From this day on, time_lord_victorious was never seen again.
From this day on, time_lord_victorious was never heard again.
The name time_lord_victorious was never spoken again, for while the ordinary people knew his fate, there was a wall of silence. The mutual fear of the overlord, the assasin hid the knowledge into the further depth of the people's brains, where they were never brought to light.
Sometimes, when it is night, dark and cold, they think of him. Yet they fear their thoughts will bring Him to them too.
For when you are in the shadows, you are unsafe...
But one must speak out! remember, the former, the late time_lord_victorious! We can rise up against this cold overlord, this silent assasin! We can bring equality, and not suffer the fate of poor TLV. We can overthrow, Kael hate!
The Last Post of the Late DrunkDestroyer, left here to remind any future conspirators, rebellers of the fate of the others. Beware!