implosion's law: darkness = fail. darkness is a lack of . is win. Therefore darkness is a lack of win, and is therefore fail.
@implosion's signature:Quoteimplosion's law: darkness = fail. darkness is a lack of . is win. Therefore darkness is a lack of win, and is therefore fail.Hit list:1. yaladilae2. implosionI will short out every single source of light in your home, so you'll be living in pitch darkness for eternity.
Pah, don't worry about Icy.I've got a permanent spot on the top of his hitlist because I stole his seal and won't give it back. Unless I die mysteriously, he's not gonna touch you.
Those are epic.Quote from: icybraker on June 15, 2010, 01:03:41 am Turn that frown upsidedown! He could have shot you in a far worse place. =P
Quote from: icybraker on June 14, 2010, 09:41:50 pmWheres your god phase shield now?on a side note would a phase shield block a gunand also does Icy really have that deep of a voice?