Clearly this is evolution in progress. That's the first fish who walked from the sea on to the land.
I'd go with the other way around; Land creature going back to sea - Its upgrade is the puffer fish and its unnupped is the toadfish. I'm from the pokemon generation so I automatically think upgrade = evolve.. Darwins arguments are nowhere near as persuasive as pikachus flashy cuteness
Ever heard of a tripod fish?
Long fin-like "Feet" adapted for walking on the ocean floor.
Lots of other fishies have adapted to life on the ocean floor by using rudimentary feet.
Wait.. So its designed to have feet to walk on the ocean floor.. But also designed to puff up full of air.. And presumably floats.. up? That is one seriously confussing creature.
I just like the fact that the cute little bugger is clearly smiling.
I love how people are discussing it. This is the Mona Lisa of Elements.