My feline friend was walking with me one day, and we encountered our neighbors with their Newfoundland. The cat glanced at it skeptically, then hissed tentatively. The dog looked back at it half-curiously, half-fearfully, and all adorably. The cat then made a throaty growl and slapped the dog on the nose. He went running away behind one of his owners.
I like cats, because I can respect them. You can't own a cat, it does whatever it wants. It sleeps all day, so you can't help much be jealous of it. It can catch it's own food and is evens so thoughtful to bring you some. I've yet to meet a cat trained to roll over, play dead, shake paws, or any such silliness. They recognize bullshit and refuse to partake in it. They're independent but also wonderful for snuggling. Cats, unlike dogs, have a built-in miniature muffled car engine that revs quietly and fantastically in your arms. they're great for cuddling up with in bed after a long day, and love to be scritched and scratched and are much more relaxed. Dogs are generally too hectic for me, though fun. I like playing with a dog at the beach, but long-term prefer the sanity of a cat that doesn't blindly do whatever it's told to and is loyal to whoever provides it with food and kisses.
but yeah, dogs are cool too.