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Re: Heir of the False Gods - Round 2 Schedule and Match Results Thread https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=56243.msg1163092#msg1163092
« Reply #12 on: October 30, 2014, 02:35:43 am »
G1 - Jezebel vs. Seism

G2a - Jezebel vs. Chaos Lord
De-sync both won with proof
G2b - Jezebel vs. Chaos Lord
19 TTL

G3 - Seism vs. Seism

G4 - Jezebel vs. Rainbow

G5 - Decay vs. Chaos Lord
14 TTL

Great games www!  I earned 2 points for Jezebel win and 1 point for Seism win for +3 total points.  ALMOST had the 0-2 comeback but couldn't quite overcome the game 5 mismatch.

(note to www3 on speed of my post:  I type this and edit as I'm playing the match!)
« Last Edit: October 30, 2014, 02:38:50 am by rob77dp »
Death War #12/TBD TTG Brawl #6/1st Death War #10/9th GP Brawl #5/6th Death War #9/9th MoL Brawl #4/3rd Water War #8/7th DDD Brawl #3/3rd*Death War #7/5th*Death War #6/11th

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  • Awards: Slice of Elements 15th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 12th Birthday CakeWeekly Tournament Winner (2021.01.03.)Weekly Tournament Winner (2020.11.22.)14th Trials - Master of AirWeekly Tournament Winner (2020.06.28.)Weekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament Winner (2020.05.03.)Elements League 3/2019 2nd PlaceSlice of Elements 10th Birthday CakeElements League 3/2018 1st PlaceWinner of Team PvP #812th Trials - Master of AetherElements: Academy WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerElements League 2/2017 3rd PlaceWinner of Draft #4 - PvP Event11th Trials - Master of FireBattle League 1/2017 1st PlaceWeekly Tournament WinnerBattle League and Championship League 3/2016 1st PlaceChampionship League 2/2016 1st Place10th Trials - Master of GravityChampionship League 1/2016 2nd PlaceWeekly Tournament WinnerChampionship League 3/2015 3rd PlaceWeekly Tournament WinnerChampionship League 1/2015 1st PlaceWar #8 Winner - Team FireBattle League 2/2014 2nd Place
Re: Heir of the False Gods - Round 2 Schedule and Match Results Thread https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=56243.msg1163093#msg1163093
« Reply #13 on: October 30, 2014, 02:48:18 am »
Game 1: Seism vs Jezebal Win
Game 2: Chaos lord vs Jezebal Win
Game 3: Seism vs Seism Loss
Game 4: Rainbow vs Jezebal Loss
Game 5: Chaos lord vs DecayWin

www3 3-2 rob77dp

Great games rob! All were very close, especially the last.
2  for seism win, 2 for chaos lord win and 1 for another chaos lord win, so 5 for that and +2 for winning the match, so 7 points.
First player to become master of 3 different elements.
WC 2016 - #2. WC 2015 - #3 Devil's gate, Trinity, War #10, 12 lives - #2.
Avvy by rob77dp
Rightful winner of war #14 - Team Air

Offline treebeard xiii

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Re: Heir of the False Gods - Round 2 Schedule and Match Results Thread https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=56243.msg1163606#msg1163606
« Reply #14 on: November 01, 2014, 02:16:13 pm »
treebeard xiii 3 - 2 Fippe94

Game #tree's FGFippe's FGWinnerStandingPoints
Game 1NeptuneDecayFippe0-10
Game 2scorpioOsiristree1-11 win + 1 unique god + 0 previous sum = 2
Game 3AkebonoOsiristree2-11 unique god + 1 win + 2 previous sum = 4 current total
Game 4Divine GlorySerketFippe2-24 current total
Game 5JezebelRainbowtree3-21 unique god + 1 win +4 previous sum = 6 current total
Summary5 gods4 godstreebeard xiii3-22 game win + 6 previous sum = 8 final total

ggs Fippe and onto the next round.
love makin my decks unusual if able. Chaos and luck are widely regarded as different i beg to differ just refer to :entropy but for those in the know also refer to :time and :death.

The nymphs of tree

Offline Fippe94

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Re: Heir of the False Gods - Round 2 Schedule and Match Results Thread https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=56243.msg1163608#msg1163608
« Reply #15 on: November 01, 2014, 02:29:34 pm »
Fippe94 2-3 treebeard xiii

Decay vs Neptune: Win, 2pts
Osiris vs Scorpio: Loss
Osiris vs Akebono: Loss
Serket vs Divine Glory: Win, 2pts
Rainbow vs Jezebel: Loss

Sum: 4 pts
Try Fragments, my card game!

cvengrcnq qbg arg fynfu frperg cnffjbeq

Offline mrpaper

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Re: Heir of the False Gods - Round 2 Schedule and Match Results Thread https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=56243.msg1163659#msg1163659
« Reply #16 on: November 01, 2014, 08:47:22 pm »
mrpaper 3
got 8 points (all new gods wins)

g1 loiss  using dark matter vs hecate
g2 win using fire queen vs decay
g3 win using eternal phoenix vs eternal phoenix
g4 loss using graviton vs seism
g5 won using dark matter vs neptune

Offline ddevans96

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Re: Heir of the False Gods - Round 2 Schedule and Match Results Thread https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=56243.msg1163852#msg1163852
« Reply #17 on: November 02, 2014, 05:07:43 pm »
ddevans96 2-3 Submachine

1   Eternal Phoenix vs Hermes (WIN, 2)
2   Neptune vs Rainbow (LOSS)
3   Octane vs Octane (WIN, +2=4)
4   Osiris vs Divine Glory (LOSS)
5   Hermes vs Obliterator (LOSS)

