here is a compilation of "how the pros do it" ("it" is forums, decks, elements, and other stuff)
- no matter what, always find room for advertisements
- if there is any room left, add in a cool quote
- the smiley codes work in the signature, most pros do it
- have it match your avatar, username, and other stuff
- first of all: have it made by vrt
- if vrt says no, ask EmeraldTiger, pepokish, or Bloodshadow
- custom mark if all the artists say no
- EvaRia's marks are good too
- answer people's questions before they even ask (ex:,22463.msg304849#msg304849, look at the post below...)
Online Communities:
- use the same username, to build yourself an online identity
Wall of Text:
- if you are going to do it, use spoilers
Talk to corporate! (like a boss)
Approve memos! (like a boss)
Lead a workshop! (like a boss)
Remember birthdays! (like a boss)
Direct workflow! (like a boss)
My own bathroom! (like a boss)
Micro manage! (like a boss)
Promote synergy! (like a boss)
Hit on Debrah! (like a boss)
Get rejected! (like a boss)
Swallow sadness! (like a boss)
Send some faxes! (like a boss)
Call a *tax line! (like a boss)
Cry deeply! (like a boss)
Demand a refund! (like a boss)
Eat a bagel! (like a boss)
Harassment lawsuit! (like a boss)
No promotion! (like a boss)
Fifth of vodka! (like a boss)
*Sit on Debrah's desk! (like a boss)
Buy a gun! (like a boss)
In my mouth! (like a boss)
Oh, *punk me a can't *monkey do it *this
Pussy out! (like a boss)
Puke on Debrah's desk! (like a boss)
Jump out the window! (like a boss)
Suck a dudes *sick (like a boss)
Score some coke (like a boss)
Crash my car! (like a boss)
*Duck my own *Lick (like a boss)
Eat some chicken strips (like a boss)
Cp my *y'alls off (like a boss)
Black out in the sewer! (like a boss)
Meet a giant fish! (like a boss)
*Suck his brains! out (like a boss)
Turn into a jet! (like a boss)
Bomb the Russians! (like a boss)
Crash into the sun! (like a boss)
Now I'm dead! (like a boss)
- Make good FG farmers
- Ultimate way to get karma...,22957.0.htmlQuanta:
- Use them cremations and supernovas people!!!
Expressing Arrogance:
- post "be me" in the thread
(submit your own with "it" and how "it's" done by the pros