On 1996, on this little planet called Earth, it was predicted that the world would explode in 2012 which would be foreshadowed by the world's #1 anime producers getting hit by a tsu-
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Ok ok, so a while ago, Daxx decided to have a little fun using Higurashi's profile as the battleground in light of a certain poet. (
Why yes my icon is a maid. What's wrong with that?
[22:22:08] Poisonking: You know my post to higgy right?
[22:22:20] Poisonking: Well, remember my terms of my bets right?
[22:22:23] Spiral0527: no
[22:22:27] DevilLoss: yes
[22:22:33] kitty45: waiting DL
[22:22:35] DevilLoss: its in what people say in caht
[22:22:35] DevilLoss: chat
[22:22:36] Poisonking: Well, i beat Daxx, so guess what he is gonna do
[22:22:48] Spiral0527: what?
[22:22:51] Daxx: done
[22:22:51] DevilLoss: what
[22:22:55] guest-4869: What are you guys talking about?
[22:22:56] DevilLoss:
[22:23:02] TStar: Poison, you are a nice guy and all but the attention whoring has gotten a bit over the top don't you think?
[22:23:04] Daxx: it's subtler than what you asked for, but more lulzy.
[22:23:04] Poisonking: Wait a few minutes.
[22:24:37] Poisonking: @tstar i didnt mean to hog any attention. its just what your about to see in a few minutes is orob gonna be the funniest thing youll see all year
[22:24:42] guest-4869: ?
[22:25:46] Daxx: that didn't work like I was expecting
[22:25:46] Poisonking: @Daxx ok
[22:27:30] Daxx: done
[22:28:25] ji412jo: the more i wish bunny will make more bids soon
[22:28:49] Spiral0527: c'mon already poisonking
[22:28:57] Nikulasu: Okay, I made an account.
[22:28:58] Spiral0527: ok shoot
[22:29:57] Poisonking: OH MY GOD DAXX YOUR AMAZING!!!!
[22:30:26] DevilLoss: poison king change ur color thats kitty color ur using also what is amazing?
[22:30:28] kitty45: pk*
[22:30:33] paxaxx: yes or no?
[22:30:33] Daxx: *puts on shades, lounges*
[22:30:40] Poisonking: Everyone look at higurashi profile!!!! on the forums!!!!
[22:30:41] Spiral0527: on the forum nikulasu
[22:30:41] Zblader:
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,13006.0.html War Rules.
[22:30:47] Zblader: yes pax.
[22:30:55] Poisonking: QUICK LOOK AT HIGGYS FORUM PROFILE!!!
[22:30:58] Nikulasu: Ohh, okay.
[22:31:01] Daxx: subtle, PK.
[22:31:06] Daxx: real subtle
[22:31:09] TStar: Higs be getting trolled lol
[22:31:12] pikachufan2164: trololol XD
[22:31:28] Kael Hate: PK, quit with the caps
[22:31:28] TStar: Attention Whoring at it's finest
[22:31:30] kitty45: LOL
[22:31:32] Zblader: 10k electrum she's just screwing with you >
[22:31:35] willng3: Mmm...
[22:31:37] Zblader: >=)
[22:31:38] DevilLoss: what am i looking for?
[22:31:46] kitty45: GO
[22:31:51] Tichan: whats with wizel and score? like i think i have seen 4 posts so far about score.. since when does score=skill?
[22:31:54] paxaxx: ok because i just played one of the top 50 and he had relics and nymphs in his hand but i didn't see any nymphs in the spins
[22:31:59] Theonlyrealbeef: Posts: 2055 (6.738 per day) Personal Text: ♥ Higurashi & PoisonKing 4 EVA ♥ <-- that
[22:32:07] Zblader: wizels just spamming a bit for kicks.
[22:32:10] Zblader: apparently.
[22:32:13] DevilLoss: lol
[22:32:18] DevilLoss: daxxx how did do that?
[22:32:19] kitty45: NO DL ARE YOU THERE?
[22:32:23] DevilLoss: is it cause u global mod?
[22:32:27] Spiral0527: ok, what about hig's profile
[22:32:30] DevilLoss: ya its ur turn
[22:32:33] Daxx: I imagine it's because high score points to at least some experience.
[22:32:36] Zblader: [22:31:59] Theonlyrealbeef: Posts: 2055 (6.738 per day) Personal Text: ♥ Higurashi & PoisonKing 4 EVA ♥ <-- that
[22:32:39] DevilLoss: ♥ Higurashi & PoisonKing 4 EVA ♥
[22:32:53] kitty45: lol
[22:32:53] Daxx: I sent Higs an apology PM. I hope she gets the joke.
[22:32:55] Spiral0527: ♣
[22:32:56] kitty45: GG
[22:32:59] Zblader: *holds up video camera* willng3, comment?
[22:33:07] Nikulasu: Zblader.
[22:33:13] Nikulasu: Where is the "Slave market"?
[22:33:17] plastiqe: Daxx changed it? lol
[22:33:18] willng3: Uh...?
[22:33:27] Nikulasu: I read that's where noobies should start so I guess I should start there?
[22:33:29] kitty45: Can I change deck? yes or no? DL
[22:33:39] Zblader: the funny statement on higs profile will.
[22:33:42] ~Napalm: uoh oh
[22:33:43] Zblader: any comment?
[22:33:45] ji412jo: willng3: I think he's making out with someone right now. Quad: That was my brother
[22:33:58] Poisonking: so what do you guys think?
[22:33:59] DSSCRA: how?
