Who's faster: Superman or the Flash?
The Flash-He can vibrate his molecules through concrete
Do you think that you can dance? (answer only valid on mondays)
Time is relative, therefor it can be answered any time. And Yes. I think I can dance
Does BP stand for British Petroleum?
No. Black Pineapples
Why didn't you answer my last question? Could I please have a real answer to the question: when will I die to the nearest minute? All you did was talk about some gibberish that had nothing to do with my question.
I told you what you needed to hear. nothing more, nothing less.
You also failed to answer my question: the answer may only be "yes" or "no"; "maybe" is not an option.
You asked if the answer to your next question will be a yes or a no. My full response, Maybe the answer will be a yes or a no. i just put it in one word for ease