1 turn
with perfect draw, go to the trainer, make quanta X100, draw 6 fire lances
What's the most heal you can get in one turn?
Technically that's 0 turns because ur turn doesn't end.
(6 SS, 6 SoD, 1 Miracle, 1 Heal or SoG)
*cough* *cough*
krathos is right, it's 499...
since hp caps at 500...
also, @krathos
i think it's 2 turns
you start with 3 QTs, a fractal, and 3 BLs
play the three QTs, they all give you

, 9

you end your turn, all QTs give you

, 9

you draw a sky blitz on your second turn
play 3 balls, fractal, 7 more balls, sky blitz
What's the least amount of turns needed to cap your hp pool (to 500)?