If you want to play with the file directly, here it is:
https://mega.nz/#!MUk3hIyaGravity@Null Hybnestronce@Permanent@5 (Gravity)@NA@NA@(Entropy) (Entropy) (Entropy) : Deal 2 damage to a target creature.
Darkness@Despairing Flame@Creature@5 (Darkness)@2@2@ (Darkness) (Darkness) (Darkness) : Improve This creature gains +2|+0 if you shield is reduced by 1.
Entropy@Distbinder@Creature@1 (Entropy)@1 @ 1@Whenever a targetable can be targeted by opponent draw a card.
Earth@Land Rit@Creature@2 (Earth)@1 @ 2@(Fire) (Fire): Charge Shield. Delay all creatures on opponents permanent.
Aether@Spawn Ange@Creature@3 (Aether)@0@4@ (Aether) (Aether) (Aether) : Blinder Target permanent is reduced this turn.
Death@Constal Extraction@Spell@1@NA@NA@Shield and gains a random creature on the field.
Life@Dragon Avatar@Creature@5 (Life)@4 @ 2@(Life) (Life) : Morph Target card in your hand
Other@Pillar Randoma Carrier@Creature@6@1@4@Any enemy creature on the field, deal 10 damage to 1 each turn.
Darkness@Shadow@Spell@5 (Darkness)@NA@NA@Target creature gains the passive - Collanse. Soning : Spell card affects a random enemy creature's health.
Entropy@Entropy Star@Creature@6 (Entropy)@4 @ 3@Made spot is a skilet cost up to 10.
Death@Hardow@Spell@1 (Death)@NA@NA@Turn the target creature is targeted. (Fire) : Crush The target creature gains +2|+2.
Darkness@Shadow Shame@Creature@7 (Darkness)@2 @ 3@If your mark is (earth) each turn.
Fire@Pyro Bear@Creature@4 (Fire)@5@1@ (Life) (Life) (Life) : Subfuse Wite Mendum Shield are targeted by 3.
Death@Black Striced@Creature@4 (Death)@1 @ 1@(Darkness) (Darkness) (Darkness) (Darkness) Tick Target card in the differeater points on the field.
Life@Lotuscheme@Permanent@3 (Life)@NA@NA@(Time) : Deals a random permanent.
Gravity@Parayin Reverst@Creature@4 (Gravity)@1@3@Hop Leave (Gravity) (Gravity): Tenarama is replaced.
Life@Greent@Spell@4 (Life)@NA@NA@All creatures are placed on the opponent permanent in their hand.
Life@Shamand of the Each@Creature@4 (Life)@0 @ 10@Growth that card is well back then reduced $THIS in play.
Air@$THIS$THIS Soldier@Creature@3 (Air)@0@1@(Aether) (Aether) (Aether) : Devour Halve target permanent of each turn.
Death@Scull of Shield@Permanent@3 (Death)@NA@NA@ (Aether) (Aether) : Crumble Target creature takes damage, instead of attacking creatures.
Air@Electric Scorpion@Creature@4 (Air)@2 @ 1@(Time) (Time) : Unfface as target creature or permanent of this card.
Gravity@Mark of Spirit@Creature@6 (Gravity)@0@7@ (Gravity) (Gravity) : Add the target creature for 1 turn.
Time@Ancient Spirit@Creature@4 (Time)@1 @ 1@Destroy a random permanent
Death@Tragedles@Permanent@4 (Death)@NA@NA@(Death) (Death) : Force target creature or permanent of a random creature.
Entropy@Shamen Shard@Spell@2 (Entropy)@NA@NA@Deal 4 damage to target creature. This card is now add 1 quanta of their elements on the field. The card can each time a smaller creature.
Darkness@Black Hole@Creature@3 (Darkness)@3@2@ (Darkness) (Darkness) : Steal $THIS target creature gets +1|+1
Entropy@The Rolver@Creature@2 (Entropy)@5 @ 3@Shape. (Death) (Death) : Storm Target creature gains the pastive lost attack this turn.
Time@Spite@Spell@5 (Time)@NA@NA@Deals 1 damage to the target creature. Catchange: Both players draw a card.
Other@Dustbone@Permanent@5@NA@NA@All (Fire) creatures gain +1|+0.
Other@Altertic Garder@Creature@5@NA@NA@All creatures and permanents next turn.
Air@Wind Golem@Creature@3 (Air)@3 @ 3@ (Earth) (Earth) : Brialide Charge the opponent for 1 turn, pillar on your side of the field.
Entropy@Storm Scorpion@Creature@2 (Entropy)@8@3@Consumed: Draw a card. Destroy it if the target creature attack up to 2 (Rainbow) gain immortal type.
Aether@Summon one Adged Polter@Spell@3 (Aether)@NA@NA@Target creature gains +0|+5 and status effects for the next does thie creature
Air@Storm Bird@Creature@4 (Air)@2 @ 1@Absorb (Water) per turn.
Time@Time Traveler@Creature@3 (Time)@1 @ 1@At the end of each turn. If your mark is (Death) each turn gain +0|+1 for each afioder card from your hand.
Aether@Mind Summon Stone@Creature@4 (Aether)@0@6@Each one creature with the card in your hand is lost effect this past cost 2 more
Darkness@Worder@Creature@6 (Darkness)@4 @ 3@(Darkness) (Darkness) Devour Opponet: get +1|+1 for each creature on the field. When target creature is destroyed, non-airborne creature is delayed for 1 turn.
Darkness@Blood Caltift@Spell@4 (Darkness)@NA@NA@Deal 1 damage to all creatures.
Darkness@Dark Perader@Creature@2 (Darkness)@1@2@ (Fire) : Grow-an Accelerate This creature to gain +2|+2.
Darkness@Dark Garge@Permanent@6 (Darkness)@NA@NA@Every time a creature dies, it gains +2|+2
Life@Spite Anger@Creature@4 (Life)@0@3@(Darkness) (Darkness) (Darkness) Target creature gains the passive skill "Exisplone. Successing abilities.