For the past year or so I was participating the life of the forum. And as much as I'd like to believe that it's all nice and friendly and colorful, I have a reason to believe that not everything is nice and friendly and covered with glitter.
It all started when the world went mad. On april first of 2017, our world (or, at least chat) turned upside down. People were forced to take a new, alien identity of the ex-Master of time,
Kuroaitou. Kuroaitou or Kuro, forced everyone to become duplicates of himself, spreading pandemonium across the servers of elementia.
Everything was in state of complete chaos. People were mind controlled and panic rose quicker than it ever did before. How ever, in massive amount of terror, people simply didn't pay attention to some of the more... subtle things.
First, let's actually see who can do this. Convert every single man and woman in an area of their will into their duplicates. Only one person comes to mind - the Master.
The Master is a Doctor Who character, who resembles a maddened Timelord with lust for power and desire to conquer planets. How does that link him to Kuro? Good question. Let's investigate together.
It's not a secret that Kuro favors Time above other elements. He clearly has more understanding of Time than anyone here (except for DoubleCapitals, but we'll get to him later). The only feasible explanation for his extraordinary understanding of time as well as the skill in manipulating it can only mean one thing - Kuro is a Timelord. And not an ordinary timelord either. You see, both the fact that he desired to make everyone himself, as well as the fact that he actually managed to do it, plus his title of the Master of Time all point towards simple undeniable truth - Kuro is the Timelord known the Master.
But Doc! - you ask. -
Why are you telling us about this and how is this important? Kuro isn't even active on the forum anymore!Well, my friend, as much as Kuro isn't active on the forums, I don't think he needs to be. You see, like any other Timelord, the Master can change his appearance (although the regeneration cycle is extended for him). I have a reason to believe that whoever gets the title of The Master of Time is just the Master in disguise. The title gets passed from one iteration of the Master to the other. SpikeSpiegel, 10men, Kuro are all the same being, just different regenerations.
What bugs us the most is a simple truth - the new Master of Time (or should I say,
DoubleCapitals, is lurking in the shadows of Discord. Who knows what that crazy timelord might be up to.
But Doc! - you ask. -
DoubleCaps isn't even a lady. You're just a lunatic, obsessed with conspiracy theories!Caps did call himself The Mistress of Time. Proof's lower
So there, take that. =p
P.s. I am a lunatic, obsessed with conspiracy theories. So what? =p