying.
[17:46:00] Wynden: just deal with it.
[17:46:03] Mother: Sobbing into my arms.
[17:46:04] Icybraker: :O
[17:46:07] Troh: If really i really think that Mother isn;t a fake
[17:46:08] xdude: implosion, read the Hisory
[17:46:11] Wynden: then make a new acc. =\
[17:46:12] Mother: And you dont understand what thats like
[17:46:13] TheoCT: i reallyd ont care if this is true or not at all, if i had my way 50% of the people in here would be banned for acting like they're under 13 haha
[17:46:14] Svenningen: Wow. thats just. wow.
[17:46:15] Icybraker: Did you wash your shirt afterwards?
[17:46:16] xdude: it's epic
[17:46:17] Troh: that Killer could speak fluently english
[17:46:19] Icybraker: Tears can stain
[17:46:20] miniwally: quick find son!
[17:46:22] Troh: but his Mother can
[17:46:30] TheoCT: /nick
[17:46:32] Anothebrother: (i'm his brother...but i pretend i dont know him)
[17:46:37] TheoCT: aw, stupid irc commands not working :P
[17:46:39] yaladilae: i just killed xdude easily!
[17:46:47] Father: Mother, do I need to slap you again?
[17:46:53] Mother: To have a child crying over something silly, and yet having a meaning to his tears.
[17:46:53] Troh: Mother you must make write an parental aprovall and sign it, and make a photo near this with your passport, and send it to zanzarino
[17:46:57] xdude: yala, I had a Fire deck?
[17:46:57] Wynden: gratz, yala!
[17:47:01] Svenningen: Quicky, anyone wanting to answer the phonecall, to verify if she is being legit, or not?
[17:47:01] implosion: I see nothing interesting
[17:47:11] xdude: ...
[17:47:13] Grandmother: I'm here!
[17:47:20] Icybraker: ..
[17:47:25] Icybraker: oh god
[17:47:31] xdude: xD
[17:47:35] Anothebrother: buahahaa
[17:47:35] Mother: That is it!
[17:47:41] Mother: That is the last straw!
[17:47:45] Troh: Mother if you want
[17:47:48] Grandmother: Calm down, daughter
[17:47:49] Mother: I cannot take this anylonger.
[17:47:52] Troh: Mother wait a sec
[17:47:52] miniwally: oh no she's going to ban us
[17:47:52] implosion: ?
[17:47:55] TheoCT: stop with father, grandmother, and stop being annoying to the so called mother
[17:47:55] xdude: OK, this is seriously beggining to get rather stupid
[17:47:58] TheoCT: you guys aren'tfunny -.l-
[17:47:59] Troh: if you really want toa chieve something
[17:48:01] TheoCT: -.-
[17:48:02] Troh: it's not the right place
[17:48:04] miniwally: but we did go a bit far
[17:48:04] Icybraker: As if it wasn't stupid beforehand
[17:48:12] Troh: talk in private with ScareGirl or Zanzarino
[17:48:13] Mother: If your going to mock me, I am going to leave
[17:48:22] Troh: they are owners
[17:48:24] Anothebrother: k bye
[17:48:24] implosion: this is strange...
[17:48:28] Mother: And take this to Zanzarino, or Scared Girl, directly.
[17:48:29] Icybraker: ks
[17:48:30] miniwally: pm if you want a serious chat
[17:48:38] Mother: Good day to you, gentleman.
[17:48:40] xdude: Troh, Zanz can't do anything about the Forums
[17:48:41] Svenningen: Father get out in the garage, Grandmother > go back to sleep.
[17:48:41] Icybraker: This is so surreal and hilarious at the same time
[17:48:43] Anothebrother: that would make more sense
[17:48:44] miniwally: click SG on chat list and tpye in the little box that comes up
[17:48:49] Icybraker: click their name for whispering
[17:48:50] TheoCT: thats what you shouldve done 'mother'
[17:48:51] Svenningen: And mother > kitchen
[17:49:10] Mother: Thank you, 'Icybraker'
[17:49:11] Troh: xdude he can lower age nrestriction
[17:49:14] Grandmother: zzz
[17:49:16] Mother: I was just going to ask that.
[17:49:16] Scaredgirl: wow.. internet truly is an amazing place. :)
[17:49:22] TheoCT: svenn, you're not funny-.-
[17:49:23] Icybraker: Welcome, mother
[17:49:24] xdude: not in the forums..
[17:49:25] Scaredgirl: you guys believe anything, huh?
[17:49:29] miniwally: I said it first >:(
[17:49:35] Troh: LETS VOTE
[17:49:36] Icybraker: Too bad :D
[17:49:37] Troh: LETS VOTE
[17:49:37] xdude: the forums are totally controled by SG
[17:49:41] miniwally: I thought it might be you
[17:49:42] Troh: WHO THINK MOTHER IS A FAKE?
[17:49:50] Troh: I think Mother is Mother
[17:49:50] Anothebrother: CHOOSE OR DIE!
[17:49:51] miniwally: but then you'd laugh if I was wrong
[17:49:57] Anothebrother: FAKE
[17:50:02] Troh: Mother is Killers Mother (or older sys or bro)
[17:50:08] Troh: 1 1
[17:50:09] TheoCT: i guess SG is just having fun?
[17:50:14] Troh: 1 vote for fake 1 for real
[17:50:17] Troh: abyone else
[17:50:19] Icybraker: Of course mother is fake
[17:50:19] Enderspride: Afternoon :)
[17:50:20] xdude: probably
[17:50:23] Anothebrother: lol what if mother is SG
[17:50:24] Troh: anyone*
[17:50:26] miniwally: wait wait is this all made up :P
[17:50:26] Icybraker: but Father and Grandmother are REAL
[17:50:30] Svenningen: fake.
[17:50:30] miniwally: matrix omg
[17:50:41] Troh: 3 for fake 2 for real
[17:50:48] Troh: anyone else
[17:50:49] yaladilae: haha, i had fun just now, i am bored again =P
[17:50:52] Anothebrother: u mean like machines were controlling us mini?
[17:50:57] miniwally: 1 vote for everything is fake
[17:51:02] Troh: Mother you can vote too
[17:51:13] Mother: I am real.
[17:51:19] Troh: 4 for fake, 2 for real
[17:51:22] Grandmother: I'm busy farming Level 0
[17:51:22] miniwally: omg this revelation has changed my life :P
[17:51:26] Troh: 4 for fake, 3 for real
[17:51:30] TheoCT: as i said, if i had my way over 1/2 of the people in here would get baqnned for acting like annoying 11 year olds
[17:51:33] Grandmother: seriously you kids got to go back to basics
[17:51:42] Mother: Owned is the definition here!
[17:51:42] miniwally: I'm guessing that includes me Theo?
[17:51:43] Svenningen: Someone get this on the humor forum.
[17:51:44] Mother: Bwahaha
[17:51:46] Mother: ;)

