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Post the decks of famous wizards https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=32983.msg416862#msg416862
« on: October 28, 2011, 06:07:52 am »
Post the decks of famous wizards!  They don't have to be playable or make any sense--  the goal is just to make it thematic!  I.e., the cards should be somehow based on what that wizard actually uses.  Also, just because someone posts a wizard doesn't mean you can't post your own take on that wizard.

I'll start with everyone's favorite wizard:

  • Gandalf
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
5c5 5ok 61q 77e 77e 77e 77e 77m 77m 7ag 7ag 7ag 7ag 7ah 7ah 7ah 7ah 7ah 7gq 7gq 7gq 7jr 7js 7js 7js 7jv 7k1 7k2 7k4 7k5 7k5 7k5 7k5 7k5 7k6 7n5 7qe 7qe 7qe 7ti 8po

  • Druidic Staff:  Of course Gandalf uses a staff!
  • Firefly:  The one which helped him when he was trapped on Saruman's tower
  • Lightning:  As seen in "The Hobbit"
  • Gnome Gemfinders:  Hobbits!!
  • Varadium Wardens / Crusaders:  Gandalf's human allies (Gondor, Rohan, Strider, etc.)
  • Elite Cockatrices:  The Eagles
  • Forest Spectres:  Ents, of course!
  • Purify:  Not sure, just felt Gandalf should have purify.
  • Elite Pegasus:  Shadowfax!
  • Holy Flash, Improved Blessing:  Again, not sure, just felt right.
  • Morning Glory:  Gandalf's Sword
  • Improved Miracle:  Used to revive after the battle against the balrog
  • Hope:  Part of his "theme" throughout the novels, he brought hope.
  • Sanctuary:  Rivendell
  • Eagle's Eye:  The Eagles help gandalf dispatch his foes
  • Ghosts of the Past:  Those undead guys from Return of the King (maybe more appropriate for Aragorn?)
  • Cloak:  As seen, for example, in The Two Towers when his allies mistake him for Saruman
  • Mark of Fire:  As you know, Gandalf is the bearer of Narya, the Ring of Fire.
And just for good measure, here's Gandalf's arch rival...

  • Saruman
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
4ve 4ve 4ve 4ve 4vm 4vm 4vm 4vm 4vm 4vm 561 561 561 5ld 5rr 5um 5um 5ut 623 6rl 714 74h 74h 778 77l 7dm 7dm 7dp 7dp 7dp 7dp 7dp 7dp 7h2 7n1 7n1 7n6 7te 7tg 80k 8pq

  • Abominations, Fallen Elves:  Of course, the Uruk-Hai!
  • Catapults, Trebuchets, Explosions, Unstable Gas:  Used against Helm's Deep
  • Solar Shield/Mark of Light:  even though he's become corrupt, Saruman is the wizard of Light.
  • Precognition/Mindgate:  The Palantir
  • Devourers:  Not sure exactly, but felt like it goes well with the theme of Saruman sucking the life out of nature
  • Minor Vampire:  Wormtongue
  • Gavel:  Saruman's Staff
  • Condor:  "The spies of Saruman!"
  • Stone Tower:  The one where he lives and carries out all his diabolical schemes
  • Basilisk Blood / Voodoo Doll / Liquid Shadow / Silence:  Different aspects of Saruman's controlling the King of Rohan
  • Cremation:  This is what pissed the Ents off in the first place
  • Steam Machine:  Goes with the theme of Saruman's cruel experiments with machinery
  • Lightning Storms:  useful for blocking mountain passes and forcing your enemies to venture into Moria
Hope to see some cool wizard decks posted here  :D  ;D

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Re: Post the decks of famous wizards https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=32983.msg417077#msg417077
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2011, 07:21:04 pm »
Harry Potter

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 52q 52v 58p 595 5f9 5f9 5f9 5fc 5fc 5io 5lb 5lc 5li 5lm 5ol 5ri 5rk 5rl 5rr 5ru 5v1 5v2 623 717 8ps

Quantum Pillar: All magicians need a quanta source
Arsenic: The sword of Gryffindor with Basilisk Blood
Antlion: If Harry can´t get the real lion of Gryffindor, he needs an Antlion.
Basilisk Blood: The blood from the Basilisk in part II
Immolation: The parents of Harry sacrificed themselves for Harry.
Phoenix: The feather of the phoenix in Harry´s wand. Also Dumbledore´s pet Fawkes.
Nymph Queen: Harry visits the nymphs in part IV.
Pegasus: Harry can´t get Thestrals or Hippogryphs in Elements (kind of flying horses)
Holy Light: Expecto Patronum (part III). The picture of Holy Light also reminds me of a deer (Patronum of Harry)
Miracle: Harry Potter really needs them to survive the attempts of Voldemort to kill him
Sanctuary: Hogwarts.
Owl´s Eye: Harry loves Hedwig.
Fate Egg: The egg Harry gets in part IV. Or the egg he must steal from a dragon.
Reverse Time: The Time Turner Hermine uses in part III
Golden Hourglass: All magicians have them.
Precognition: One of Harry´s skill
Ghost of the Past: The ghosts in Hogwarts, which help him.
Nightmare: Harry also has them.
Cloak: Yeah, the beautiful cloak, which can make Harry invisible
Mindgate: The special connection between Harry and Voldemort.
Graveyard: A special setting in Harry Potter I-VIII.
I`m teffy, here - and Ringat on Kongregate


blarg: Xamuel,teffy