[22:34:01] Theonlyrealbeef: *quickly goes check if own personal text hasn't been tinkered with*
[22:34:03] Kael Hate: Quote "Screw you, Daxx. ;>"
[22:34:04] willng3: I know. I don't know what you're expecting me to say.
[22:34:07] kitty45: no you did
[22:34:11] kitty45: YOU WON
[22:34:12] Zblader: Nikulasu, I will link you but please check around the forums next time.
[22:34:21] Daxx:
[22:34:43] Zblader: okay guys, I need to make a numour thread about this.
[22:34:50] Danade: Does Higu know?
[22:34:52] Zblader: keep screwing around with Hig's profile plz.
[22:34:52] willng3: What? Good lord stop assuming things >_>
[22:34:57] Zblader: yeah she is online.
[22:35:15] Theonlyrealbeef: Kael quoted the new personal text
[22:35:16] Poisonking: Daxx, you are hereby the greatest person in this room at the moment
[22:35:38] DevilLoss: lol higs
[22:35:43] kitty45: said YOU LOST on my side
[22:35:52] DevilLoss: ya i lost
[22:35:52] Zblader: just make sure to keep the persoanl text up so I can prtscrn it.
[22:35:55] Poisonking: @spiral plz dont say that to daxx, he is AWESOME
[22:35:58] jmdt: <---and home
[22:35:58] outfast: what can you do with a shart???
[22:36:14] Daxx: PK: he's quoting Higs' personal text.
[22:36:15] 3D House of Beef: lol
[[22:36:32] TStar: Hig's Personal Text: Screw you, Daxx. ;>
[22:36:35] ~Napalm: what happened to the bid tracker O_O
[22:36:38] kitty45: well we both lost lets say that
[22:36:45] outfast: what can you do with a shart?
[22:36:56] TStar: It's still there?
[22:37:01] ~Napalm: ish kaputt.
[22:37:07] Daxx: I imagine you'd clean the shart up afterwards? Maybe put on some new underwear.
[22:37:14] TStar: uh oh
[22:37:17] TStar: 1 sec
[22:37:22] DevilLoss: napalm dd u see what daxx did on higs profile
[22:37:24] DevilLoss: ♥ Higurashi & PoisonKing 4 EVA ♥
[22:37:34] Spiral0527: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
[22:37:41] Spiral0527: lots of hearts
[22:37:44] DevilLoss: im searching kitty
[22:37:47] Poisonking: my comp shut down, what happened?
[22:37:51] pikachufan2164: lol, Daxx
[22:37:58] DSSCRA: nothing
[22:37:59] Zblader: lol I can't wait to post the history too.
[22:38:08] kitty45: me 2
[22:38:09] 3D House of Beef: outfast sharted.
[22:38:12] 3D House of Beef: That is about it
[22:38:29] DevilLoss: DSSCRA congrats on bid
[22:38:29] wizelsnarf: wow how abusive daxx!
[22:38:32] wizelsnarf: haha
[22:38:34] DevilLoss: zeru bidded on u'
[22:38:38] Spiral0527: so where is the funny thing poisonking promised?
[22:38:39] Falcon4415: What happened to Higs? Just got here
[22:38:40] outfast: what is sharted?
[22:38:41] Danade: Anyone want a print screen of it if it's been changed?
[22:38:54] kitty45:
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,13519.0.html[22:38:56] outfast: i have a shart
[22:38:57] Danade: I kept it in a tab >.>
[22:39:04] kitty45: check out my skills
[22:39:10] Daxx: I have to say that is the only time I have ever used my mod powers for evil.
[22:39:20] Daxx: Well, maybe not.
[22:39:30] TStar: Trolling Higs isn't evil Daxx
[22:39:34] Daxx: But it's a rare occurrance.
[22:39:36] Poisonking: @Daxx Not evil
[22:39:51] Poisonking: @daxx but more for the powers of love
[22:39:57] wizelsnarf: evil is subjective.
[22:40:11] Jen-i: A hoi hoi!
[22:40:11] Falcon4415: @Daxx: what did you do?
[22:40:14] Zblader: yes danade.
[22:40:16] DevilLoss: KITTY
[22:40:17] DevilLoss: stop
[22:40:22] DevilLoss: being on caht when were playing
[22:40:24] DevilLoss: it desyncs
[22:40:25] DevilLoss: jesus
[22:40:27] kitty45: what?
[22:40:27] DSSCRA: yea its not evil if its for lulz
[22:40:28] Theonlyrealbeef: Hey Jen
[22:40:28] Jen-i: has wizel bid yet?
[22:40:30] Daxx: Danade: yes please.
[22:40:36] DevilLoss: ♥ Higurashi & PoisonKing 4 EVA ♥ <--- dax did that to higs signature
[22:40:39] DevilLoss:
[22:40:46] DSSCRA: @jen he bid 18 times
[22:40:49] Zblader: if you have the prntscrn rom when it was still Higs and Poisonking 4 eva please do that.
[22:40:52] Theonlyrealbeef: Jes Jen-i, just read the unread posts spam
[22:41:26] Theonlyrealbeef: Yes*
[22:41:30] jmdt: Daxx should give wizel a warning for spam
[22:41:33] jmdt: lol
[22:41:35] Falcon4415: lol, Daxx awesomeness just went from 1337 to >9000
[22:41:41] Thatnewguy: So timer left too?
[22:41:46] Thatnewguy: You serious?
[22:41:48] Danade:
[22:41:53] Danade: There's the code
Hope you enjoyed the GM's "gift of love", Higs.
And in unrelated news : OMG Wizelsnarf is spam posting on Warz!
Updates coming shortly.