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HPPvP Spells https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=32291.msg408010#msg408010
« on: October 11, 2011, 12:39:07 pm »
SpellsEffectHouse Cost
Aguamenti(3)Target must use a mark of Water today. (Friendly Fire Possible)10 Points
Anapneo(3)Target must use a mark of Air today. (Friendly Fire Possible)10 Points
Avada Kedavra(1)Instantly kill your opponent. You do not gain any points since no duel took place. (Friendly Fire IS NOT Possible)25 Points
Avis(2)Target of the spell must include up to 5 Airbourne creatures. Indicate number of creatures after you use it. If used on yourself or someone from your house, they must use up to 4 upgraded Airbourne creatures. If this would place the opponent's deck above 60 cards, they must choose to remove enough cards to make the deck legal. (Friendly Fire Possible)15 Points
Confringo(2)All copies of the target non-pillar/pendulum card must be removed from the target's deck. If this would place the target's deck below thirty cards, they are required to replace them with pillars or pendulums. (Friendly Fire Possible)10 Points
Confundus(6)Target must use a mark not from their house for 2 matches of the duel. (Friendly Fire Possible)5 Points
Crucio(1)Your opponent must use the mark of your choosing and 6 cards of your choosing from the same element as the mark. The 6 cards do not have to be the same card. You may not choose pillars/pendulums. (Friendly Fire IS NOT Possible)20 Points
Deletrius(2)The House of the target must remove one of their unused Spells for the day. Unused spells are those that have been handed out but not yet used against another player. (Friendly Fire Possible)10 Points
Engorgio(3)Target must use an extra 15 cards from their House Elements in their deck. If this would cause a player's deck to exceed sixty cards, they must remove ten cards and replace them with pillars or pendulums. (Friendly Fire Possible)10 Points
Expelliarmus(2)Used to stop an opponent from using a spell on you. This Spell cannot be used, instead, when given to you it acts as a barrier to prevent any Spell that will be used on your for that day. This spell will trigger if you are the target of Friendly Fire.15 Points
Imperio(1)Target must use his or her most expensive spell on another member of their House instead of their intended target. If the target does not have any spells, the caster may then change up to 15 non-pillar/pend cards in their deck to any other non-pillar/pend card from the target's House Elements.25 Points
Legilimens(1)Your opponent must show them their entire deck. (Friendly Fire IS NOT Possible)5 Points
Lumos(4)Target must add 6 Photons to their deck. If this would cause the target's deck to exceed sixty cards, they must replace enough cards with Photons so that they have a total of 6 in their deck. (Friendly Fire Possible)5 Points
Obliviate(2)The target of this Spell does not remember winning or losing a duel and does not gain or lose points. The caster of this spell still gains or loses points. (Friendly Fire Possible)5 Points
Protego(1)If a Spell is used on you, your opponent suffers the effects from it instead of you. This Spell cannot be used, instead acts as a barrier when a Prefect gives it to you. This Spell will trigger if you are the target of Friendly Fire.15 Points
Sectumsempra(2)All weapons the target has in their deck are now upgraded. If no weapons are able to be upgraded or they do not possess weapons, they must add 3 Short Swords or Long Swords if available to their deck. If this would make the target's deck exceed sixty cards, they must replace enough cards with Short Swords or ong Swords so there are 3 in the deck.(Friendly Fire Possible)5 Points
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Re: HPPvP Spells https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=32291.msg439555#msg439555
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2011, 11:08:44 am »
This means we can use this spell 3 times in the entire event? Three times a day?

Offline KamietsuTopic starter

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Re: HPPvP Spells https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=32291.msg439586#msg439586
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2011, 01:55:28 pm »
Three times a day unless it was used a previous day. All spells take a single full day to recharge.

So if a prefect assigns 2 Aguamenti spells to 2 students, and only one uses the spell, there will be 2 Aguamenti spells available the next day.

Spells are only in the recharge phase if they have been used. Used only counts as being actually casted, not simply assigned.
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Re: HPPvP Spells https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=32291.msg440242#msg440242
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2011, 03:25:00 am »
How does the timing of spells work?

For example say I want to cast Anapneo on myself and my opponent wants to cast Aquamenti on me - which one takes effect? I can't very well have two marks in play.

Are there timing restrictions on when spells can be cast? Do they have to all be cast before any duels are fought? Before you're duel is fought? Before the duel the spell will effect is fought? Does a person have to be online to use their spell?

For example:
Person A has a protective spell with two potential targets, B & C. At what point do they need to declare their target?

Thanks kami - I is confused
Lux Kyrie

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Re: HPPvP Spells https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=32291.msg440263#msg440263
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2011, 05:04:00 am »
How does the timing of spells work?