Well, there you have it. The ultimate story, of lulz. Thank you and good night.


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Re: Ultra Epic Chat https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7574.msg84176#msg84176
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2010, 06:12:40 pm »
This was EPIC.

I was Grandmother, btw. I had fun. ;) It's things like these that make our community awesome.


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Re: Ultra Epic Chat https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7574.msg84177#msg84177
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2010, 06:12:55 pm »
good times, good times.
in other words, pretty much the last hour.


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Re: Ultra Epic Chat https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7574.msg84178#msg84178
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2010, 06:13:37 pm »
Ah good time, good times.

Seriously Wyn who else says good times except me :P

can't believe you ninja'd me with what I was going to put.

Offline Zac33333Topic starter

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Re: Ultra Epic Chat https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7574.msg84179#msg84179
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2010, 06:16:01 pm »
See? Having a female and motherly alter-ego can come in handy. Also, I used to pretend to be an underaged milf in chatrooms, RP, and then report the guy and almost have him arrested. Now THOSE were good times.

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Re: Ultra Epic Chat https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7574.msg84181#msg84181
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2010, 06:16:13 pm »
I lolled for awhile =) The Slap from SG was grand :D

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Re: Ultra Epic Chat https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7574.msg84189#msg84189
« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2010, 06:26:21 pm »
Who was Mother and Father?


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Re: Ultra Epic Chat https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7574.msg84201#msg84201
« Reply #7 on: June 06, 2010, 06:30:34 pm »
Mother was zac.
Father was Scaredgirl.

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Re: Ultra Epic Chat https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7574.msg84213#msg84213
« Reply #8 on: June 06, 2010, 06:37:34 pm »
LOL. And I was online the whole time!

:(, Next time I'm going to be "Hippie".

Offline Zac33333Topic starter

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Re: Ultra Epic Chat https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7574.msg84216#msg84216
« Reply #9 on: June 06, 2010, 06:39:18 pm »
THIS IS LEET OWNAGE! IT WAS FUN!                                                                                                                                                                                                                         8=D

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Re: Ultra Epic Chat https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7574.msg84331#msg84331
« Reply #10 on: June 06, 2010, 09:06:23 pm »
i cant believe i missed that, though knowing me i would be a kill joy about it or something...
my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard and they're like "its better than yours" damn right, its better than yours! i can teach you but i'd have to charge!

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Re: Ultra Epic Chat https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7574.msg84337#msg84337
« Reply #11 on: June 06, 2010, 09:13:58 pm »

that should happen again... like now?

