With the last round inconclusive, it's time to break out the big guns. And what's sexier than card games? Cardgames with hookers!
That's right folks, in the third round the disco diva and golden boozer will be going head to head in a heated battle of the hottest, most innuendo laden blackjack known to man!
Or not, it's all down to them...
Game 1, Turn 1:
-Dealer draws two cards and reveals a 5 of hearts.
-Discord, leading in the polls, goes second and is dealt a 7 of diamons and a king of spades (diggin' her *wink*).
-While Arum obtains a flush 4 and 2 of hearts.
Game 1, Turn 2:
-Going against the grain, Discord decides to stick at 17.
-Arum, on the other hand, asks for more and gets a 6 of spades.
Game 1, Turn 3:
-Discord is sitting out, for better or for worse.
-And Arum asks for yet another, this time a 7 of clubs. Hollering in victory, he's soon saddened to realise that he's just agreed to stick at 19.
-The dealer steps in and reveals a 3 of hearts, placing him below the minimum victory requirement of 17.
-So he draws a third card, a 4 of diamonds.
-Still below the baseline, Draco draws again, finally reaching 21 with a 9 of spades. The dealer wins again!
But that's not all. The dealer was keeping his eyes on the cards but our contestants, eyeing eachother up, may have a different tale to tell.