Breaking news!The hacker called [you] has been caught!
Seriously though.. this was all just a joke. The reason why you see your name on this topic is that I used a special code that always shows the name of the person reading it. This means that when I read this topic, it says "Scaredgirl", when BilllyBob reads it, it says "BillyBoB", and when
you read it, it says your name, like this:
I didn't type your name above, I used a code. Everyone sees their own name. Get it? Everyone is a hacker.
It was a good joke but now it's over. This topic has reached 100 pages which is when I planned on locking it. We might restart this topic sometime in the future but now we need a break. Meanwhile that special piece of code is
banned on these forums so please don't use it.
Thank you everyone who participated in this topic, especially those who fell for it big time and gave us many laughs.