It all started with an offhand comment in chat from willng3 about Batman -- and then somehow the conversation launched into comic book supers, how incredibly AWESOME Batman and Iron Man are

, whether you need powers to be a "super hero" (
), and whether hanging out with a ten year old girl who sent a brick wall to a hospital makes up for being an inept costumed crimefighter who gets beat up every time he tries to fight solo

Anyway, I was inspired to make this thread. If you or any other Elements community member was a comic book super (hero, villain, anything), who would you/they be?
Personally, I think I fit the Ted Kord Blue Beetle

the most (minus the whole, uh, dying thing. I'd rather not be shot in the head by someone I thought was a friend). Mostly normal and overshadowed, and I tend to goof around rather than being serious, but I do have my moments. Also, not an inventor or rich, but I do have an imagination.
As for other Elements Community members: kirch's little




schtick reminds me of Batman and the way he disappears when you're not looking. And Antagon, being this place's resident Chuck Norris-type, would have to be Batman or Iron Man because they're both ABSOLUTELY AWESOME. EDIT: Napalm = Nightcrawler (*poof*) and will = Poison Ivy!? I'll let him refute this one.
(Put this in the Humor thread instead of Comics for now, but if any of you mods out there think this belongs better in the latter, please feel free to move it)