For example say I want to cast Anapneo on myself and my opponent wants to cast Aquamenti on me - which one takes effect? I can't very well have two marks in play.

Are there timing restrictions on when spells can be cast? Do they have to all be cast before any duels are fought? Before you're duel is fought? Before the duel the spell will effect is fought? Does a person have to be online to use their spell?

For example:
Person A has a protective spell with two potential targets, B & C. At what point do they need to declare their target?

Thanks kami - I is confused
Spells happen in the order in which they appear chronologically. If you use your spell before your opponent, your spell happens first.

You can't have two marks, obviously. Your opponent's spell will overwrite yours if it can, such as in the case of marks. But both spells took affect. Your spell turned your mark first, then your opponent changed your mark when they cast their spell.

You have to use a spell against your opponent before you duel them. But that restriction is only for offensive spells that change the deck. You can kill your opponent if you have that spell after your duel if you wanted to, but you cannot use a mark changing spell on them after you've dueled them. This rule also goes for deck changing spells for anyone. You may use a spell against anyone else at anytime except if that person is in a duel, or you are currently in a duel.

Defensive spells are automatic. Once an offensive spell has been cast on you, your defensive spell will activate.
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Re: HPPvP Spells https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=32291.msg440398#msg440398
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2011, 05:58:19 pm »
Target must use his or her most expensive spell on another member of their House instead of their intended target. If the target does not have any spells, the caster may then change up to 15 non-pillar/pend cards in their deck to any other non-pillar/pend card from the target's House Elements.

I think the first sentence is implying that you can target a Prefect before the hand out their spells - I don't see any other way of acquiring more than one spell. This would then imply that the next sentence refers to Students or Heads of House that have not yet chosen a spell. Or can you intentionally choose not to give a student a spell (and if you can choose that why on earth would you do so?) - or does it mean that once a player has used their spell Imperio will when change their deck - instead of forcing them to retarget their spell?

Or have I misunderstood the whole thing - can Imperio force a player to change the target of their spell once it has already been used?

Target must use an extra 15 cards in their deck. If this would cause a player's deck to exceed sixty cards, they must remove ten cards and replace them with pillars or pendulums. (Friendly Fire Possible)

The spell doesn't specify whether or not the added cards must comply with your house elements or not - can you please clarify?
Lux Kyrie

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Re: HPPvP Spells https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=32291.msg440501#msg440501
« Reply #6 on: December 19, 2011, 11:06:36 pm »
About Expelliarmus, Protego & Sectumsempra : do we get the +10 points bonus if those spells are used on a member of our team and he wins the match?
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Offline KamietsuTopic starter

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Re: HPPvP Spells https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=32291.msg440616#msg440616
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2011, 02:51:55 am »
Target must use his or her most expensive spell on another member of their House instead of their intended target. If the target does not have any spells, the caster may then change up to 15 non-pillar/pend cards in their deck to any other non-pillar/pend card from the target's House Elements.

I think the first sentence is implying that you can target a Prefect before the hand out their spells - I don't see any other way of acquiring more than one spell. This would then imply that the next sentence refers to Students or Heads of House that have not yet chosen a spell. Or can you intentionally choose not to give a student a spell (and if you can choose that why on earth would you do so?) - or does it mean that once a player has used their spell Imperio will when change their deck - instead of forcing them to retarget their spell?

Or have I misunderstood the whole thing - can Imperio force a player to change the target of their spell once it has already been used?

Target must use an extra 15 cards in their deck. If this would cause a player's deck to exceed sixty cards, they must remove ten cards and replace them with pillars or pendulums. (Friendly Fire Possible)

The spell doesn't specify whether or not the added cards must comply with your house elements or not - can you please clarify?

About Imperio: I only say 'most expensive spell" in the event a student is given more than one spell. And yes, Prefects can choose to not hand out any spells to a student, or choose not to keep any for themself. If a person uses a spell, then you use Imperio on them, that person no long has any spells so it will change their deck. Only the few protective spells(Expelliarmus, Protego, etc.) can interrupt a spell.

Engorgio: Yes, it has to be from their element. Sorry I forgot to include that. Thanks for picking up on that.

About Expelliarmus, Protego & Sectumsempra : do we get the +10 points bonus if those spells are used on a member of our team and he wins the match?
The first two spells will not give the +10 since they are protective spells. They don't diferentiate between friendly spells and enemy spells.
Sectumsempra can be used against your opponent(forgt to include friendly fire part) and will yield the +10 bonus.
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Re: HPPvP Spells https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=32291.msg440630#msg440630
« Reply #8 on: December 20, 2011, 03:28:45 am »
Spell Interactions - Case #1
What happens if you use a deck altering spell - but the opponent's deck already meets the altered requirements?
      Specifically Avis & Crucio - Lumos might be a possibility as well, although I'm not sure how yet.

