Phase 3 - Community VoteIt
's ti
me to vote for your favorite Master candidate! Every community member has one vote. You can change your vote at any time as long as there is still time on the clock.
ed on who you th
ingk would make the best Master o
f that element. D
o not vote based on who is the best playe
r or who you know personally. Try to pick
e who you think woul
d help the community the most as THE representative for their element. If you do not have any preference for who s
hould be Master, or cannot decide between the candidates, please select the "None Worthy" option.
To help you mak
e the best decision possible, fee
l free to ask the candidates
pquestions. Both challengers and defending Masters ought to answer the questions in this thread (and in the
General questions thread) to
help the voters make the best possible choice. Please put all your answers in a single post (employing spoiler tags is recommended). Also, challengers should include in that post a link to your Phase 1 submission post.
Questions and answers may begin now that this topic is posted.Voting will begin when the polls are up at the official start of Phase 3.Phase 3 ends when poll expires.