Linkcat (5) - killsdazombies, antiaverage, Zilean, 177fabian, REEEEEEEEEEKuroaitou (6) - Skillcat, TheonlyrealBeet, ValerianLame, , Linkcat Fanboy, Master of Time or Linkcat resigns as FGO, ImmortallyMediocreBut kuroaitou and linkcat arent even in game. So no one is being lynched. Here's the proper vote:Linkcat Fanboy (69) - worldwideweeb3
Ah, well done.
Can the game end in a tie?
I just realized that two of the names were incorrect.Linkcat (5) - WannabeHost, antiaverage, Zilean, 177fabian, Kuroaitou (7) - Skillcat, TheonlyrealBeet, ValerianLame, Linkcat Fanboy, Master of Time or Linkcat resigns as FGO, ImmortallyMediocre, REEEEEEEEEE