It's my cake!

No, it's my very large pie, not your cake, to prove this I will make an extremely long post about how I am right, that is because extremely long posts are always good for proving points. Now, I am writing this extremely looong post about how how what you thought was your cake is really my very large pie. Get my point? No! I will have to make this post longer then;so you see your cake is my very large pie. It's my very large pie because this is a really long post about how your cake is really my pie, a very large pie at that. Now, you may be wondering how a very long post would persuade you to believe that your cake is really my very large pie. I will explain: as you are reading this very long post you are thinking about how my very large pie is what you thought was your cake.As you think about how your cake is really my pie, which is very large, you begin to subconsciously believe that I am right, about your cake is really my very laaaaaaarrrrrgggggeeee pie. So, I continue to make this post very, very large, like my pie. Why? I want you to know my pie is what you thought was your cake. Have I made my point?