Game 1 - Decay (loss) vs Jezebel
8 turns, won coin toss
0-1, 0 pts (0 total)
Game 2 - Decay (WIN) vs Octane
13 turns, won coin toss
1-1, 1+1+0=2 pts (2 total)
Game 3 - Seism (WIN) vs Eternal Phoenix
11 turns, won coin toss (AGAIN!)
2-1, 1+1+0=2 pts (4 total)
Game 4 - Jezebel (loss) vs Decay
9 turns, lost coin toss (it was about time)
2-2, 0 pts (4 total)
Game 5 - Seism (WIN) vs Eternal Phoenix
[desync but clear advantage was there and I won the play-out with screenshot - Regy accepted the result, thanks for sportsmanship!!]
12 turns, lost coin toss
3-2, 1+0+2=3 pts (7 total)
Grand Total: 7 points
{Yes, you see it right - both losses were flipped halves of the same deck matchup. >.<}
This post is not complete without: gg's Regy - thanks for playing and the good sportsmanship... got to leave for now!