Spell Interactions - Case #2
What happens if I cast Deletrius on Player A from Team #1 and the only spell they have left unactivated is Protego or Expellliarmus?
a) What the protective spell is on Player A?
b) What happens if the protective spell is on another player on Team #1?

Spell Recharge:
I assume when you say that a spell takes day to recharge that means that if you use a spell on day #1, then the same spell is not available again until day #3. Or have I misunderstood something?

House Ghost:
I know this is the spell thread - but along the same lines as the question above - if a player dies on day #2, what day exactly do they return from being a house ghost? It seems like consistency would say day #3, but I think the rules (while using similar wording) actually mean day #2.

I've got some questions concerning the effects of this spell - really they all boil down to one simple question does the player casting imperio make the choices (including targetting) for their target, or does the target get to make any relevant choices with their spell - and what is the interaction between Imperio and Protego or Expeliarmus?

Thanks for providing clarity so quickly Kami - it sure helps me get unconfused.

Lux Kyrie

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Re: HPPvP Spells https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=32291.msg440641#msg440641
« Reply #9 on: December 20, 2011, 04:10:51 am »
Spell Interactions - Case #1
What happens if you use a deck altering spell - but the opponent's deck already meets the altered requirements?
      Specifically Avis & Crucio - Lumos might be a possibility as well, although I'm not sure how yet.

Spell Interactions - Case #2
What happens if I cast Deletrius on Player A from Team #1 and the only spell they have left unactivated is Protego or Expellliarmus?
a) What the protective spell is on Player A?
b) What happens if the protective spell is on another player on Team #1?

Spell Recharge:
I assume when you say that a spell takes day to recharge that means that if you use a spell on day #1, then the same spell is not available again until day #3. Or have I misunderstood something?

House Ghost:
I know this is the spell thread - but along the same lines as the question above - if a player dies on day #2, what day exactly do they return from being a house ghost? It seems like consistency would say day #3, but I think the rules (while using similar wording) actually mean day #2.

I've got some questions concerning the effects of this spell - really they all boil down to one simple question does the player casting imperio make the choices (including targetting) for their target, or does the target get to make any relevant choices with their spell - and what is the interaction between Imperio and Protego or Expeliarmus?

Thanks for providing clarity so quickly Kami - it sure helps me get unconfused.

1: Deck Changing spells add additional cards. If they have 6 airbourne creatures, they will have to add more to their deck, replacing other cards. But in cases like Crucio where the cards you added, they had 6 copies of a card you forced them to include, then it's a downside to the spell. The spell will just be wasted slightly if such a thing happens. I would encourge people who use the Crucio spell to now pick too many copies of the same card to make sure something like that doesn't happen.

2: You cannot cast Deletrius on a specific person. Only on a House. The House will then be forced to remove one of their spells of their own choice. If they choose to remove a Protective spell, the Protective spell will not trigger.

Spell Recharge: Yes, you understood correctly.

House Ghost: I'm glad you brought this up. I worded it badly. If you die before your duel, you are just dead for the day you died on. You will be alive the next day(If you die before your duel on day 2, you will be abl to duel on day 3.) However, if you die after your duel, you will not duel against until after you've skipped a duel. (If you are killed after your duel on day 2, you skip day 3 duels, and can duel again on day 4.)

Imperio: The target of Imperio makes the choice of who to cast their most expensive spell on, and all choices associated with the spell. Imperio used on someone with Expeliarmus, the Imperio spell will be canceled. Imperio used on someone with Protego, will have Imperio backfire onto you. Then you will suffer the affects of Imperio and be foreced to use their strongest spell(if they have any) on a member of their own house. Or else they will have to change their deck in accordance to the spell. Your opponent you used the spell on will be able to change 15 cards in your deck.
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Re: HPPvP Spells https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=32291.msg447385#msg447385
« Reply #10 on: January 09, 2012, 09:26:40 pm »
For spells such as Confringo and Crucio which add or remove cards/change the opponent's mark, how should these be recorded when casting the spell?

Also, for Crucio:  Is it possible to give your opponent upgraded cards?
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Re: HPPvP Spells https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=32291.msg447516#msg447516
« Reply #11 on: January 10, 2012, 06:29:00 am »
For spells such as Confringo and Crucio which add or remove cards/change the opponent's mark, how should these be recorded when casting the spell?

Also, for Crucio:  Is it possible to give your opponent upgraded cards?
It would be best to just list the cards when you cast the spell.

No, you cannot give your oponent upgraded cards.
╔╦╦═╦══╦╗  ( ̄ー ̄) --Snorlax says:
║═╣╬║║║║║    Eat your shower, brush your toothpaste, take your teeth.

