One of the best if not the best match I've ever played, tight every game until the last card. Epic games Playeroa, I enjoyed it and i'm still sweaty and stressed by those games!
game 1: I got a turn 2 trident on, but I had to wait till turn 5 to get earth quanta so he managed to built some quanta by then, hopefully I had a gnome rider to get a 2nd earth quanta source and he had to use his water quanta to congeal my squid instead of him. Near the end, he had no water quanta left except for his mark so I thought I was in for the win until he started to chain sundials.. but he ran out of em with 2 cards left so I won.
game 2: Had no water pillar at first which end up being really costy in the end. It took me until turn 4 to put the poseidon on and turn 5 to start using it, by then he build some nice quanta bank especially time. I went to draw his life little by little anyway with him congealing every creature once they hitted once and me using poseidon to slowly take him down. With 3 turns left he put his eternity on and had exactly 3 time quanta left giving him a 31th card to outdeck me. I could still won on last turn, all I needed was the dusk shield to fail on my mummy and rider or poseidon (he had 6 hp left) well that didn't happen so I lost. By the way, no way he could have won this if he upped something else then squids, the fact he had a break of 4 turn per creature allowed him to still have quanta left in this game, and would have made other games faster for me!
game 3: Had no water on turn 1 again but I got it on turn 2 so I got ok to start using it pretty fast. His dusk shield never showed during that game because he never got enough quanta to put it on which helped me a lot because he had water quanta like crazy at first so I had problems slowing him down. Still, he never got the chance to build time quanta ( I wouldn't allow that knowing he need it for the eternity win!). I still had problems to hurt him a lot anyway (he played his purify early now, knowing I didn't use poison). He would have lost by deck out, but when I had 2 cards left, I drew a shrieker while he had 8 life left giving me the needed win!
Thanks agian for a great moment playeroa!
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52g 52g 52g 52t 52t 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58s 58u 58u 591 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5ib 5ib 711 77h 77h 7gs 7gs 7gs 7gs 8pp