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Decided to go back to the old BH firestall this round, and it (barely) paid off.
Game 1: Pretty good start for Cal, not so good for me, but I did have an early Fahrenheit. He played a ton of dragons and was rapidly beating me to death. At one point I could have taken him down to 1 HP with 4 bolts, but he would have killed me, so I bolted his dragons instead. I was at 7 HP for two turns, and he somehow didn't draw any creatures, so I won by a whisker.
Game 2: Tons of


quanta for me, but almost no

, no Fahrenheit, and BHs that I couldn't play. I lost by 26 HP after drawing Fahr mid-late game.
Game 3: Great draw for me (3 Gravy pends, 1 Fire pillar, Fahr, 2 BH) and terrible draw for Cal, it wasn't even close. A bit anticlimactic after the excitement of game 1, but ah well.
Good games calindu.
EDIT: Dm said I have to say this so: I'm a member of the Order of the