Total=4 points
« Last Edit: November 02, 2014, 05:11:29 pm by ddevans96 »
discord / twitter: palafrost - 2x master of water - false god enthusiast
twitch: palafrost - speedrunner, ex-celeste, currently hades
avatar: makoto [persona 5] by asukabaka

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  • Who needs a Sub?
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Re: Heir of the False Gods - Round 2 Schedule and Match Results Thread https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=56243.msg1163855#msg1163855
« Reply #18 on: November 02, 2014, 05:16:57 pm »
Submachine (3) - ddevans96 (2)

Spoiler for scoring:
1 point per game win
2 points per match win
1 point per unique god win

Game #My God vs DD's GodWinnerStandingPointsShort description
Game 1Hermes vs Eternal PhoenixDD0-10 ptsI struggled to get the right quanta in my duo while I got rushed over
Game 2Rainbow vs Neptuneme1-10+2=2 ptsI got the "theme" of my deck going early
Game 3Octane vs OctaneDD1-2=2 ptsHe played very well in this mirror match
Game 4Divine Glory vs Osirisme2-22+2=4 ptsSoft counter here, but decent draws on both side
Game 5Obliterator vs Hermesme3-24+2+2=8 ptsToo close for comfort, as Afda would say :)

Total points = 8

First win of FGs indicated by limegreen.
Following wins of FGs are indicated by orange.
Losses indicated by red.
And we keep driving into the night
It's a late goodbye, such a late goodbye...

~ Platinum Quest ~

Offline Kuroaitou

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Re: Heir of the False Gods - Round 2 Schedule and Match Results Thread https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=56243.msg1163895#msg1163895
« Reply #19 on: November 02, 2014, 08:59:58 pm »
Kuroaitou 3 - 1 DANIEELA

1   Eternal Phoenix vs Ferox (WIN) (UNIQUE) +2 (=2)
2   Divine Glory vs Eternal Phoenix (WIN) (UNIQUE) +2 (=4)
3   Neptune vs Graviton (LOSS)
4   Seism vs Neptune (WIN) (UNIQUE) (MATCH) +2 +2 (=8)

Total = 8 points

Good games DANI ^^;


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Re: Heir of the False Gods - Round 2 Schedule and Match Results Thread https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=56243.msg1163898#msg1163898
« Reply #20 on: November 02, 2014, 09:07:33 pm »
DANIEELA 1-3 Kuroaitou

1 Ferox vs Eternal Phoenix          (LOSS)
2 Eternal Phoenix vs Divine Glory (LOSS)
3 Graviton vs Neptune                  (WIN) (UNIQUE) 1+1=2
4 Neptune vs Seism                      (LOSS)

Total = 2 points

Good Games.
 :time team FTW!!! :-*
WAR:earth#7:time#8,#9,#10:death gen#11:fire#12
Tourneys 12X13,25I14,10I,20VI15,15VI,23VII16,10VI17,8XII18
Well,I'd like to help,but not as much as I'd like not to.

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Re: Heir of the False Gods - Round 2 Schedule and Match Results Thread https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=56243.msg1165168#msg1165168
« Reply #21 on: November 08, 2014, 11:11:59 pm »
When will the next round start ?
Roses aren't red, Violets aren't blue.
They are just a simulation, and so are you!

Offline dawn to dusk

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  • dawn to dusk brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.dawn to dusk brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.dawn to dusk brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.dawn to dusk brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.dawn to dusk brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.dawn to dusk brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.dawn to dusk brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.dawn to dusk brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.dawn to dusk brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.dawn to dusk brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.
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Re: Heir of the False Gods - Round 2 Schedule and Match Results Thread https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=56243.msg1165186#msg1165186
« Reply #22 on: November 08, 2014, 11:31:36 pm »
When will the next round start ?
its my fault, i havent done deckbuilding and i conceded to hain cos of RL issues and other various stuff. 0 points for me, no way i can win this, ggs all i forfeit im a terrible life master i realised and my activity is dropping quite dramatically, ill try to stay for war though

again, its entirely my fault, i formally exit this event and i apologise deeply for everything my absence has caused

i assume the new round will be up once tes officially announces my quitting

it was a great event, really fun deckbuilding and my actions may have caused it to be a problem to host so i am incredibly sorry tes :'( but i really do think it was a great event to deckbuild for and even though i havent gotten around to playing any matches at all for this event (i forfeited R1 membah?) i still enjoyed the building side of it.

that being said, i am curious as to how my decks would have gone
« Last Edit: November 08, 2014, 11:34:22 pm by dawn to dusk »

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  • sose is all i need and all i give
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Re: Heir of the False Gods - Round 2 Schedule and Match Results Thread https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=56243.msg1165239#msg1165239
« Reply #23 on: November 09, 2014, 02:01:26 am »
When will the next round start ?
its my fault, i havent done deckbuilding and i conceded to hain cos of RL issues and other various stuff. 0 points for me, no way i can win this, ggs all i forfeit im a terrible life master i realised and my activity is dropping quite dramatically, ill try to stay for war though

again, its entirely my fault, i formally exit this event and i apologise deeply for everything my absence has caused

i assume the new round will be up once tes officially announces my quitting

it was a great event, really fun deckbuilding and my actions may have caused it to be a problem to host so i am incredibly sorry tes :'( but i really do think it was a great event to deckbuild for and even though i havent gotten around to playing any matches at all for this event (i forfeited R1 membah?) i still enjoyed the building side of it.

that being said, i am curious as to how my decks would have gone

I can accept deck offerings if you really want a measure of potential :P
love makin my decks unusual if able. Chaos and luck are widely regarded as different i beg to differ just refer to :entropy but for those in the know also refer to :time and :death.

The nymphs of tree

