Wow, a lot of funny responses:
1) A bunker submerged in the middle of the Indian Ocean. Large enough to accomodate one (2) persons (Icybraker, guy who pays Icybraker a trillion bucks). Water purifier.
Guys! Calm down! There's an easy way to solve this.
The doomsday device was programmed with Vista, we're all safe.
Why do you people build these things?
I mean, it's just a hobby for me, but at least I'm licensed.
I beat all of you. I made a machine that can control time and space with my thoughts and unknown-as-of-yet-to-mortals alien technology. All I have to do is activate it, and the world explodes in 52 days at midnight eastern time. So all I have to do is press it in less than an hour, and the world is doomed again. Which I did accidentally, about five seconds ago.
However, there is hope. A group of 12 humans will gain the powers of the machine, and one Decmeber 21, 2012, they will resurrect he world, uniting everyone in the city of Istanbul.