I will take over that series, unofficially,
anyway, since he hasn't thought of this:
- double/multiple bidding (TU and Fractal are so OP that they waste aether's cards
- bids one card on every slave possible (little by themselves, a lot once you add them up)
- in spoilers (cloaked...)
- bidding? why bother? (kill them and take their souls...)
- very solid bids... (bids a lot more than needed...)
- random...
- something like this
By the Fire vested in me, I bid 3 Cards.
- heavy bids (similar to earth, only difference: WAY over-priced...)
- wait... the tiny little sprout will be the tallest tree one day (wizel actually hasn't made bids yet...)
- goes only for loyalists... (quality>quantity...)
- sees the future of each loyalist, mercenary, and slave, and bids on who will have the least competition...
- bribes with cakes and cupcakes (no kidding, ask RR and nils...)