The Official* Luckiness Study!The goal of this study is simple. Many of us make claims regarding our luck (or lack thereof) in this game, but now it's time to prove it, once and for all, with SCIENCE! Participants will earn the right to display their LUCK RATING in beautiful golden glory, as infallible proof to the rest of the world that they are just as lucky (or cursed) as they always suspected. Joining this invaluable study is very simple. Read on:Step 1 - The Deck:Load the following deck:
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vk 4vk 4vk 4vk 4vm 4vm 4vm 4vm 4vm 4vm 5l9 5l9 5l9 5l9 5l9 5l9 61p 61p 61p 8pn
Step 2 - The Testing:Complete exactly 9 games with the above deck vs AI Level 2 or higher. Keep track of your wins and losses, and also be sure to take a screen shot of at least one example of either awesomely great luck or ridiculously bad luck. You MUST have such a screen shot for your results to be valid. If you can't get a good screen shot in your first 9 games, you'll just have to keep playing until you do!
Bonus Stats - You may also wish to gather the following data, in order to better understand the exact nature and flavor of your luck:
- Accidental Deaths: How many time during the course of your games do you end up killing your own summons?
- Who's is bigger? What is the largest Attack or Health one of your mutants achieved?
- MVP: Which mutant was the most useful out of all your games?
- Short Lived: Your best TTW?
- Point and Laugh at: What was the worst mutant you received?
- Better Lucky than Good: What is the highest AI level you won against?
Step 3 - The PostOnce you've finished gathering data in Step 2, post your results in this topic using the following format:
[b][color=gold][size=24pt]See step 4 to post your LUCK RATING number here[/size][/color]
Wins: *
Losses: *
Bonus Stat: (optional)
Bonus Stat: (optional)
Bonus Stat: (optional)
[img]post your image link here[/img]
Step 4 - Your Very Own LUCK RATING!Now it's time to get your very own LUCK RATING. To do so, first subtract your total number of losses from your total number of wins. You'll have a number ranging from 9 to -9. Now multiply the result by 1000.11 then round to the nearest whole number and voila! Your official LUCK RATING. Input the number of your LUCK RATING into the prepared area at the top of the topic you just made, and now the world knows. If you feel the (understandable) need to further advertise your LUCK RATING, feel free to place it in your signature or other prominent places. Remember, your LUCK RATING is backed by 100% Science. No one can argue with Science!
Step 5 - Complete! Congratulations, and thank you for doing your part to make this community a truly better place. You are our hero!
*this study is not official in any way.
**LUCK RATING is not patented by anyone.